Management Response

: Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt)
: 2021 - 2023 , Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) (RO)
: Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt)

The findings and recommendations of the final evaluation confirm experience and learnings of the JP Team. Both agencies acknowledge that while great progress has been made under the implementation period there is more that needs to be done on a regional and national level to amplify results, leverage opportunities and enhance outreach of impact. Therefore, all recommendations have been accepted or partially accepted. The ones that are partially accepted are due to the fact that no Phase II will take place, hence some recommendations and key actions are not fully applicable.

: Approved
Recommendation: The Joint Programme should consolidate its portfolio of interventions by prioritizing what has worked well and focus on these aspects for the rest of the programme period. Normative work; work with the private sector, particularly through Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs); and addressing gender-based employment segregation are areas that the programme should prioritize and focus on during its next phase.
Management Response: Based on the MTE results, the JP hired a learning consultant to review all the JP interventions, and consult with the JP team, partners, and counterparts to identify and prioritize the most successful interventions to be scaled up and replicated in the future. Based on that the learning consultant is developing a learning document highlighting the most successful interventions, challenges and lessons learned. The document will inform the remaining implementation period of the JP and will also be disseminated across partner during the JP Strategic Coordination Committee and National Steering Committees, as well as the final learning event, highlighting the programme's prioritized work. Notwithstanding that the MTE was finalized in January 2023, less than a year before the end of the programme, there is not enough time for a thorough re-alignment of the workplan of the final year. However, amendments are done to the extent possible. Responding to the last part of the recommendation, it is also important to note that it was agreed by management of both agencies and the donor, that another phase won't be sought.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Oversight/governance, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Normative Support, Operational activities, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Draw a reconstructed Theory of Change and reflect the role of the Regional Office. ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable Due to the quickly approaching end date of the JP (Dec. 2023), and the limited time left to implement the recommendation as of the date of its official sharing with the team (August 2023), a reconstruction of the theory of change or major amendments cannot be applied. However, a re-alignment of the 2023 workplans of the 7 offices was carried out by the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, based on preliminary PPT of the MTE results, and the team prioritized certain interventions that showed promising results. The Regional Office strengthened it's role as the convener and coordinator, creating regional learning and knowledge hub as well as strengthening JP's branding ambassador and launched certain activities such as a) the first quarterly JP Newsletter, b) a series of partner learning sessions, c) is developing a learning document and d) is planning for a final learning event. Coordination, sharing of learnings and experiences among partners, as well as disseminating and amplifying JP's work has been prioritized by ROAS. A new Regional WEE programme strategy is being developed that has a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach and the respective recommendation and action have been communicated to ROAS management so they can be incorporated in the design phase.
Carry out a re-prioritizing exercise to sharpen the focus and depth of Joint Programme interventions taking into consideration monitoring data and evaluation findings. ROAS and COs 2023/12 Completed As mentioned above, a re-alignment of the 2023 workplans of the 7 offices was carried out by the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, based on preliminary PPT of the MTE results, and the team prioritized certain interventions that showed promising results. While the programme team re-prioritized certain interventions based on strategic partnerships that are in place, the final learning document that's being created will also showcase good programme practices and successful interventions that can be scaled and replicated. Given the time limitation (the end of the JP - Dec. 2023), this will mainly inform future programming. Update: The learning document highlighted a 11 models of success that could be replicated and scaled that will also be considered during the ongoing programme design of the new WEE portfolio
Establish and communicate clear complementarities with other programmes, particularly the Men and Women for Gender Equality programme focusing on social norms change, including the care economy. ROAS and COs 2023/06 Completed The Joint Programme coordinated closely with the Men and Women for Gender Equality programme, and always tried to ensure that while synergies are in place, there is a clear distinction between the type of contribution both programmes provide and work in complementary without duplicating each other works. Moreover, we acknowledge that the Joint Programme was better placed to influence the care economy at the macroeconomic policy level, whereas Men and Women for Gender Equality was better positioned to focus on the community and individual level changes. And this is also confirmed and reinforced by the results achieved by both programmes, with the JP achieving several legislative amendments (pertaining to care economy as well) and the MWGE witnessing behavioral change in the communities it's been focusing. Given the fact that the MWGE was in it's last month of implementation, when the MTE was published, and the JP is ending in a few months’ time, there is no possibility to further adjust-align the implementation of both programmes as they have been conceptualized. The ROAS is building on both programmes to advance results on employment through a multi-disciplinary and larger scale programme that encompasses the JP and MWGE. This is well on its way and endorses also by members states.
Recommendation: Continue to strengthen monitoring and learning systems: develop more ambitious indicators, including to better capture social and gender norms change and the impact of media outreach and advocacy, impact of capacity strengthening interventions as well as the Joint Programme’s contribution to normative changes; and develop a results verification system to strengthen data independence and data quality.
