Management Response

: Pakistan
: 2021 - 2021 , Pakistan (CO)
: Country Portfolio Evaluation + Audit
: Pakistan

UN Women Pakistan Country Office (PCO) will move away from a project-based approach and focus more on a results-based and integrated approach. This siloed approach created isolated activities and led to limited scope for synergies between projects and measurement of progress, and reduced the probability of initiatives leading to a sustainable impact in the lives of beneficiaries. An integrated results-based approach and a bird’s eye perspective may enhance understanding of what strategies work and how they can work together to have greater impact. In addition, the cohort of beneficiaries of some projects was not engaged or tracked over the long term. New cohorts were engaged, which increased the total number reached, but there was no indication of the overall impact on beneficiaries. PCO will strengthen its overall results-based management and collaboration between programme and operations unit to ensure effective planning and implementation of projects and holistic capacity development approach, including planning, monitoring, data collection, validation and reporting process and digitizing the new internal control system (operations hub). In addition, UN Women Pakistan has prioritized the strategic partnerships between UN agencies, international organizations and civil society groups to ensure the expertise and networks are leveraged effectively, which can primarily be achieved through joint programming, inter-agency coordination and joint advocacy. This will further reduce the risk of overlap and inefficient use of resources and create higher GEWE impact. Last but not least, with regards to learning outcomes, PCO has prioritized baseline capacity needs assessments (at both individual and institutional levels) and measurement of learning and tracking of its application; and to engage those that are trained through enhancing opportunities for networking. Programmatic efforts have also been made in order to guarantee sustainable change through broader social norm change, including through the engagement of community leaders and men and boys.

: Approved
Recommendation: Based on consultations with key stakeholders, continue refining the Country Office vision document by aligning it with the UN women strategic plan, and more clearly identifying the niche of the Country Office and communicating this to partners. Reduce the number of impact areas in the strategic note by mainstreaming key areas while maintaining a focus on strategic areas that are aligned with needs and opportunities to influence and scale up efforts in gender equality and women’s empowerment in Pakistan, primarily through the United Nations system.
Management Response: UN Women Pakistan has already initiated important steps in this regard. The UN Women Vision document was a first step to organize and the strategic priorities for the Pakistan office. The three impact areas of the vision document are a triangulation of the priorities of the people of Pakistan (identified through provincial consultations together with UN PK), global strategic priorities of UN Women and UNSDCF outcome areas. Secondly, PCO consolidated its programme areas into three key impact areas in the AWP for 2022, prioritizing complementarity, value for money and impact. UN Women Vision document will be aligned with the new UN Women Pakistan Strategic Note (SN) 2023-27 which will be developed in 2022. In order to scale up efforts in women empowerment in Pakistan through the UN system, PCO has been leading the OC II (UNSDCF 2023-27) group towards the development of a theory of change that reflects the country’s priorities as well as the comparative advantage of the UN. Finally, the gender strategy of UNCT in Pakistan has also been put into place to guide the implementation of the UNSDCF 2023-27.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Vision document aligned with UNSDCF and SN with PCO interventions focusing on 3 impact areas UNW, UNCT 2022/10 Completed UN Women Pakistan finalized its Vision 2022-27, focusing on three impact areas: 1. Enabling legislative and policy frameworks, 2. Gender responsive economies and societies, and 3. Voice, agency and leadership. The three impact areas are a triangulation of priorities of the people of Pakistan (identified through provincial consultations together with UN PK), global strategic priorities of UN Women and UNSDCF outcome areas. Next steps in the process include the development of a comprehensive integrated results and resources framework (IRRF) and the new UN Women Strategic Note (SN) 2023-2027 aligning with the new UNSDCF. Dec 2022 Update: With the Vision document and UNSDCF Outcome 2 finalized, the SN was developed by UN Women PCO in 2022. The TRG and PRG review of the SN has been completed, and the revised version will be submitted for approval by end of November.
