Management Response

: Papua New Guinea
: 2023 - 2023 , Papua New Guinea (CO)
: Women Make the Change End of Programme Evaluation
: Papua New Guinea

The CO has made important contributions to Women in Political Participation and Leadership by introducing and connecting women candidates to Political Parties. The number of female candidates endorsed and supported by PP’s had increased in 2022 compared to 2017.Female candidates were given opportunities to have practice parliaments sessions to get a grasp of what it is like in Parliament. At the sub national level, female politicians were given the opportunity to improve their capacity / knowledge gap so they can meaningfully contribute to discussions and decisions at the District Development Authority (DDA), Local Level Governments chamber, Provincial Assemblies, Council of Women etc. Regional advocacies were held in the four regions that brought together women leaders to advocate for Temporary Specials Measures. Male champions were identified to work alongside women leaders to change the perception of people to believe in the value and abilities of women to lead. The Autonomous Bougainville Government was also supported in terms of the two new policies on Gender Equality, Women, Peace and Security and the Civil Society Partnership policies 2024-2027. Young women leadership program also brought together young women interested to make politics a career and were provided mentors to guide them throughout their journey. The first Political Leadership Academy for Women was established with the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance where targeted trainings were delivered to sub national politicians. Overall, the CO has contributed and achieved a lot in the last four years of implementation despite many setbacks such as the 2020 COVID -19 pandemic and the 2022 national general Election.

: Approved
Recommendation: 1.1: WMC to continue to strengthen the relationships with national and Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government departments, including those outside of DfCDR.
Management Response: UN Women has been working closely with GoPNG and AROB government departments including Departments of Community Development and Community Government. UN Women also strengthened the relationship with IPPCC, UNDP and ABG over the years in a number of ways including regional advocacy workshops, Practice Parliament sessions and candidates training etc. Special Parliamentary Committee (now Permanent Parliamentary Committee (PPC)) and IPPCC were heavily involved in promoting women to enter politics. Through IPPCC, female candidates were introduced to political parties for support and endorsement or even to join their parties. This partnership will continue in the WMC 2nd phase. With now PPC in place, UN Women and UNDP will consolidate their efforts in promoting legal and legislative framework that will enable women to equally participate in decision making bodies, such as quota systems, including in the National Parliament. UN Women will also work with the newly established GBV Secretariat through DfCDR to advance and advocate for GEWE. UN Women and UNDP will develop an MOU with the PPC on areas of mutual interest including to advance UN Women’s initiative for the establishment of a Gender Technical Unit (GTU) within the parliament to technically support the committee, provide resources for technical briefs, inquiries, sittings, bills etc. GTU will provide expertise, guidance, and support in integrating a gender perspective into legislative processes, policies, and programs, ensuring GEWE are central considerations in parliamentary decision-making.
Description: WMC to continue to strengthen the relationships with national and Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government departments, including those outside of DfCDR and to leverage the permanent Parliamentary Committee and strong relationship with the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates Commission (IPPCC) and Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). This will build sustainability through more embedded responsibilities and effectiveness of results as yet undelivered. UN Women to utilize existing partnerships in UNDP, through IPPCC and ABG and through donors to access these departments in a coordinated and streamlined way.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Gender equality, Human Rights, Coherence
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Support Launching of the ABG Policies on Gender Equality, Women, Peace and Security 2024-2027. UN Women PNG CO, ABG Department for Community Development and Community Government 2024/12 Initiated 1. Bougainville Executive Council will have their first meeting in late February 2024 to discuss the policies
Support of the implementation of the ABG Policies on Gender Equality, Women, Peace and Security 2024-2027 ABG Department for Community Development and Community Government 2024/12 Not Initiated Will initiate after the launch and also upon availability of funds
Support DfCDR to complete normative commitments for 2024 including completion of the final consultation for: 1) The National Gender Policy review; 2) CEDAW Reporting; and 3) National Council of Women (NCW) Revitalization UN Women PNGCO 2024/09 Overdue-Initiated The National Gender Policy will be completed in Q2 of 2024. CEDAW Reporting is due in June 2024.
Sign MOU with the Permanent Parliamentary Committee and support implementation of key priorities UN Women PNGCO 2024/09 Overdue-Not Initiated To be implemented in partnership with UNDP and part of Outcome 1 UNSDCF
Recommendation: 1.2: WMC and partners to continue to support individual women to increase skills and confidence to take up leadership positions.
