The CO has made important contributions to Women in Political Participation and Leadership by introducing and connecting women candidates to Political Parties. The number of female candidates endorsed and supported by PP’s had increased in 2022 compared to 2017.Female candidates were given opportunities to have practice parliaments sessions to get a grasp of what it is like in Parliament. At the sub national level, female politicians were given the opportunity to improve their capacity / knowledge gap so they can meaningfully contribute to discussions and decisions at the District Development Authority (DDA), Local Level Governments chamber, Provincial Assemblies, Council of Women etc. Regional advocacies were held in the four regions that brought together women leaders to advocate for Temporary Specials Measures. Male champions were identified to work alongside women leaders to change the perception of people to believe in the value and abilities of women to lead. The Autonomous Bougainville Government was also supported in terms of the two new policies on Gender Equality, Women, Peace and Security and the Civil Society Partnership policies 2024-2027. Young women leadership program also brought together young women interested to make politics a career and were provided mentors to guide them throughout their journey. The first Political Leadership Academy for Women was established with the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance where targeted trainings were delivered to sub national politicians. Overall, the CO has contributed and achieved a lot in the last four years of implementation despite many setbacks such as the 2020 COVID -19 pandemic and the 2022 national general Election.