Plan Details (2019 - 2019)

: 2019 - 2019
: Archived
: It is crutial to evaluate the institutional efforts made to achieve the current SN to strength the Office efforts to increase the level of results-based management of the team. The new UNDAF framework and the recomposition of political forces due the new government in 2020 will be taking into consideration. Due to resource constraints, the CO investments in 2019 will be devoted to the Strategic Note 2014-2019 Final Evaluation (Country Portfolio Evaluation). The findings and recommendations will be used for the design of the new Strategic Note 2020-2024, a document that is going to ensure alignment with the corporate Strategic Plan.
: MERP - AWP 2019 Guatemala.docx


Title Type Impact Area Region / Countries Joint Evaluation (Yes/No) Planned End Date (mm/yyyy) Status Management Response Quality Rating
Country Porfolio Evaluation
Final Evaluation-Country-level Evaluation
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 1
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 2
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 3
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 4
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 5
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 6
Completed Very Good