Management Response: This is a valid recommendation UN Women fully agrees to it. Storytelling is a time tested tool for networking, sharing, learning and while UN Women had partnered with IPPCC to create an animation on TSM’s, we will enhance the reach of the animation and continue to use to create awareness and advocate and continue the networking sessions with SILAG alumni to share and learn from each other and lobbying Members of Parliament . The training content offered at Somare Institute of Governance and Leadership (SILAG) ( formerly PILAG) will be evaluated periodically to support continuous improvement and ensure that the training program remains effective, relevant, and aligned to evolving needs and contexts.
Description: 1.2: WMC and partners to continue to support individual women to increase skills and confidence to take up leadership positions. This will continue the work in raising women’s technical ability and their confidence. Continue to support the Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG) alumni and other networking and coalition initiatives through technical assistance on content development and delivery, financial support and facilitation of communication with government. Engage communities through storytelling, and build networking/coalitions/relational work, address embedded cultural barriers.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality, Sustainability, Relevance, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Evaluate training content and delivery offered at SILAG and 2) support review of the curriculum. UN Women PNGCO, SILAG and IPPCC 2024/09 Completed
Work with Minister for ABG Department of Community Development to launch the policy and for (Bougainville Executive Committee) to endorse UN Women PNGCO 2024/06 Completed The Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Peace, and Security Policy 2023-2027, and the Civil Society Partnership Policy 2023-2027 were launched on the 26th June 2024
Launching and dissemination of TSM animation across the different media platforms to raise awareness on the criticality of TSM or Quota systems UN Women PNGCO and IPPCC 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated
PLAW Alumni networking session UN Women PNGCO and SILAG 2024/02 Overdue-Not Initiated
Recommendation: 1.3: WMC, government and other partners continue to advocate to improve attitudes towards women in leadership and drive change in local organisations and government.
Management Response: UN Women appreciates this recommendation. Given the structural and socio-cultural barriers in PNG, men and boys are important players to advocate for GEWE issues, as their involvement is essential for challenging and transforming entrenched gender norms, promoting cultural shifts, and building sustainable support for gender equity at all levels Given this need, UN Women has invested in capacity building of about 40 male champions on GEWE and HR in 2022. In phase 2, UN Women will build on from where it stopped to ensure there are enough male champions who can support the work on GEWE. As part of changing perceptions around WPL, UN Women has been collecting and publishing stories of women leaders from around the country who have been pivotal to change we now see in their communities. UN Women in partnership with write in (Queensland University of Technology) and now YSS (Yumi Sanap Strong) have produced digital stories of women leaders and male champions who are promoting and supporting the work of women and GEWE issues in their communities. These digital stories are now being used for community dialogues in communities / sites where women did well, did not do well or did not contest in the 2022 NGE to gather their views on WIPL. The dialogues have been helpful and a good way of rallying support from wide range of actors to discuss openly and freely without any bias or inhibitions. Both men, women and other interest groups were included in the dialogues. These digital stories will continue to be used for discussions in community dialogues, trainings and workshops to help people understand the value of women in leadership and to possibly change their perception about women’s leadership capacity , emphasizing that they can also lead effectively if given the space, support and opportunity.
Description: 1.3: WMC, government and other partners continue to advocate to improve attitudes towards women in leadership and drive change in local organisations and government. Engage and train men as advocates and provide platforms. Actively measure the changes in attitudes and behaviours through tools like the University of Queensland model and use to continuously improve programming.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Partnership, Operational activities, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Community Dialogues in selected communities to promote the work and leadership of women and to counter narrate the negative stereotypes that women cannot lead UN WOM PNGCO and Yumi Sanap Strong 2024/12 Completed These dialogues took place in Q4 of 2023; will continue into the new phase subject to availability of funds.
Survey on measuring changes in attitudes and behaviors of men Yumi Sanap Strong and UN Women PNGCO 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated
Follow up trainings with male champions to promote and support women in their leadership roles UN Women 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated
Recommendation: 2.1: UN Women and UNDP to strengthen programme monitoring, reflection and learning.
Management Response: A very valid recommendation. One of the reasons that UN Women had partnered with SILAG (formerly PILAG) is its resources and inclusive facilities . All groups of people including PLWD are able to access SILAG’s facilities. Unfortunately, no PLWD had applied for the trainings. Going forward, UN Women will specifically make mention on the Call for Application for PLWD to apply. The trainings at SILAG were delivered after a wider consultation with elected and nominated women reps from across the country which gave birth to the first Political Leadership Academy for Women (PLAW) powered by SILAG. UN Women will explore other avenues where these trainings can be contextualized to suit local needs and also delivered to more women leaders such as the chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of ABG Department of Community Government, women reps in the National Council of Women, Provincial Assemblies, Local Level Government and wards.
