Management Response

: Zimbabwe
: 2016 - 2020 , Zimbabwe (CO)
: Final Evaluation Zimbabwe Gender Peace and Security Programme
: Zimbabwe

UN Women Zimbabwe Country Office has appreciated the relevance, timeliness and usefulness of the Gender Peace and Security (GPS) final evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations. The evaluation is expected to inform the development of future programmes as this can be reflected from the accepted recommendations. The CO has identified key actions to be taken based on the recommendations which will be monitored for compliance.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN Women has strategically positioned itself to influence the development and implementation of a NAP on UNSCR1325. Several consultative processes and initiatives have been undertaken, and entry points found, to influence the development of the NAP. It is recommended that from 2019 going forward efforts should be put towards the development of the NAP with the relevant stakeholders.
Management Response: The CO will continue to use new entry points such as the NPRC to develop a National Action Plan or strategy that positions Women’s leadership in Peace building and national cohesion. The 20th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 presents an opportunity to review progress in terms of implementation of the 1325. It must be noted that Zimbabwe has been utilizing the principles of UNSCR1325 in the absence of a NAP.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Support NPRC to convene key stakeholders to build consensus and strategize on the way forward on the inclusion of women in Peace Building UN Women, NPRC 2020/02 Completed The Government of Zimbabwe signed and adopted the Women, Peace, and Security National Action Plan (WPS NAP) in 2023. The NAP was developed by the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises development with support from UN Women. The process of developing a NAP started in 2020 and if implemented, the NAP will ensure inclusion of women in peace building processes. Further, The CO also supported the Ministry of Youth to develop and validate the Youth, Peace, and Security National Action Plan (YPS NAP) to ensure participation of youth in peace building processes.
Develop National Action Plan or Strategy for implementation of NPRC act section 9 (gender mainstreaming mandate) to include actions in line with UNSCR 1325. UN Women, NPRC 2020/06 Completed An NPRC Gender policy was developed for the NPRC for the implementation of the NPRC act section 9.
Develop a country report (2016-2020) assessing progress on implementation of UNSCR1325 UN Women, NPRC, MWACSMED 2020/08 Completed A country report (2016-2020) assessing progress on implementation of UNSCR1325 was developed and UNSCR 1325 NAP was developed and adopted by the government.
Recommendation: Considering the extensive work that UN Women has put in mainstreaming gender in curricula in academic institutions’ degree courses and modules, there is need for UN Women to play a continuing facilitative role to consolidate results and support the academic institutions to strengthen current delivery and implementation of the modules. The evaluation recommends continuation of the work to harmonise the curricula developed in the various institutions thus far. This work has potential to sustain itself and UN Women. Recommended to continue to monitor its progress.
Management Response: The work with academia was significant and UN Women will make efforts to continue working in collaboration with academia, including conducting periodic review of progress.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Conduct an informal survey to assess progress in implementation of the modules UN Women, Academic Institutions 2020/12 Ongoing The activity was not done and is planned for 2024
Continuously monitor academic institutions and capture the number of students who have benefited from the courses and modules UN Women, Academic Institution 2021/12 No Longer Applicable The activity was disturbed by the COVID 19 pandemic as lecturers and students were not attending lectures normally. In this regard, the CO will pick up the work in 2024.
Recognize lecturers and students with shown commitment to gender issues e.g. research, publications, extra curriculum activities UN Women, Academic Institutions 2019/12 No Longer Applicable This was not done as lecturers and students were not attending lectures normally due to COVID 19 and lack of resources.
Develop a strategy for inclusion of positive masculinities in curricula UN Women, Academic Institutions 2020/12 No Longer Applicable The activity was not done due to lack of resources.
Recommendation: UN Women needs to build internal capacity to continuously map conflict hotspots as well as analyse and provide policy advice on the nexus between peace, economics and security.
Management Response: UN Women through Peace Building Fund (PBF) Programme is providing policy advise on the nexus between peace, economics and security. Mapping of hotspots in any country is a complex and sensitive process and the UN has been seized with this exercise since 2017. UN Women will leverage on the capacities of other agencies that also contribute in this area.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Support staff where possible to attend capacity building trainings on peace and security Management, Programme Specialist 2021/12 Completed The CO participated in the Women, peace and security community of practice webinar and learn on best practices in the period of COVID 19. The Governance team is strengthening their capacity through online learning.
Collaborate with other UN agencies and CSOs in undertaking regular context analysis on the impact of economic policies. UN Women, IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, CSOs 2021/12 Completed UN Women collaborated with UN Agencies that participates in Gender Results Group and Civil Society Organisations to provide weekly situation updates on the impact of COVID 19. The CO worked together with other UN agencies in updating the National Development Plan Sector Notes.