PCO programme areas integrated into three key impact areas creating complementarity, impact, and value for money UNW 2022/12 Completed PCO has consolidated its programme areas with the development of its last AWP 2021 for the current SN. The AWP for 2022 is a transitionary workplan as the office moves towards its next SN for 2023, which will be based on the vision document and the priorities defined in the gender outcome of the UNSDCF.
UNW as chair of OC II – (UNSDCF 2023-27) will lead UN Pakistan vision to influence and scale up efforts in gender equality and women’s empowerment in Pakistan UNCT 2022/10 Completed As chair of the UNSDCF’s Outcome II (gender equality and women empowerment), PCO led the formulation of the theory of change. A comprehensive matrix was developed linking interventions of OC II with the other outcomes of the UNSDCF, concretely mainstreaming gender across all the other outcome areas. Dec 2022 Update: UN Women, as chair of Outcome 2: Gender Equality and Women Empowerment finalized the TOC, RRF and MYFF; the UNSDCF was formally signed in October 2022.
Gender strategy of UNCT Pakistan in place to guide roll out/ implementation of UNSDCF 2023-27) UNCT 2022/07 Overdue-Initiated Under the UNCT Gender Theme Group (GTG) established in April 2021, UN agencies agreed to develop a gender strategy which will reflect the shared vision of UNCT mainstreaming gender in all areas of its efforts. Hiring of the expert is underway and the first draft for UNCT validation is expected to be in place by April 2022. Dec 2022 Update: The consultant identified earlier to develop gender strategy was not available by the time the work had to start. The roadmap for gender strategy will be finalized by November 2022 and strategy completed by February 2023.
Recommendation: In close coordination with the Resident Coordinator’s Office, formalize and implement a UN women coordination strategy, aligning it with UNSDCF, UNCT-SWAP and embedding it within its Strategic Note. Use UN Women’s leadership role in the Gender Theme Group to coordinate efforts in potentially overlapping interventions and improve the platform for gender issues.
Management Response: In order to finalize and implement a UN Women coordination strategy, UN Women has already initiated the process to place dedicated staff for coordinating UNCT efforts at the Gender Theme Group (GTG) Secretariat. The UNCT SWAP Scorecard mechanism has also been integrated to support the implementation of the UNSDCF. Due to these and other steps, the GTG is now positioned to play a strategic role in mainstreaming gender into the work of the UNCT, including reporting on Pakistan’s treaty and charter-based commitments on gender equality and women empowerment. PCO also co-chairs the Inter-Agency Gender Development Group (INGAD) with the EU to influence and shape development partners approach to the subject in Pakistan.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Dedicated staff (senior coordinator and data focal person) to coordinating UNCT efforts including knowledge management within UNCT, funded by joint UN budget , seconded to PCO and functioning under the direct supervision of CR UNW, UNCT and RCO 2022/07 Overdue-Initiated Staffing required for the GTG Secretariat has been budgeted and shared with UNCT and approved. RC office/ UNDP is in the process of supporting PCO to transfer / receive funds from UN agencies. The staff members will be based at PCO and overhead cost for the staff are charged to UNCT. The hiring process will be initiated in the first quarter of 2022. Dec 2022 Update: The hiring process of GTG coordinator and associate was initiated but no candidate qualified in the first round. The process is still ongoing and will be completed by December 2022.
SWAP mechanism integrated and support the implementation of UNSDCF UNW, UNCT (PMT) and RCO 2022/08 Completed UNCT SWAP Scorecard Assessment commenced in December 2021 and is aligned with the development of the new UNSDCF. The assessment by the inter-agency team has taken more time than anticipated. The complete report with recommendations will be available in February 2022. Recommendations and action plan will feed into the UNSDCF process which is ongoing. Dec 2022 Update: UNCT SWAP Scorecard assessment is completed. The corresponding action plan developed, shared with all agencies and actions related to UNSDCF development undertaken. GTG regularly tracks the progress against the action plan developed following the assessment.