Description: 2.1: UN Women and UNDP to strengthen programme monitoring, reflection and learning. Contextualize advocacy to make relevant and encourage adoption: provincial, LLG, ward level and ARoB levels by using local knowledge and research and PILAG alumni to design and deliver contextualized programming. Actively use results to improve and adjust programming, including understanding reach and demographics. Improved focus on Inclusivity in design and monitoring will help to improve accessibility for marginalized groups like PWD, community and sub-national organizations across cultural differences and men.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Operational activities, Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability, Relevance, Efficiency, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Trainings to cohort 3 SILAG 2024/02 Completed
Trainings to women leaders at sub national level to prepare them for the election. The PLAW capacity building package is for sub national elected women politicians. A similar package will be developed for elected national politicians to be successful in their assignment. UN Women PNGCO and SILAG 2024/02 Overdue-Initiated Priority for this year is to train the sub national female politicians who are intending to contest the 2024 LLG election
Recommendation: 3.1: UN Women and other UN partners coordinate work at the national and sub-national levels to develop streamlined approaches, common messaging and to address institutional barriers to women in leadership and to build ownership.
Management Response: 3.1.1 Engaging with key government partners: UN Women will invite them to the inception workshop of the 2nd phase of WMC to identify what each department will contribute towards addressing the project’s objectives and goal. Although UN Women worked well with a number of the departments identified here, not all were dedicated towards the cause of GEWE. This is a huge challenge and UN Women will continue to identify their needs and support them where necessary. A coordinated approach is needed to ensure all of them are on board. The program will resurrect the quarterly COP sessions and project steering committee meetings where each of them can contribute towards this project meaningfully. An MOU will be developed with DfCDR and DPLGA as they are key departments towards addressing GEWE and WIPL. 3.1.2 Coordinate with UN to work with CSOs: UN Women has met with the leadership of DFCDR to commence GEWE coordination meetings at government and CSO level to ensure coherence in monitoring, delivery and design of interventions across PNG. UN Women has also revived the Gender and Human Rights Technical Advisory Group. This is to enhance coordination in alignment with the new strategic note in the UN and to also garner technical support on gender and human rights in engagement with various stakeholders including with CSOs. Also, on Spotlight, a Sustainability Plan was developed which was approved by the National Steering Committee(NSC). The Sustainability Plan has identified clear gaps across laws and policies, institutional strengthening, prevention, community and norms work, essential service provision, data and women's movement building, with a gaps in disability programming as a cross-cutting issue. This plan will be consulted in this coordination efforts to ensure no gap is left unattended to. 3.1.3 Support legal and policy framework: UN Women had supported the ABG to develop two new policies on Gender Equality, Women, Peace and Security (GEWPS) and Civil Society Partnership (CSP) with the help of the Gender Technical Working Group which was also set up by U Women. UN Women will continue to support ABG in the implementation of these policies. UN women also supported the DFCDR to conduct consultation meetings in several provinces in Q4 of 2023 to review the expired Gender Policy and to collect information on CEDAW 25 issues. UN Women will continue to support the department to ensure the new Gender policy is drafted and finalized and also the CEDAW reporting is written and submitted to the CEDAW Committee in June 2024. 3.1.4 Work with subnational government: UN Women had publicly put out a Call for Proposal for CSOs and NGOs to apply. Due to the limited number of organizations working in this space and their absorptive capacity after they were all funded under the UN Women Spotlight Initiative, not all have applied. The programme financially supported Bougainville Women’s Federation (BWF) to provide essential trainings to women and young girls of Bougainville on the areas of need which are in line to the programme’s 4 outcomes. This partnership agreement was terminated as due diligence was not followed. UN women will continue to provide technical support and capacity building to local women led CSOs to actively engage in the project going forward as local context is important to achieving the outcomes of this project. 3.1.5 Linking subnational to national politics: Through the Political Leadership Academy for Women, UN Women had been engaging women leaders at the national level who are former and current MPs (both PNG and ABG) ; department heads or heads of political parties to act as mentors for the sub national women leaders. A number of sessions were organized for the mentor mentee sessions; and relationships were established for them to communicate even after the formal trainings are over. Former and current female MPs were also invited to speak at our regional advocacy workshops where they interacted on a personal level and had a chance to learn from their experiences. This was seen to be beneficial and so the approach will continue into phase two where more mentor mentee sessions will be organized. 3.1.6 Expand PILAG’s curriculum: SILAG curriculum and the candidates training manual will be used to train women candidates who are planning to contest in the sub national election in 2024. SILAG curriculum will also be used to build capacity of women who wins in the LLG election.
