The evaluation report reflects very rich information. While the programme proved to be very relevant, there were challenges regarding sustained technical support to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. Of the 4 implementing partners only one partner was able to complete all outputs, another completed a majority (90%) and others were significantly challenged. Evaluation Results indicate that baseline data is critical to the development and implementation of all programming, a baseline specific to the knowledge attitudes and perceptions would have been critical for the Social Mobilisation programme, and that more efforts need to be made to embed sustainability into all programmes. Based on recommendations arising from the evaluation, and with a view to informing UN Women’s future support of governments in the Caribbean in rolling out these tools, the MCO: - Recognises the need for relevant baseline data for prevention work, and all programming and has included this in all programme proposals since. - Acknowledges the need for adequate human resources to support implementing partners. - Recognises the need to embed sustainability into programmes and projects as a clearly articulated programme outcome. - UN Women will summarise the recommendations coming from the Evaluation and ensure these are made available to future users of the tools.