GTG position as a think tank for gender to influence UNCT including through reporting on treaty and charter-based bodies (CEDAW, CRC and UPR) and follow up to ensure implementation of priorities identified by UN UNW, UNCT and RCO 2022/10 Overdue-Initiated GTG is positioned to play a strategic role in mainstreaming gender into the work of UNCT, specifically through the UNSDCF which is an ongoing process. In addition, reporting and monitoring treaty and charter-based commitments of Pakistan will be supported by GTG. Confidential interim CEDAW report, CRPD, UPR and SDG 5 and key areas GTG will be working in the near future. Dec 2022 Update: GTG in addition to developing gender strategy for UN in Pakistan is regularly providing thematic guidance on gender to UNCT. GTG provided inputs for confidential CEDAW report and UPR. It is also leading Rapid Gender Assessment for humanitarian response in Pakistan.
PCO as co- chair of the Inter-Agency gender and Development Group (INGAD) with EU influence and shape development partners approach to the subject in Pakistan PCO, INGAD and EU 2022/06 Overdue-Initiated PCO CR and Ambassador of EU Co-chair INGAD. The forum has been revived and PCO and EU facilitated a retreat with the participation of more than 10 donor agencies and UN partners in December 2021 to chalk out a roadmap on gender for development agencies operating in Pakistan. Dec 2022 Update: The forum is reactivated and fully functional now. INGAD's visit to Balochistan concluded in November where it met multiple justice sector and other government stakeholders as well CSOs and launched 16 days of activism campaign. The INGAD retreat is planned in January 2023.
Recommendation: The Country Office should develop a holistic capacity-building approach or strategy and strategic partnership management that cuts across thematic areas and partners and becomes the country office signature service.
Management Response: UN Women Pakistan has introduced important steps in order to develop a holistic capacity-building approach and strategic partnership management. The HR strategy is now in place to address the capacity needs to PCO, including the new strategic priority of innovative gender financing. A new business plan has also been developed and presented to the staff, which aligns staff talents vis a vis organizational needs. A cost analysis, along with updated TORs of new positions is under process, and resource mobilization efforts are being made to finalize the staffing plan. PCO’s has also strengthened collaboration between the programme and operations units to ensure effective planning and implementation of projects, and a holistic capacity development approach.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
HR strategy in place to address capacity needs of PCO including new areas related to innovative gender financing PCO & RO 2022/06 Overdue-Initiated The first phase of the Human Resources Capacity Building process (including talent mapping and management survey) was completed in 2021.As part of the process, an International consultant was recruited to assess PCO’s human resources situation, develop capacity building strategies, and provide coaching sessions for staff members to support PCO through leadership transition and new business model roadmap. A human resources capacity building strategy was designed based on the PCO analysis. A new business model was developed and presented to staff in at the office retreat in Dec 2021.The new business model is based on capacity building of staff with aligning the talents of staff vis a vis to organization needs to improve agility and fit to purpose. In 2022, the second phase of Human Resources Capacity Building process will include rolling out/implementing the Human Resources Strategies and preparing PCO colleagues for the new Strategic Note 2023-2027 process. Dec 2022 Update: PCO will continue efforts in mobilizing resources and providing learning opportunities to staff based on requirement. Staff have been nominated to attend various trainings such as BOS, ROAP training and regional exchanges are provided to promote learning and capacity building
PCO new organogram approved and implemented fully PCO and RO 2023/02 Overdue-Initiated A cost analysis of the new positions along with the updated TORs is under process. Resource mobilization efforts are being made in order to finalize the staffing as per new business model. The completion of the entire process is envisaged to take approximately 16 months.