Description: 3.1: UN Women and other UN partners coordinate work at the national and sub-national levels to develop streamlined approaches, common messaging and to address institutional barriers to women in leadership and to build ownership. Base programming on needs in government initiatives. Establish mechanisms for programme coordination across development partners and include transition to local ownership in programme design so that ongoing delivery is not time-bound with programming cycles. 3.1.1•Engage with DfCDR, Department of Personnel Management, DIRD, DJAG, DNPM and Department of Provincial and Local Government Affairs (DPLGA) in designing and prioritizing interventions and partners: 3.1.2•Coordinate across UN to identify the needs of key CSOs delivering work in gender-based programmes and deliver aligned support and engagements with these groups: 3.1.3•Support the development and roll out of equitable policies and structures, the delivery of CEDAW reporting and reintroduction of and advocacy for TSMs: 3.1.4•Work at both national and sub-national levels including at local-level government (LLG) and ward levels, considering regional and local contexts: 3.1.5•Build connections between national and subnational leadership pathways: 3.1.6•Clarify where UN mechanisms can support and where work with other partners can help if UN does not have mandate. Expand the PILAG curriculum to support women standing in sub-national roles, including provincial delivery of content at least in part.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Normative Support, Operational activities, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Human Rights, Coherence, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Symposium / inception workshop– invite all partners to attend (old and new) to hear the achievements of WMC phase 1 and plans for phase 2 and to incorporate their ideas into phase 2 UN Women PNGCO DfCDR 2024/06 Overdue-Initiated Funds under this activity is being used for the final national gender policy consultation and validation workshop. This activity has been deferred to later this year subject to availability of funds
Deliver trainings to women contesting in the sub national elections on campaign skills and public speaking so they are able to campaign confidently UN Women PNGCO 2024/06 Overdue-Initiated
Invite key partners and stakeholders to 6 monthly project board and quarterly steering committee meetings to reconnect, reestablish relationship and to guide the project’s implementation UN Women PNGCO and UNDP 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated Project Board in consist of the donors, DfCDR and IPPCC as co-chairs, UN Women and UNDP’ Steering Committee is consist of all other key partners and stakeholders who will provide guidance to the project team
Gender and Human Rights Technical Working Group Meetings UN Women PNG CO 2024/12 Not Initiated
Create a proper database of CSOs and PLAW Alumni who are promoting GEWE issues UN Women PNG CO 2024/09 Overdue-Not Initiated
Recommendation: 4.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to continue to strengthen PNG and ARoB non-government organisations and programs which will in turn, strengthen country ownership and sustainability.
Management Response: The recommendation is appreciated. UN Women understands the important role played by women led CSOs and NCW. The absence of the women machinery (NCW) is felt in the country and so UN Women in Q4 supported NCW Secretariat and DfCDR to conduct provincial assessments in several provinces in preparation for the national convention to elect new executives. The programme also supported BWF to implement programs that are suitable for the Bougainville women however, due to lack of capacities, the PA was terminated. UN Women going forward will build the capacity of CSOs like BWF and other women led to lead on issues affecting GEWE. UN Women invited women led CSOs and other organizations including government departments and development partners for a wider consultation in 2022 to provide inputs to the new UN Women SN 2024-2028 and the UNSDCF 2024-2028. These strategic documents have now been approved and will be implemented starting 2024. These same CSOs will be approached to the launch of the SN. Subject to availability of funds, UN Women will put a out Call for Proposal (CfP) for local partners and CSOs to apply. UN Women will provide Technical support and build the capacity of the organizations who will implement their programmes.