Management Response: While we acknowledge that the monitoring and learning systems of the programme could see enhancements, we also note that the tools developed throughout JPs lifetime have gone through several rounds of iterations, amendments and improvements. The data of the PMF has also been updated on a yearly basis. Amending the indicators in these final months of JP's life will not be feasible, as there won't be enough time for approving the PMF from the Joint Programme Strategic Coordination Committee, but also for collecting and analyzing data to showcase meaningful withing a few months’ time. However, to address a fragment of the recommendation the Monitoring and Reporting Officer of the JP in discussions with M&E consultant of the MWGE programme provided to the JP team sessions on monitoring Social and Behavior Change Campaigns (SBCC) (pertaining mainly to outcome 3 of the programme) and relevant tools, e.g. knowledge and practice surveys (KAP). Moreover, following the recommendation trainings were provided to the team to strengthen their capacity on data generation and providing evidence and ensuring quality. For annual reporting, the Monitoring and Reporting Officer of the JP is collecting relevant data to ensure data quality, objectivity, and credibility of outcome level indicator reporting. On output level, disaggregated data is recorded by the JP team, and reviewed and verified by the M&R Officer. Data triangulation is applied to verify its accuracy and to be aligned between the PMF and the annual report. This last year of the programme monitoring field visits are conducted as well on a regular basis in Egypt and Jordan (due to security concerns and inability of Egyptian nationals to visit Palestine, field visits in Palestine have not take place). Data evidence is attached to the annual report whenever relevant, e.g. publications, reports, guideline, manuals, MoUs, photos, testimonials, media coverages. Data is reviewed by the M&R Officer to ensure disaggregation or accumulation and accurate calculation. In the coming period, a more rigorous data verification system and data quality checks will be developed to be applied on year 5 report and the final report for the JP.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Improve social and gender norms measurement tools including to better capture resistance to change and potential backlash. ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable SBCC training was provided to all JP staff, as well as monitoring tools (KAP surveys) to enhance their capacities in monitoring gender and social norms campaigns. Due to time limitations more profound monitoring on social norms and behavioral change might not feasible, but implementation is closely monitored for any major changes/ backlash on that level.
Capture the impact of capacity strengthening initiatives, knowledge uptake and use and impact of media outreach and advocacy initiatives. ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable During this last year of JP's life, communications under the programme was strengthened and data is carefully collected to address the recommendation to the extent possible.
Capture the Joint Programme’s contribution to normative changes using methodologies such as contribution analysis. ROAS 2023/12 Completed While a contribution analysis hasn’t started due to time, financial and capacity constraints, a learning document is being developed with the aim to also capture the process followed by and the contribution of the JP to the normative changes attributed to the JP throughout its lifetime. Update: The learning document highlighted 11 models of success that could be replicated and scaled that will also be considered during the ongoing programme design of the new WEE portfolio. Successful approaches on the front of legislative amendments are also highlighted.
Strengthen results verification systems for the Joint Programme ROAS 2023/12 No Longer Applicable A rigorous system will be implemented while finalizing the year 5 report and the final report of the JP, Including providing data evidence, checking the supporting documents in regular basis, and triangulating data whenever needed.
Recommendation: The Joint Programme should break the “compartmentalized” form of partnerships and facilitate regular and systematic exchange between its partners to facilitate their involvement beyond their own area of collaboration with the Joint Programme.
Management Response: The conceptualization and design of the JP was done in close consultations with national partners and stakeholders to capture and address their needs. Moreover, the inception report drafted during the first year of the JP, concluded to establishing national steering committee meetings (NSCM) that meet at least annually and a regional strategic coordination committee (JPSCC). The purpose of both was, among other reasons, to also keep a communication flow and exchange of knowledge and experiences among partners. As a result the partners were meeting at least biannually and in certain cases three times a year. COVID put certain hurdles along the way and potentially fragmented the communication. This was, however, rectified on a national and regional level as of 2022. Following the findings of the MTE, ROAS prioritized, among a few other elements, elevating knowledge documentation and sharing, as well as exchange of experiences amongst partners in the three countries. This is done through regular knowledge exchange sessions among JP partners, the drafting of a learning document to be widely disseminated among and beyond JP partners, as well as final learning event in October 2023, giving the space to all partners to present and highlight their work and achievements. The NSC and JPSCC meetings will also take place as usual. Communications material (e.g. Stories of changes, human impact videos etc.) developed in early 2023 highlighted remarkable work of the programme to date and was widely disseminated across partners, together with the establishment of the first ever JP Newsletter, which also serves as a platform for knowledge and information sharing. Lastly, while acknowledging that communication between partners could have been enhanced, it worth noting that due to high volume of work of the partners themselves, there were occasions were opportunities for exchange and collaboration were missed. Moreover, collaborations on the national level were noted during the JP implementation, such as between MoSS, MoP, MoM in launching some of the JP studies in Egypt. , or the work with the Social Security Cooperation (SSC) and Ministry of Labor in Jordan, or finally the Federation of Trade Unions in Palestine (PGFTU) and civil society networks from UN Women's side. Other collaborations that are conducted in the country level will be highlighted by the JP team (The country teams to answer this point) Moreover the team appreciates the acknowledgement of the MTE report (P. 44) saying that: "The evaluation also noted that personnel from both entities acknowledged the value addition of the technical expertise coming from both agencies and appreciated how the Joint Programme had opened doors for new partnerships. For instance, ILO had an opportunity to work more closely with national women’s machinery and as did UN Women with the ministry dealing with labour and economic empowerment issues."
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, National ownership, Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Evidence, Data and statistics, South-South cooperation
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Normative Support, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Collectively develop a long-term vision on women’s economic empowerment with the programme partners to promote buy-in and shared ownership ROAS 2023/12 No Longer Applicable While UNW and ILO regularly meet with national partners in informal settings but also in formal ones, such as the NSC and JPSCC, to discuss, align and ensure buy-in from relevant stakeholder, it is not relevant to develop a strategy on a JP level during the last months of implementation. Additionally, given that the programme is not going to embark on another phase, there is no time or merit to do so in the last 4 months of the project. Having said that, UN Women ROAS does work on devising a WEE strategy for the coming Strategic Plan period and will encompass all the lessons and experiences of the JP, while consulting with relevant stakeholders. This is part of the Regional SN and the new WEE programme.