PCO signature services ready to be presented as new business models and same highlighted in SN (2023- 27) PCO & RO 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated PCO has strengthened collaboration between programme and operations unit to ensure effective planning and implementation of projects and holistic capacity development approach. This includes digitizing the new internal control system (operations hub) and organizing a weekly learning scheme tilted “operations café” to introduce and discuss operational policies and procedures. PCOs programmatic approach has also evolved and been refined in light of past experience. Earlier, the WEE and EVAW Portfolios worked in silos – now a model is being created for integrating the two so that women’s economic empowerment can both be a protective factor from VAW as well as support survivors reintegrate into society. Within EVAW related interventions, the range of activities has been increased to include the whole continuum from prevention to protection. PCO is working with the complete range of partners, stakeholders and duty-bearers working to prevent VAW and protect survivors. This includes engaging non-traditional partners like religious leaders and scholars. Further, to consolidate our efforts and better measure their impact, a thorough strategic planning exercise was done to select 24 districts in all 4 provinces. The proposed geographical coverage was determined through a detailed district selection exercise conducted by UN Women Pakistan which considered a wide range of criteria including presence of government, justice and private sector institutions, poverty levels, access to service providers and potential for WEE-VAW convergence. PCOs programming is based on understanding and addressing local problems and working with national partners and this contextualization will contribute towards devising sustainable solutions that are locally owned and impactful. PCOs is focusing on enhancing its existing relationships for creating transformative change and putting in place effective mechanisms to hand over responsibilities seamlessly to the government agencies and civil society actors for a smooth transition into post-project operations. The programme interventions are aligned with the government partners’ key priorities which will not only provide a strong strategic direction but also ensure government ownership of the interventions. The aim is to create an environment and systems which are living, local, and guarantee sustainability over time.
Recommendation: Define the social norms the Country Office will target and, in collaboration with civil society, establish a long-term strategy for building the women’s movement, supporting grass-roots organizations and catalyzing civil society to ensure that those representing the most marginalized voices are at the forefront of discussions to take forward gender equality and women’s empowerment advocacy around these social norms.
Management Response: For the purposes of establishing a long-term strategy for supporting grass-roots organizations and civil society to advance on the women’s movement, UN Women Pakistan has initiated engagement with CSOs through its EVAWG forums, which have started to result in interventions that suit local contexts and are also aligned with strategic priorities as articulated in the SP and SN. PCO has also finalized plans to include the EVAWG Alliance and CSOs in focused districts to support UN Women’s activities at the district level, which will result in increased avenues for CSO engagement at the provincial level. Through strengthening its partnership with the Council of Islamic Ideology and other religious leaders from a range of faiths and sects, PCO plans on embarking upon social norm change in order to address violence against women and girls. In this regard, PCO has also started to engage with men and boys under various project-level initiatives and advocacy campaigns, including the #HeForShe campaign.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CSO engagement through its EVAWG forums, tailor making interventions to suit local context and streamlined to be aligned with SN priorities RO and PCO (Possible expert mission from RO to fine tune PCO approach in this sector given the sensitive nature of the subject of civil society space) 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated PCO has strong relations with CSOs at provincial and federal levels. In most of its advocacy interventions, their contribution has been significant. Provincial strategies for EVAW Alliances are in place but are yet to be implemented. Small components for engaging CSOs in existing programs have been done but will require more resources to make it more effective. UN Women to design specific programs that focus on creation/retaining space for the civil society members for taking forward the agenda of EVAWG. Identify champion CSOs and create linkage with emerging ones for sharing of approach to success. Planning to include the EVAWG Alliance/ CSOs in the focused districts to support UN Women’s activities at the district level has been included in 2022 project plans. This intervention is likely to create more avenues for CSO engagement at the provincial level. CSAG can also be activated, if need be.
Engaging men and religious leaders for social norm change streamlined to PCO programme interventions PCO 2022/10 Overdue-Initiated PCO is strengthening its partnership with the Council of Islamic Ideology and other religious leaders from multiple sects and faiths for addressing women’s rights and ending VAW. PCO will be scaling up its approach to expand its campaign on he for she to meaningfully engage men. Dec 2022 Update: Continuous engagement with CII intensified over last few months. PCO organized a national dialogue with religious leaders --including existing and former members of CII -- to discuss the adverse affects of child marriages. By the end of this conference, all religious leaders agreed on a communique mentioning child marriage has certain health implications and the practice must be ended through administrative actions. Also, that it violates girls right to health and education.
Recommendation: Review and revise the existing staffing structure to ensure that the Country Office has adequate capacity and clear accountability to deliver its strategic priorities within its current thematic and geographical structure, with priority given in the short term to the delivery of remaining and newly funded projects and, in parallel, invest in a culture of care by adopting the transformative leadership capacity building approach and institutionalizing mechanisms to support cross-team collaboration.