Identify conflict hotspots especially towards elections in collaboration with other UN Agencies, Chapter 12 Institutions and CSOs UN Women, UN Agencies, Chapter 12 Institutions and CSOs 2021/12 Completed The CO revitalised the Gender Observatory for the 2023 elections. UN Women enhanced the knowledge and skills of the Gender Observatory Election Observers through a capacity building initiative. Seventy-four (74) election observers were capacitated with skills and knowledge on observing elections from a gender perspective. The Gender Observatory is a co-ordination mechanism for monitoring the gender responsiveness of the electoral processes. The Gender Observatory members were drawn from the following organisations; Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Community and SME’s, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, Ministry of Defence and War Veterans, Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Service, Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Zimbabwe Republic Police – VFU, Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, National Peace and Reconciliation Commission, Zimbabwe Media Commission, Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe, Women and Law Southern Africa, Women in Politics Support, Unit Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association, Musasa, UN Women, UNDP. To ensure inclusiveness of the GO, it also includes the organisation for persons with disabilities (OPD) Deaf Zimbabwe Trust.
Recommendation: UN Women has been using the same implementation strategy for all the communities under the GPS Programme. This to some extent has not yielded expected results. Therefore, it is recommended that a district specific needs assessment and local context mapping is performed so that resources are allocated, and programme is tailored accordingly. For example, where there is an absence of a vibrant women’s movement, where patriarchy has a strong hold and women are deeply marginalised, more resources are required to achieve expected results.
Management Response: UNW takes note of this recommendation for future project planning and will engage local organisations to conduct specific needs assessment and provide context analysis in order to channel funding appropriately.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The future programme will negotiate engaging local organisations to conduct specific needs assessment and provide context analysis UN Women 2021/12 Completed The ALWN programme is continuously engaging steering committee members, Civil Society Organisations and Community Based Organisations to provide context analysis in the communities they are working on in relation to COVID 19. The AWLN Zimbabwe discussed key issues together with the office of the AU Special Envoy on Youth and will tentatively share their consolidated identified needs and recommendations at an upcoming meeting with two South African Special Envoys
Recommendation: There is need for UN Women to formally register all trained women election observers with ZESN and secure a standing arrangement that all WPC trained cadres will be afforded an opportunity to participate in future by- and national elections. Outside formal support, it may be difficult for those who did not participate in 2018 to be part of the system.
Management Response: The process of election observation is approved by election management body and requires resources and therefore while it is a critical to have women registered with ZESN, it is not a guarantee. However, UN Women will engage ZESN and request the inclusion of the trained women in their database and where funding permitting that they also consider the participation of these women as part of their observation teams.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ZESN to facilitate formal registration of all trained women election observers to participate in future elections. UN Women, ZESN 2020/12 No Longer Applicable
Recommendation: The GPS Programme is very relevant to the Zimbabwe context. There is good opportunity to build on the current success of the GPS Programme. UN Women should consider sharing information on results achieved by this programme. There needs to be further documentation, research and policy-oriented dialogue as a basis to bring this programme to the next level. At this level it is important to consider high-level forums and in-person meetings with government, economic bodies and security sector actors.
Management Response:
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Disseminate evaluation report to key stakeholders online (GATE System) UN Women 2020/12 Completed The evaluation report was shared online in GATE system and via emails to the key stakeholders. A virtual dissemination meeting was conducted by UN Women with the stakeholders. Follow ups meetings were conducted with some stakeholders to find ways of collaboration.
Share summary of report with CSOs working in the area of peace and security UN Women 2020/12 Completed The report was shared with key stakeholders that include Civil Society Organisations working on Peace and Security via emails and follow ups meeting were convened to find ways of collaborations.
Convene a dissemination meeting or evaluation feedback meeting with the Women Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCOZ) peace cluster to share the evaluation findings UN Women, WCOZ 2020/12 Completed A virtual dissemination meeting was conducted with the Women Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCOZ) peace cluster and the evaluation report was shared. .
Recommendation: The evaluation concluded that the GPS Programme did not fully succeed in alleviating a series of challenges: political instability; the polarization of society along political lines; high incidence of violence; rapid increases in poverty; weak public service delivery; and declines in the productive sectors. Moving forward, it is recommended that future GPS programming should increase initiatives and interventions that create absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities of at-risk communities; and developing better funded crises modifier mechanisms which will provide appropriate, predictable, coordinated and timely response to risk and shocks from a resilience perspective both at scale and with comprehensive national geographic coverage.
Management Response: It was not possible for the project to fully address national and deep-seated challenges such as political instability, poverty and public service delivery in the country even though efforts were made to contribute to the creation of a conducive environment to promote peace in Zimbabwe through various initiatives that were conducted through the project. There are certain issues that despite efforts by donors and CSOs will not record much traction without the key involvement of the state. The responsibility of the state in the provision of basic goods and service remains paramount in these circumstances. However, UN Women takes note of the need of crisis modifier mechanisms in future programmes.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will negotiate for the crisis modifier mechanisms with the donors in future programmes UN Women 2021/12 Completed All the programmes that were developed after the this evaluation was undertaken has an element of Crisis modifier mechanisms as this was due to the recommendation from the GPS evaluation and the COVID 19 Pandemic that affected many programmes.