Facilitate sharing of knowledge and exchanges among the programme partners. ROAS and COs 2023/12 Completed This is done through regular knowledge exchange sessions among JP partners, the drafting of a learning document to be widely disseminated among and beyond JP partners, as well as final learning event in October 2023, giving the space to all partners to present and highlight their work and achievements. The NSC and JPSCC meetings will also take place as usual. Communications material (e.g. Stories of changes, human impact videos etc.) developed in early 2023 highlighted remarkable work of the programme to date and was widely disseminated across partners, together with the establishment of the first ever JP Newsletter, which also serves as a platform for knowledge and information sharing. The JP communications guidelines were revamped and presented to the team to ensure consistent and unified application of those and a JP YouTube Playlist collecting all communications material developed under the JP was produced.
Recommendation: The Joint Programme target countries should develop a national WEP strategy and road map based on the UN Women Regional Office for Arab States’ WEP Strategy to develop and sustain a gender transformative private sector in the region.
Management Response: The recommendation to form a national WEPs strategy and national committees is important to the development of the private sector work in the Arab States region. The JP did focus on creating a strong foundation and establishing relationships with the private sector through capacity building and networks to build trust. While Egypt had progress on laying the groundwork for institutionalizing the WEPs through the "closing the gender gap accelerator", establishing committees/national strategies need another project cycle and associated funding in order to be done well. Thus, using the JP's foundational work, this recommendation will be addressed mainly from other initiatives/ projects spanning after the JP's lifetime.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Oversight/governance, Alignment with strategy, Internal coordination and communication, Capacity development, Knowledge management, Advocacy, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Partnership, Operational activities, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The Joint Programme target Country Offices should develop a national action plan for WEPs in alignment with the regional WEP Strategy and a clear road map ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable The JP formed a strong foundation of WEPs work in Egypt, Palestine and Jordan. Companies were introduced to the Women’s Empowerment Principles, and particularly in Egypt and Jordan, have become familiar with them. In Egypt, the “Closing the Gender Gap Accelerator” with MOIC and NCW took an important step in institutionalizing the WEPs within an entity with national ownership. This will require further funding and work beyond the scope of the JP, to form a national committee or accelerator as in the case of Egypt, that a national WEPs action plan can be embedded within. While this has not started, a proposal has been drafted for funds to begin this work, and it is estimated to take 3 years to complete.
Monitor the progress of each WEP signatory against the WEP road map on an annual basis (this does not have to be made available in the public domain but for internal oversight, learning and management). ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable A baseline/pilot WEPs survey was conducted in April 2023 across a sample of the total 525 signatories in the Arab Region, with strong responses from Jordan and Egypt and some responses from Palestine. This survey monitored WEPs signatory progress against the regional WEPs roadmap. A follow up survey will take place after a year's time (minimum) to monitor progress. The follow up will be performed after the end date of the JP
Establish and strengthen the network of WEP signatories and facilitate regular dialogues and knowledge exchange. ROAS 2023/12 No Longer Applicable This is not going to be realized within the timeframe of the JP. However, due to prioritizing continuity and sustainability of interventions, a regional, sectoral WEPs networking event is planned for June 2024 to provide an opportunity for companies across the Arab States to come together to share best practices, network and learn more about gender equality. The main speakers, and invited companies are going to be from Egypt, Jordan and Morocco. The network of companies established throughout the lifetime of the JP will continue their journey by taking part in this event. UN-Women ROAS and at regional level will continue to engage strategically with PS companies to advance the regional goal of increasing women's employment by 5%.
Support formulation of an institutional arrangement, such as a national committee responsible for following up on WEP commitments. ROAS 2023/12 No Longer Applicable As mentioned above, national committees or bodies responsible for WEPs implementational will be established to build on the work of the JP. This will be done also through the new WEE programme.
Strengthen documentation of the WEP signatories’ journey to ensure a gender-responsive private sector in the region. ROAS and COs 2023/12 No Longer Applicable The JP has hired a communications company to conduct multiple WEPs materials and create videos highlighting good practice across the Arab States. The company’s work is on-going and will be concluded within the timeframe of the JP. Additionally, two JP-funded resources on gender-responsive marketing and sexual harassment in the world of work have been developed specifically for the Arab States. Both toolkits will be published within the scope of the JP and include good practices and highlights from WEPs signatories in the Arab Region. The Gender Responsive Marketing toolkit and training will also be made global, and the key lessons learnt from the Arab States, will be used to enhance gender responsive marketing practices for the wider global WEPs community (8000+ signatories.) This will be done also through the new WEE programme.
Recommendation: The regional leadership of both entities should engage more regularly at a strategic level, beyond current formal engagements (at the Steering Committee), to discuss lessons learned from the partnership to achieve women’s economic empowerment and to address bottlenecks and challenges when needed.