Management Response: For the purpose of ensuring that PCO has adequate capacity and clear accountability to deliver on its strategic priorities, PCO has put into place a new organogram and has sought the support of an HR expert to coach and support its staff for the new business plan. The second phase of this plan will include rolling out specific initiatives from the global HR priority to enable PCO colleagues to work in an environment that is perceived as inclusive and embodies UN and UN Women values. PCO has also put into place a staff wellbeing committee to create a culture of inclusivity, build team spirit and encourage a healthy work-life balance. SHA and SHE committees have also been put into place to promote a harassment-free workplace. For the purpose of harnessing available talent for strategic goals, PCO has also completed the formation of cross-unit teams for Due Diligence, Data, M&E and GRB.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Based on PCO’s new organogram put in place staff capacity building plans supported with coaching support to staff provided by a HR expert PCO and RO 2022/06 Completed Staff talent mapping exercise was conducted in Q4 2020. The results of the mapping survey were presented to the management. Learning needs and capacity building areas of office were identified. The international consultant Socorro Reyes conducted sessions with staff to identify needs and provide coaching/ mentoring to staff. The new business model is based on capacity building of staff with aligning the talents of staff vis a vis organizational needs to improve agility and fit to purpose. In 2022, the second phase of Human Resources Capacity Building process will include rolling out/implementing the Human Resources Strategies and preparing PCO colleagues for the new Strategic Note 2023-2027 process. PCO will adopt specific initiatives from the global HR priority to enable PCO colleagues to work in an environment that is perceived as inclusive and embodies UN and UN Women values, strengthens leadership and team capacity, promotes an environment of continuous learning, promotes a culture of accountability, tackles discrimination when needed, effectively implements recruitments, giving due consideration to diversity, is respectful and applies safeguarding measures and follows standards of conduct. Dec 2022 Update: PCO initiated the first job swap in the region in 2022 which was successfully done in Sep 2022(HR Associate Pak-ROAP) and also advanced further in giving opportunities to staff in regional exchanges. 2 exchanges in June 2022(Finance Pak-ECA and Procurement Pak - ROAP). 2 exchanges expected in Dec 2022 (Pak - PNG). The office is making effort providing such opportunities to its staff to strengthen the capacity building and provide learning opportunities.
Staff wellbeing committee in place to create a culture of inclusivity, work life balance and unity PCO – SM and staff 2022/01 Completed The Staff Wellbeing Committee (SWC) was elected through a transparent voting process by all PCO staff. It has a representation of seven members (five from Islamabad office and two from provincial offices of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan). Under the purview of its mandate, PCO is promoting the culture of inclusivity and shared happiness by celebrating birthdays, farewells and important milestones. In addition, the SWC is mandated to resolve issues with regards to the working environment and office culture. In this regards, two bi-annual meetings are held with female and male staff of PCP respectively under the leadership of the Country and Deputy Representative. As next steps, the SWC will develop a costed work plan and suggest more concrete actions to enhance the culture of PCO, bring about work-life balance and encourage shared values.
SHA and SHE committee in place to promote harassment free workplace PCO - SM 2022/01 Completed To promote harassment free workplace and create conducive working environment, PCO has set up the following mechanisms: - Notified a committee to raise awareness on issues related to SHA and SHE among PCO staff. - Holding regular joint staff meetings and separate group discussions with women and male staff members to promote consciousness and discuss different scenarios around SHA and SHE. - Notified an inquiry committee to investigate matters related to SHA and SHE. - Designated Office Ombudspersons to address any complaints or issues that staff may have.
Cross unit team created to work towards common goals - Due diligence team - Data team - ME team - GRB team PCO 2022/01 Completed Due Diligence Team To streamline the Due Diligence process and optimal engagement with the private sector, a 7-member Due Diligence committee has been established. Request made to RO to support the on-boarding of the committee members on the due diligence process and practices. M&E: A M&E team has been put into place with focal points from the Islamabad office and the two provincial offices. The mandate of the team is to institutionalize an indicator-led approach in the office. The M&E team will be working closely with the Data Unit to ensure smooth flow of information from across programmatic teams and provide regular updates at programme meetings for accountability and course-correction. GRB A GRB team under the overall guidance of the Country Representative has been working on a sub-regional GRB initiative in partnership with country offices of Bangladesh, India and Nepal. This GRB initiative will fall under the broader area of gender-responsive economies, of which increasing women’s access to finance and resources will be a vital area.
