With regards to lessons learned from the evaluation exercise that are directly related to the project, there were number noted. They included; 1) The required timeframe to conduct end of the project evaluation. For this case, evaluation was conducted a month after the project closure. At least two months from the project closure should have been given prior to commencement of the project evaluation. 2) In the case of project implementation, it takes time for the project implementation to kick start and the 18 months time frame is not realistic. At least some three months is taken up by project Initiation with key stakeholders while actual Implementation may start four (4) months after project funds are released. 3) The effective and regular monitoring by PBSO during project implementation could have addressed a lot of challenges identified in the evaluation. This includes inadequate data to provide background information, informed decisions making processes and address challenges immediately as they arise, reporting requirements etc. 4) Engagement of key stakeholders throughout the project cycle is important for effective partnership; support towards implementation and project ownership. In the case of the PBF projects, partners/key stakeholders were involved when project implementation was initiated. This caused some challenges to get buy-in from the stakeholders.