Management Response: Management of both agencies was engaged at a strategic level throughout the JP., this could have been deepened with regular bi-lateral dialogues (once a quarter). More coherence at technical level could have been found with more regular technical level engagement at country level. Generally, technical level engagement takes place at country level, which was successful despite COVID-19 challenges.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Knowledge management, Internal coordination and communication, South-South cooperation
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The regional senior leadership of both entities to engage more regularly at a strategic level beyond the current formal engagements ROAS 2023/10 Completed Due to the end date of the JP approaching, two more meetings with the regional management will take place during September and October for the (annual donor report meeting and the final learning event respectively). A final meeting with senior leadership and the donor will also be held for the closure of the programme. Collaboration will be sought to advance UN Women’s Strategic Note aim of advancing employment by 5% by 2030
Develop a spirit of jointless through a conscious commitment to bring the Joint Programme team together, such as through retreats, learning events, etc. ROAS 2023/12 Completed Since September 2022, the JPM is working on strengthening inter-team coordination through: a) establishing monthly check in calls with the JPM and JP ROAS staff, b) establishing monthly country calls with the JPM (the two agency focal points of ILO and UN Women in the respective and the JPM) as well as ad hoc ones based on needs arising, c) changing the structure of the monthly JP coordination calls to give space to all country teams to share regular updates that will work in complementarity to the 2 to 1 country calls and serve as a platform to strengthen cross-country knowledge exchange, d) holding a JP team retreat in 2022. Another team retreat and a final learning event will also take place in October.
Include accountability towards harmonization over and above delivering the results against programme targets. ROAS and COs 2023/01 Completed Notwithstanding that 2023 is the final year of programme implementation, during the 2023 annual work planning exercise, the JP team made a conscious effort to re-align and re-prioritize interventions in a way that would support complementarity of the work of both agencies. While meeting targets is important, the team understands that adopting a harmonized approach towards implementation is a priority.
Have a joint approach to resource mobilization. ROAS 2023/12 No Longer Applicable Given that the programme is in its final year of implementation and another phase won't be pursued, this action is not relevant or applicable.
Organize dialogues with donors beyond formal reporting. ROAS 2023/12 Completed Since September 2022, in addition to the formal donor meetings around the JPSCC and donor reporting, regular informal meetings were held between ROAS and Sida every second month to share programme and organization-wide updates from both sides, discuss the geopolitical context and its impact on implementation. A joint field visit was organized in Jordan in March 2023, as well.
Recommendation: The Joint Programme should facilitate more strategic dialogues and discussions with its Steering Committees at the national and regional level to support national commitments and institutional arrangements to sustain and amplify the results contributed to by the Joint Programme.
Management Response: Both the NSC and JPSCC provide a great platform to utilize the high-level representation and expertise to promote strategic interventions and government buy in. While the high-level representation is of value for the programme, it is also challenging to keep the interest and engagement of Ministers and Presidents of National Committees on a programme that funds national efforts with small funds for several years. Having said that, in 2022 ROAS lead the amendment and oversaw the organization of the JPSCC with a renewed structure bringing together high-level participants, as well as global technical experts, giving more space for knowledge sharing and member’s more meaningful participation, while also retaining governments’ and donor’s interest and buy-in.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Internal coordination and communication, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Modify the Steering Committee meeting modalities from formal reporting to a more dynamic engagement and strategic discussion. ROAS and COs 2023/10 Completed In 2022 ROAS lead the amendment and oversaw the organization of the JPSCC with a renewed structure bringing together high-level participants, as well as global technical experts, giving more space for knowledge sharing and member’s more meaningful participation, while also retaining governments’ and donor’s interest and buy-in. The JPSCC of 2023 will be coupled with the final learning event to tap on the momentum created and provide ample space for technical level discussions.
The Joint Programme could use the forum to seek advice, commitments, and support for sustaining its results. ROAS and COs 2023/10 Completed As described above, the 2022 JPSCC and the NSCs did utilize the respective fora to address this recommendation.
Recommendation: The Joint Programme should embed plans for disability inclusion and implement and monitor them in the remaining phase of the programme.
Management Response: The JP - by design - commits itself to human rights standards, and the principle of leaving no one behind. Even though the JP project document didn’t explicitly refer to disability inclusion plans or strategies, many of its activities took into consideration and included persons with disabilities, and adapted its activities to respond to those needs accordingly. For example, during a monitoring visit in Ismailia, for the Gender and HR training academy, the attendance of a person with disabilities was noted. Similar to other occasions, this is something that might have not been reported by the coordinator. However, the programme team is aware that more concerted effort needs to be done to address disability inclusion not randomly/ occasionally but on a planned and conscious manner.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Normative Support, Humanitarian action
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Identify and embed planned interventions for inclusion of women living with disability. ROAS and COs 2023/01 Completed During the 2023 annual work planning exercise a discussion around the element of disability inclusion was taken and team members were conscious of the fact that while there has been effort to include persons with disabilities in our work, it could have been enhanced. UN Women Palestine CO committed to include in their intervention of last year work around disabilities in a prioritized manner. The regional team at UN Women has also attended a disability inclusion course to enhance their capacities on that front and it will also be disseminated to the other COs. Given the time limitation and the upcoming end of the programme further amendments to the planned interventions won't be possible and the development of disability inclusion plan won't be realized.
Collect data and evidence to learn about what is working well and what needs to be changed ROAS and COs 2023/01 Completed This is fully addressed by the final learning document that's being created. The aim of the document is to showcase good programme practices and successful interventions that can be scaled and replicated and to also capture the process followed by and the contribution of the programme to the changes attributed to it throughout its lifetime.
