Management Response

: Kyrgyzstan
: 2018 - 2022 , Kyrgyzstan (CO)
: PVE 3 “Communities resilient to violent ideologies”
: Kyrgyzstan

The evaluation was commissioned to critically reflect on lessons learned and good practices from this project in order to inform and strengthen joint implementation and strengthen peacebuilding initiatives. Evaluation TOR, Inception Report and Final Report were cleared by UNICEF external quality assurance mechanism and Peacebuilding Fund Support Office. The methodology of the evaluation allowed to gather evidence to support valid and coherent findings. Efforts were made to triangulate data from different sources. The evaluation process employed participatory approach involving all implementing agencies in an Evaluation Management Group and key stakeholders and beneficiaries in Evaluation Reference Group at all stages.

: Approved
Recommendation: The RUNOs should continue focusing on youth empowerment and peacebuilding around VE through an integrated approach, while including peacebuilding in their regular programs and investing in skill development on peacebuilding.
Management Response: Agree
Description: RUNOs should anchor their peacebuilding approach in the broader strategic planning and programming architecture of country offices by including peacebuilding outcomes in the CPD and their strategies. ? When designing new peacebuilding projects, RUNOs should define difficult concepts such as VE into the project document, in collaboration with the UNRC office, based on good practices and the growing literature on the subject. RUNOs should consider strengthening their technical expertise in peacebuilding, in collaboration with the PBF by attending online courses or in-presence training.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Youth empowerment and peacebuilding are to be included in UNICEF and UNFPA Country Programme Documents (CPD) for 2023-2027 and UN Women Strategic Notte 2023-2027 UN Women 2022/12 Completed
Recommendation: RUNOs should strengthen MEL systems to make learning one of the priorities when developing and implementing peacebuilding projects.
Management Response: The reporting templates are designed by PBSO and beyond the control of RUNOs
Description: Operational recommendations: • The RUNOs should clarify the logic behind the TOC pathways, underlying assumptions and objectives. The TOC should include a visualization of the logical connections and underlying assumptions1. The TOC should clearly show all the underlying assumptions that are clearly illustrated, tested and refined as necessary during implementation. • Based on the TOC M&E frameworks, RUNOs should: o Develop SMART indicators and data collection tools that facilitate the attribution to the activities of the project. o Develop specific tools or mechanisms to capture the catalytic role of the project. They should use qualitative methodologies, such as the ‘outcome mapping’, that empower beneficiaries to collect the data themselves and show changes in the observed behavior. o Develop a digital platform that captures progress against the indicators and major reflections and changes during implementation. o Develop a M&E system and workplan that allow flexibility on revising the indicators, as needed.2 Develop a solid RF/logframe and related workplan while allowing flexibility to revise activities, indicators or budget items during implementation. • RUNOs should gradually integrate learning into project activities. This could be done by adding a specific section on the reporting templates on learning related to the problems the projects faced and the solutions devised to address those problems. This could be also done, lightly, by asking a series of systematic questions during the formal meetings agencies hold such as: what did we learn about the problem we are trying to face? What are learning about the way in which we collaborate? ‘Light events’ specifically on learning would give UN agencies and the main stakeholder some space for reflection.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Learning approach will be integrated into future and current PBF projects including “Inclusive governance and shared identity for sustainable peace and development” project UN Women 2022/08 Completed
Recommendation: When conducting joint projects, RUNOs should clarify the roles, responsibilities, and level of collaboration they seek.
Management Response: RUNOs agree
Description: Operational recommendations: ? RUNOs should better specify the nature of collaboration they envisage within joint programs based on the project objectives, budget, country context, agencies involved and based on the UN joint programming guidance. They should justify the extent to which they will collaborate, such as how many joint activities they intend to develop, at conception stage. ? RUNOs should consider the development of a ‘responsibility matrix’, at proposal stage and finalize before starting implementation, to clarify comparative advantages and the specific tasks of each agency in the project document. ? RUNOS should articulate a joint workplan, including a description of the inputs needed to carry out the activities and the budget for completing those activities. ? RUNOs should learn from other joint programs about the governance structure they used, the type of activities they developed,
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Responsibility matrix that clarifies governance structure and RUNOs roles and responsibilities will be developed before starting implementation of PBF projects UN Women 2022/12 Completed
Recommendation: When developing peacebuilding projects, RUNOs should develop solid partnerships with complementary projects by identifying them at conception stage, building on synergies, interacting during implementation and documenting this in progress reports.
Management Response: RUNOs agree
Description: Operational recommendations: ? RUNOs should, at the project design and implementation stages, ensure that proper synergies are sought with partners and donors that have developed complementary projects. ? RUNOs should ensure that learning about complementary projects and synergy development is happening. During implementation, agencies should document how complementary projects affect synergies or adjustments.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
RUNOs together with relevant state institutions and implementing partners will develop a partnership strategy in order to ensure synergy among complementary projects and avoid duplication. UN Women, UNICEF and UNFPA 2022/12 Completed