Description: 4.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to continue to strengthen PNG and ARoB non-government organisations and programs which will in turn, strengthen country ownership and sustainability. Build partnerships with organisations who also run women leadership programs, who work to address barriers like gender-based violence and who have WIL networks (the NCW, Provincial Councils of Women, the BWF). 4.1.1 Be inclusive in consultations, involve partners like BWF, NCW, Nazareth Centre, and other CSOs, private sector and government in designs 4.1.2 Develop capabilities to strengthen women’s networks, to maintain the momentum of change and to assist more actively in delivery of programming. Strengthen NCW’s position as an independent organization; an equal partnership between the NCW as an NGO and DfCDR as government. Work with NCW to improve operations, capacity and sustainability. After a review of its terms of reference, reinvigorate the Community of Practice as a way for women to support and learn from each other
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Advertise Call for Proposals to local partners and CSOs to apply. The local partners and CSOs will implement part or all of the 4 outputs under the project. Capacity Building will be provided to the selected CSOs on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, Reporting and Financial liquidation. UN Women PNGCO 2024/12 Not Initiated This is subject to availability of funds
Support DfCDR and NCW Secretariat to host the NCW national convention and reestablishment of their office DfCDR and UN Women PNGCO 2024/03 Ongoing
Recommendation: 5.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to diversify the cohorts of programme participants based on need.
Management Response: This recommendation is appreciated! UN Women has partnered with SILAG and BWF to train younger women who are interested in choosing politics as a career. These young women were also introduced to national leaders and subnational female role models who are making changes in their communities. It is UN Women’s aim to train more young women so there can be a pool of intelligent young women who can be able to raise their hands up to stand for office or to lead on issues affecting GEWE in the country. UN women will continue to support local partners to train more young women. Hanmark is a term used to describe women who have made significant inputs into their communities to demonstrate their leadership capabilities. Whilst UN Women did not and will not provide direct financial support to women candidates, UN Women will work with local CSOs and NGOs they are affiliated to way ahead of the election year to prove their hand mark. However, most of these women only come out in the last one or two years prior to the election. Nevertheless, UN Women will continue to work with local CSOs to promote GEWE advancement. UN Women will encourage all women led CSOs to apply to their Call for Proposals so funds can be given to organizations that meet the criteria.
Description: 5.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to diversify the cohorts of programme participants based on need. Have a structured approach to identifying and engaging with potential leaders within the public and private sectors, CSOs, faith-based organizations and through schools in order to reach those who will have the most impact. Target assistance to context and areas of need based on research; for instance, financial literacy and fund raising to support community programs and 'handmak'. Utilize information through associations and business groups to identify needs. Mold young leaders through school and mentorship.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability, Relevance, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Young Women Political Leadership Bootcamp UN Women and IPs 2024/03 Completed All the activities listed in his table is subject to the availability of funds
Female Candidates trainings for both the LLG and national elections to better prepare them for their campaigning. UN Women and IPs 2024/12 Completed UN Women trained 117 prospective and current women leaders preparing to contest the ward councilors and LLG elections in 2025.
Advertise Call for Proposals to local partners and CSOs to apply. The local partners and CSOs will implement part or all of the 4 outputs under the project. Capacity Building will be provided to the selected CSOs on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, Reporting and Financial liquidation. UN Women and IPs 2024/12 Not Initiated
Recommendation: 6.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to use data to drive designs and decision making to deliver cost-effective and targeted assistance.
Management Response: An action research was conducted by UNDP to inform and support women’s candidacy for 2022. Through this research, a number of findings were identified including skills gap, motivation and exposure to political parties. With IPPCC’s support, these women candidates were connected to PPs and were endorsed and supported during the 2022 NGE. UN Women, UNDP and IPPCC will continue to work with PPs to ensure more capable women are supported in future elections. A follow up research will be conducted to analyse past election observation reports and trends in women's political participation in PNG to identify gaps and provide recommendations for better support to women's political participation in phase 2.
Description: 6.1: UN Women and UNDP partner to use data to drive designs and decision making to deliver cost-effective and targeted assistance. Establish the programme as an equal partnership between UN Women and UNDP offering improved alignment, project management and operational support like finance and logistics. • Look successful WIL and understand what has enabled and supported this; conversely, learn from where women struggle. • Institute strong programme monitoring against targets and measure changes in knowledge, attitudes and perceptions. • Institutionalize sharing across programs for both technical work and engagement with key government and CSOs stakeholders. Design engagements with common stakeholders to minimise the burden of participation.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Capacity development, Advocacy, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality, Impact, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
WPPL Research _ a desktop research on Women in Political Participation and Leadership will be conducted to identify trends and gaps in the gender-responsiveness of election observation reports over time and to provide clear recommendations on what needs to be done to more effectively support women’s political participation UN Women PNGCO 2024/06 Overdue-Initiated