Recommendation: (Egypt country team support) JP should develop an explicit sustainability or phase-out strategy
Management Response: Since inception, the JP CO team has put in place plans for sustainability and exit strategy through all its partnership agreements including sourcing additional funds from other resources for the successful interventions
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Culture of results/RBM, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop comprehensive MOUs with the Ministry of Education to promote the implementation of TVET interventions in the JP and expand the work to other technological vocational schools. UN Women CO 2023/12 Completed In 2023 Q1, the JP has expanded its type of activities to include additional TVET schools making a total of 5 schools. Training on Gender Inclusive learning has been delivered to teachers and students. In Q4, the JP will be delivering gender awareness training to the Ministry of Education officials and the partnering schools’ teachers to create gender referrals within the schools to deliver similar JP activities to the students beyond the JP timeframe. This will also pull funds from other UN Women ECO resources. Signing MOUs in Egypt is a lengthy process and not always approved by security. Instead, the Office agrees with the government entity on general activities and proceed via an exchange of emails or letters. To support this planned work, the UNW ECO is partnering with an INGO that already has a bilateral agreement with the Ministry making UN Women and the JP already visible at the Ministry. Update: In Q4 2023, UN Women has provided the first round of trainings to 26 teachers at DonBosco TVET School (4 women and 22 men) on gender and discriminatory practices in the learning environment. Teachers were able to produce action plans to address the gender gaps found. A second round of trainings is scheduled in Feb. 2024 for the 5 partner TVET schools and the MOL employment unit. Furthermore, training materials are compiled to be provided for the participants. This work will be continued in the new WEE programme and the recommendation is also communicated to and endorsed by senior mgmt of ROAS and CO.
Recommendation: (Egypt Country Chapter) JP should prioritize the approaches that have worked well and demonstrated results for gender responsive private sector and consider scaling them up to achieve sustainable results at scale. It should consider deprioritizing or sunsetting the interventions that have not started yet.
Management Response: This is already taken into consideration and is reflected in extending successful interventions of partner agreements and/or adding other resources of ECO throughout the implementation.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Internal coordination and communication, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Consider scaling up interventions related to women on boards of companies and banks; partnership with the HR Gender Academy of the Federation of Egyptian Industries to train industries and companies for develop gender responsive policies; the WEPs approach and the work with TVET. UNW and ILO COs 2023/12 Completed Since 2022 Q4, UNW ECO worked on scaling up interventions for women on boards through the JP resources and other country resources to ensure that more women have access to 50% scholarship for leadership, management and other professional development certificates. This is also reinforced and scaled up for the WEPs and TVET interventions. All interventions are planned to continue through other resources beyond the JP timeframe. The JP managed to scale up the HR Gender Academy by a) producing the HR Gender Academy manual that was endorsed by the FEI and b) expanding its outreach to implement a round for 22 companies in Aswan (2022) and 13 companies in Ismailia (2023) governorates. Update: UN Women expanded the scholarship programmes with AUC for women employees in mid-and-senior level management resulting in a total number of 92 women employees trained (including 6 participants from MOIC and MOL) and are upskilled with the tools required for career progression and professional development after receiving a 50% scholarship to acquire a certified training in one of the professional cohorts provided by the AUC on management, finance, supply chain, real estate, human development, leadership, digital marketing, digital transformation, sales, or executive diploma making a total of 246 participants under this activity including training on corporate boards.
Strengthen support to the smaller private sector WEPs signatories including through technical support, coaching, knowledge and peer exchanges. UN Women CO 2023/12 Completed Since 2022 Q3, ECO has worked through the JP and other UNW ECO programmes on providing orientation on the WEPs with different chambers of commerce, FRA, and FEI. This work is done across projects for higher impact, while ensuring donor attribution. This has resulted in collecting expression of interests from various WEPs companies with different sizes. In 2023, UNW ECO has planned a set of trainings and coaching to HR people and top management for the WEPs signatories plus one-on-one support to help companies upload their profile, review their policies, develop action plans and work on its implementation through a pool of WEPs consultants dedicated to provide support for the signatories. The JP is planning to have a joint event with UNW and ILO for companies share their experience and share best practices om WEPs and childcare facilities. Update: As of December 2023, the total number of WEPs signatories in Egypt has signifcantly increased to 100 out of which 23 companies signed the WEPs through UN Women support. This is due to a packed group of services, advocacy activities, and support that UN Women CO availed for the private sector throughout their WEPs journey starting from uploading the company profile, conducting gap analysis and preparing the action plans, provision of gender sensitive HR training, building the capacity of mid-and senior level management on gender issues, provision of AUC scholarship trainings for career progression for women employees, reviewing and preparing GBV policies at the workplace, and the provision of gender responsive marketing training (in collaboration with RO).