Recommendation: The Country Office, with support from the Regional Office, should strengthen its overall results-based management, including planning, monitoring, data collection, validation and reporting process and establish a holistic approach to strengthening the capacity of both un women personnel and its implementing partners in these areas.
Management Response: In order to encourage a holistic results-based approach at PCO and put forth a comprehensive monitoring system to ensure accountability, high quality implementation and course-correction, PCO staff attended a comprehensive three-day workshop on RBM principles, which was delivered by the Regional Office. A comprehensive monitoring matrix was also developed, that was a first step towards institutionalizing an indicator and evidence-based approach in PCO. The next steps in this process include finalization of information flows, that will result in indicator-tracking, and communicating the same to programme teams for effective and efficient implementation.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
PCO staff trained on RBM principles PCO & RO 2021/08 Completed PCO staff attended a comprehensive three-day workshop on RBM principles delivered by the Regional Office. As a result of this, staff have been better able to orient themselves to a results-based approach in their planning and reporting processes. This is evident in the improved quarterly reports submitted to RO by PCO, as well as in the structured and comprehensive monitoring plans included as a part of all project proposals and workplans.
Comprehensive monitoring matrix developed PCO 2021/09 Completed A comprehensive monitoring matrix is put together as a first step towards institutionalizing an indicator/ evidence based approach in PCO. The matrix includes indicators from the AWP, as well as project-specific indicators from across programme teams, with baselines, targets and MOVs identified for each.
Information flows finalized, and provincial focal points appointed PCO 2022/02 Completed As a next step towards institutionalizing an indicator-led approach in PCO, and to encourage results-based programming and consequent accountability, an M&E unit has begun to meet regularly to feed in information into the monitoring matrix developed. At the back-end of the matrix, and with the support of the Data Unit, data repositories are being developed for each indicator. These repositories will be updated on a regular basis by focal points in the Islamabad Office and two sub-offices to keep a track of indicator values.
Indicator progress presented at monthly programme meetings PCO 2022/02 Completed The progress towards each indicator included in the matrix will be reported in the monthly programme meetings starting February. This will, among other things, ensure greater accountability, a results-based approach in implementation, and strategizing to address any gaps and risks that emerge in the lifecycle of various initiatives.
Recommendation: Finalize and implement the resource mobilization strategy of the Country Office with realistic targets as a part of its advocacy vision and strategy (see Recommendation 1). Regularly monitor the strategy for effectiveness, revise if necessary and address any related implications.
Management Response: The resource mobilization strategy has been developed by PCO, and will be finalized in 2022 in line with strategic priorities as articulated in the vision document and new SN. In this regard, PCO will also leverage its role as the co-chair of the INGAD Platform to strengthen its relations with development partners and build synergies based on mutual interests.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Resource mobilisation strategy in place PCO 2022/03 Completed The resource mobilisation strategy has been developed in Q4 2021 and will be finalised to be in line with PCO’s vision and the new SN – aligning with the Communications and Partnership Strategy. The strategy aims to showcase its relevance and express its mandate in such a way as to ensure that it is easily distinguished from the plethora of other actors who compete for the same resources, this will be aligned with the Communications and Partnership Strategy for greater impact. Dec 2022 Update: The Resource Mobilization Strategy and Communications and Partnerships Strategy are in place and also form part of the package for the Strategic Note (2023-2027).
INGAD Platform for strengthening relations with development partners PCO with EU as the co-chair 2023/02 Overdue-Initiated As the permanent co-chair of the INGAD (together with EU), PCO will focus on strengthening partnerships and implementing the resource mobilization strategy and will further use the platform to build synergies through the INGAD platform with multilateral entities such as Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA among others.