The overall quality of the final evaluation report is satisfactory and relevant. The report provides useful insights for the development of future regional programmes on EVAW, not only on support to right-holders but also to deepen the engagement of duty-bearers. Are acknowledged the complexity of 1) applying the UN Women TOC on essential services when the programme was mainly focused in supporting CSOs in their advocacy, service provision and communities’ mobilizers role, 2) analyzing the regionality of the programme given the company’s approach on multi-country interventions rather than regional ones, as well as the fact that the programme - despite strong common elements - differed sometimes in the Western Balkans vis-à-vis Turkey, and had to take into account context specificities in each of the seven countries. The overall findings part is well articulated and developed. Nevertheless, strong analysis of aspects related to programme management and the overall contribution of the programme to the EU Civil Society Facility outcomes could have been better developed. Conclusions would benefit from some sort of clustering by strategic approaches or key stakeholders’ groups. While 19 recommendations are detailed, most of them are very concise, concrete and include a set of proposed actions. Most of the recommendations refer to the need to continue the areas of intervention and support which is understood as an evidence of the need to deepen and expand achieved results. Further analysis of successful interventions to be replicated could have been useful for future programming.