Facilitate a road map for change for the WEPs signatories to systematically implement, monitor and report on the WEPs commitment UN Women CO 2023/12 Completed This is already planned and in place. UNW ECO has also recruited an international consultant to work on a business case (through other UNW ECO resources) where indicators on ROI impact as a result of adopting the WEPs will be collected from Egypt and other companies from the region to help advocate for more buy-in from the private sector on the WEPs adoption. Update: FGDs have been completed and a draft report is expected by end of Jan. 2024
Include the financial literacy and digitalization-including the e-marketing in the capacity building programs targeting women to better response to the market needs and gaps. UN Women CO 2023/12 Completed Since 2021 Q4, the JP provided BDS training including digital marketing through IECD to women owned and led businesses. This is topped up with a digital marketing certificate through the JP 50% scholarship with AUC, in addition, with Promotions, the JP built the capacity of women villagers on sales, marketing and financial management. Moreover, the JP since Q2 2023, has been building the capacity of women on IT coding to help women develop digital platforms and mobile applications. Update: Through the KOICA and Sida funded programmes, 341 women in STEM (including 11 participants with disabilities) are able to develop mobile applications and design web applications after receiving basic IT coding language using Front End, Back End, and Flutter as well as by participating in employment and coaching webinars coupled with access to freelance mentors. Activities include the provision of an advanced level for IT coding in 2024 as well as access to internships. Furthermore, under Sida JP, 27 women entrepreneurs in traditionally male dominated sectors in slum areas in Cairo and Alexandria, started their e-commerce journey for their businesses after receiving intensive offline business management skills including digital marketing techniques coupled with one-to-one coaching sessions that helped them adjust their business model, plan and financial resources. Women’s environmental awareness set the tone for their brand sustainability that meets the increasing demand for eco-friendly products. This makes a total of 262 women entrepreneurs receiving support under this activity in 2022 and 2023.
Recommendation: (Egypt Country Chapter) JP should upgrade its monitoring framework, to track the social norms change
Management Response: Social norms are tracked on an activity level within the country specific output of the JP. Upgrading the PMF towards the closure of the programme is obsolete.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Organizational efficiency, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The monitoring system of the JP needs to be developed in a stronger manner to closely reflect project progress, especially at the outcome level. UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/12 Completed Response to be found on the regional management response.
Recommendation: [Egypt Country Chapter] Strengthen the JP branding of the knowledge products
Management Response: Branding guidelines have been developed at the onset of the programme and UNW ECO has been following them by heart.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop a dedicated branding strategy or guidelines for the JP UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/10 Completed This is also addressed on a regional level, with ROAS organizing several initiatives focusing on regional knowledge sharing. A regional newsletter was also initiated earlier in 2023. This key action is addressed on a regional level. Harmonization of the JP branding and use of logos is also a something that was enhanced during 2023.
Recommendation: [Egypt Country Chapter] JP should develop a Disability inclusion plan to systematically address their needs.
Management Response: Although the JP doesn’t have a disability inclusion initiative, yet, the JP placed “inclusion” at the core for all the training and capacity building programmes developing all training announcement with a call for PWD to apply and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to help reach out to such segment.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Humanitarian action
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Take stock of the disability inclusion initiatives undertaken by JP so far. Develop a clear plan for disability inclusion. UN Women CO 2023/01 Completed Although the JP doesn’t have a disability inclusion initiative, the JP has placed “inclusion” at the core of all the training and capacity building programmes. In most of the training announcements over UNW ECO FB, PWD are encouraged to apply. This is in addition to collaborating with a disability NGO as well as NCW disability unit to help the JP reach out to PWD. Moreover, the JP maintained the delivery of the training (mostly online) post COVID to accommodate to women’s responsibilities and encourage PWD to enroll in the trainings. However, the percent of PWD applying is not remarkable yet. The disability inclusion was not directly highlighted in project outcomes or deliverables; hence it was not highlighted In the JP implementation plan. However, the ILO principles provides Inclusion for disability and when needed provided assistance and support to attain decent working environment for all. During the 2023 annual work planning exercise a discussion around the element of disability inclusion was taken and team members were conscious of the fact that while there has been effort to include persons with disabilities in our work, it could have been enhanced. UN Women Palestine CO committed to include in their intervention of last year work around disabilities in a prioritized manner. The regional team at UN Women has also attended a disability inclusion course to enhance their capacities on that front and it will also be disseminated to the other COs. Given the time limitation and the upcoming end of the programme further amendments to the planned interventions won't be possible and the development of disability inclusion plan won't be realized
Recommendation: (Jordan country Chapter) JP should strengthen knowledge and information dissemination and exchange about JP within its partners and to other national stakeholders
Management Response: The JP on both regional and country level is working on knowledge exchange through some various learning exchange initiatives and interventions.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Knowledge management, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Normative Support, Operational activities, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
ORGANIZE REGULAR SHARING OF LESSONS BETWEEN THE PARTNERS ABOUT JP UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/12 Completed Each year, two National Steering Committee meetings take place, aside from numerous meetings with the partners on weekly basis. UN Women and ILO make sure to invite all relevant partners from the government including MOL, JNCW, JCI, GFJTU, and the civil society organizations (KCC, WOBs) in the national committee events and other JP related events to exchange practices, and disseminate knowledge products developed. In addition to this, JP and its activities are mentioned clearly in the mapping exercise of activities contributing to the Jordan National Strategy for Women developed by JNCW and its executive plan. This is also addressed on a regional level, with ROAS organizing several initiatives focusing on regional knowledge sharing.
USE OTHER MEANS OF KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION ABOUT JP ACROSS ITS PARTNERS- NEWSLETTERS, VIRTUAL PLATFORMS, ETC UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/10 Completed This is also addressed on a regional level, with ROAS organizing several initiatives focusing on regional knowledge sharing. A regional newsletter was also initiated earlier in 2023. This key action is addressed in the regional level management response. Harmonization of the JP branding and use of logos is also a something that was enhanced during 2023.
THIS ALSO ENTAILS CREATING AND ENHANCING THE JP BRAND. UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/10 Completed This is also addressed on a regional level, with ROAS organizing several initiatives focusing on regional knowledge sharing. A regional newsletter was also initiated earlier in 2023. This key action is addressed on a regional level. Harmonization of the JP branding and use of logos is also a something that was enhanced during 2023.
INCREASE MEDIA RELATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS INCLUDING (PRESS RELEASES) ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/10 Completed All the JP activities and events are published on the regional and country websites and local press and newspapers.
OPEN DOOR TO DIALOGUE AND ALLOW ENTITIES SUCH THE PARLIAMENT (UPPER & LOWER HOUSES) TO BE PART OF DISCUSSION ON WORK DONE ON LEGISLATIVE REFORMS ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/10 Completed Coalition on companies met with Parliament few times Stand up with Teachers Campaign met with Parliament few times and resulted in a newly signed CBA
REINVIGORATE THE MODEL OF JPSCC AND NATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGS: BRING IN A PARTNER THAT ISN’T PARTICIPATING IN THE COMMITTEE TO PRESENT THEIR WORK AND THEIR SUCCESS. FOR EXAMPLE, THE MINISTRY OF YOUTH EXPERIENCE CAN BE SHOWCASED IN ONE OF THE MEETINGS. THIS ALLOWS FOR PARTNERS TO BE EXPOSED TO THE WORK AND ALLOWS FOR IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS TO BE PART OF THE BIGGER PICTURE OF THE PROGRAMMES. UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/04 Completed The National Steering Committee meetings and the JPSCC since 2022 have included sections dedicated for the partners to present the work they are doing under the programme to make the meetings more interactive and to create more learning opportunities and networking for other partners. UN Women and ILO have invited partners who are not members of National Steering Committee to share their important work with partners from either UN Women or ILO, such as SSC or private sector companies that are WEPs signatories and the Banks Association.
Recommendation: (Jordan country Chapter) JP should consider expanding its work beyond Amman
Management Response: Many of the JP activities are covering Jordan governorates with inclusion of representatives from governorate levels and some of the activities included refugees as well.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
EXPAND WORK DONE WITH MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SCALE IT OUT IN THE GOVERNORATES. IT IS IMPORTANT TO EXPAND SUCCESS AND INCLUDE DIFFERENT REGIONS. THE CURRENT WORK DID COVER SOME GOVERNORATES, BUT MORE INCLUSION WOULD ENHANCE THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THIS COMPONENT. ILO CO 2023/06 Completed All governorates that have universities with PE where covered and invited to participate. The accreditation programme will be handed to TVSDC and can be used by all training providers in the country
EXPANSION CAN BE DONE THROUGH THE ENGAGEMENT WITH CIVIL SOCIETY THE NEXT PHASE. THE CIVIL SOCIETY HAS BETTER OUTREACH AND EXISTENCE IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES OF THE DIFFERENT GOVERNORATES. ILO and UNWOMEN CO 2023/06 Completed The work has started with Banks Association and Ex-Bankers Association to support women as business owners, women in leadership positions in the private sector and women's basic knowledge about finance. For the better reach of the private sector, civil society organizations that represent female business owners and investors were engaged. The work under the three pillars will target women in different governorates and not only in Amman. Additional work will be done as well with different civil society organizations to discuss different approaches on addressing gendered roles concerning unpaid care work and how to promote it as a shared responsibility as part of the awareness campaign under different programmes. UN Women's awareness campaign will be a national one with the support of JNCW and MOL. Lastly, UN Women has worked with CSOs at all governorates to manage their needs and knowledge concerning work areas relevant to women's economic empowerment. Update: Regarding the work performed under the collaboration with ABJ, the JP is working with local CSOs to reach out to businesses owned and led by women by supporting them to withstand the impact of COVID-19 and the economic crisis that was created in its awake. At the same time, the JP has worked with the General Fedration of Trade Unions, JNCW, chambers of industry in Irbid, chambers of industry in Amman, and Investors Association in East of Amman in addition to other private sector, government agencies, and others agencies to develop a national awarness campaign about the value of women's work. UNW and ABJ have also worked on a electronic platform, where all people can access knowledge about financial literacy and financial management for women's enterpreneurs. This work will be continued through the new programmatic work and there's alignment with senior CO mgmt.
Recommendation: (Jordan country Chapter) JP plans and reports should clearly indicate which activities were implemented under the JP.
Management Response: The JP annual reports are indicating which activities are implemented with Sida fund and what activities are co-funded jointly with other programmes or other donors. which is showing collaboration and scale of interventions.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
INDICATE IN JP ANNUAL PLANS AND REPORTS WHICH INTERVENTIONS AND RESULTS ARE FULLY AND PARTIALLY FUNDED AND SUPPORTED BY JP. UNW ROAS, ILO and UNWOMEN COs 2023/06 Completed Available in all reports. JCO indicates in all JP reports which results are fully supported through the JP and which interventions received complementary funding through other programmes. there was an intentional effort to ensure that in 2022 reporting-writing process that took place from Jan- May 2023.
Recommendation: (Jordan country Chapter) Design a full-fledged sustainability plan based on MTE recommendation and achievements to ensure that JP’s important activities are upscaled, expanded and continued.
Management Response: The JP is ensuring engagement, collaboration, ownership of the partners to guarantee sustainability (for example: JP is mentioned clearly in the workplan of the Jordan Gender Strategy developed by JNCW).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Culture of results/RBM, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
DESIGN A SCALE-UP AND SUSTAINABILITY MODEL FOR THE WEPS TO ENSURE THE SUCCESS WITH SOME ENTITIES IS REPLICATED AND EXPANDED. UN Women ROAS and CO 2023/12 Completed UN Women is supporting the government, namely JNCW and Inter-Ministerial Committee for Women's Empowerment to design and roll out a Gender Seal for the Private Sector to localize and institutionalize WEPs implementation and recognition of companies that achieve significant progress in this area. It is worth mentioning that WEPs will be adopted as well and used for the development of a Gender Seal for the Public Sector. It is important to note that this initiative was recognized and included in the Executive Plan of the Economic Modernization Vision, which is the most important national framework for economic growth in the country. Update: The JP together with key national and international entities is a member of the technical working group for the development, institutionalization, and launching of 2 National Gender Seals in Jordan, one for the public and another one for the private sector. UNW has been providing technical support to the IMC and JNCW in Jordan mainly through experience and knowledge available by implementing and promoting the WEPs. UNW is providing as well the support for the development of the National Gender Seal for the public sector, using the experience compiled and build on the results achieved for GRB and gender mainstreaming at different national agencies.
Recommendation: (Palestine country Chapter) For the next round of the JP, UNW and ILO should design the programme jointly with early engagement of key national partners and actors
Management Response: Since the JP will end by December 31 and given that there will not be a next round of the JP. This recommendation is no longer valid. However, the JP will keep engaging its social partners at early stages in developing new project proposals.
Management Response Category: Rejected
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop the next phase of JP through a participatory process incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the national partners and actors with a view to increase sustainability of the JP results as well as mutual accountability and local ownership. ROAS, UNW & ILO CO 2023/10 No Longer Applicable There will not be a new phase for the JP.
Recommendation: (Palestine country Chapter) JP should break the compartmentalized structure of its partnerships with the three involved ministries (MoL MoNE, and MoF) to promote horizontal sharing of knowledge, and cross-fertilization of ideas and collective intelligence. In addition, JP should reconsider the partnership structure of the CS consortium (PWWSD, EFE & AOWA) to make it more participatory.
Management Response: The JP will support and facilitate knowledge sharing and communication between MoL and other relevant ministries on regular basis.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Internal coordination and communication, Knowledge management, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
ORGANIZE REGULAR SHARING OF LESSONS BETWEEN THE PARTNERS ABOUT JP JP ROAS and ILO and UNWOMEN CO 2023/10 Completed The two UN agencies and their partners acknowledged in the last national team meeting that holding one meeting in the year to provide updates and share knowledge was not enough, and therefore, they suggested that all meet on quarterly bases for this purpose. Regional learning plan is developed and covered in the regional mgmt. response.
USE OTHER MEANS OF KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION ABOUT JP ACROSS ITS PARTNERSNEWSLETTERS, VIRTUAL PLATFORMS, ETC. JP ROAS and ILO and UNWOMEN CO 2023/10 Completed This is also addressed on a regional level, with ROAS organizing several initiatives focusing on regional knowledge sharing. A regional newsletter was also initiated earlier in 2023. This key action is addressed in the regional level management response. Harmonization of the JP branding and use of logos is also a something that was enhanced during 2023.
REVIEW THE CURRENT GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENT OF THE CS CONSORTIUM TO ALLOW FOR A PARTICIPATORY GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENT WHEREIN THE PARTNERS ARE ENGAGED AS EQUAL PARTNERS. ILO and UNWOMEN CO 2023/06 Completed ILO established the National to ensure solidarity between CSOs and trade union movement to support its efforts in advocating for workers’ rights and labour law reforms. UN Women supported the Ministry of National Economy to establish the Advisory Council for the Economic Empowerment Fund, which included multidisciplinary bodies such as government institutions, civil society institutions, private sector institutions, and donor institutions for the purposes of integration in providing joint services to support small businesses led by women, youth, and people with disabilities.
Recommendation: (Palestine country Chapter) Develop an explicit sustainability/transition plan to sustain the gains of JP.
Management Response: The JP is working currently to developing an exit strategy to ensure sustainability/transition plan
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Alignment with strategy, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Recommendation: (Palestine country Chapter) Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) taskforce: The JP should seize the opportunity of having already built the national coalition of CSOs and create from that a WEE taskforce akin to other national entities working on other national issues such as the GBV for example.
Management Response: The JP through its distinguished relations with workers and employers’ representative organizations is willing to support the creation with whatever is needed. However, the time limitation of the JP is hindering initiating new activities in the coming months.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Impact, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
FACILITATE THE CREATION OF THE WEE TASK FORCE THAT WILL SERVE AS A REFERENCE BODY, COORDINATE EFFORTS, SET PRIORITIES AND KEEP THE AGENDA ALIVE BY CONTINUED LOBBYING FOR WEE IN PALESTINE. ILO and UNWOMEN CO 2023/10 Completed Given that the JP is ending in December and there will not be a new phase, achieving this intended objective is not entirely feasible within these circumstances. In addition to what was explained above regarding the multi-agency and multi-disciplinary advisory council that was supported by UNW at MoNE, work is underway. By the end of December based on the outcomes of the study on the business model for economic empowerment, which is being implemented by UNW’s Fund with the Ministry of Economy, an implementation plan will be developed, including (the joint national framework for the aforementioned model, which includes the private sector, government institutions, and civil society). This is part of the services of the Economic Empowerment Fund supported by UNW and the Ministry of Economy. In addition, UN Women is currently institutionalizing a network of companies that have joined and signed the principles of women’s empowerment-WEPs- in Palestine, and networking them with relevant regional networks.