Management Response

: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)
: 2012 - 2013 , Independent Evaluation Service (IES) (EO)
: Thematic Evaluation on the contribution of UN Women to increasing women's leadership and participation in peace and security and humanitarian response
: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)

UN Women welcomes this evaluation?s overall positive findings regarding UN Women?s technical and knowledge leadership and its convening role in the area of women, peace and security (WPS). The recommendations are of great value in supporting UN Women?s country and regional offices and the work of its Policy Division to lift the bar in its support to the UN system and Member States to advance women?s protection in contexts of armed conflict and participation in conflict resolution and recovery. UN Women is incorporating the evaluation?s recommendations to its efforts to strengthen its work on WPS, in line with the stated priority on this area in its Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The evaluation finds that UN Women has been able to exploit its unique mandate, combining normative and operational functions across the three pillars of the UN?s work when it comes to WPS policy and programming. It has used its convening power to promote the engagement of women?s groups in conflict resolution and national recovery, including through support to enable women peace leaders to participate in peace processes or in donor conferences, or in national, regional or international policy debates on peacebuilding, transitional justice, and post-conflict rule of law reform. The evaluation also describes the support UN Women provides to Member States and regional organizations to improve planning and strategic focus to ensure that gender issues are addressed in all areas of peace and security. The evaluation?s findings come at a moment of significant normative advance, as outlined in the provisions of Security Council resolution 2122 (2013) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Committee?s General Recommendation 30 (GR 30) on ?Women and conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations?. UN Women provided technical support for the development of both instruments. Resolution 2122 (2013) calls for renewed efforts to ensure women?s direct engagement in conflict resolution and for consistent action on WPS issues by the Security Council. CEDAW?s GR 30 reasserts the relevance of women peace and security for all Member States and enjoins them to advance and report on key aspects of women?s protection and engagement in conflict prevention and resolution. Going forward, these instruments will drive a significant implementation shift on the part of Member States and the UN. The evaluation?s findings and recommendations come as UN Women begins implementation of its new Strategic Plan (2014-2017). They provide valuable guidance for UN Women as it continues to refine its strategies, plans and priorities to have the maximum impact with its resources. The evaluation notes that in the area of WPS, strategic initiatives are necessarily ad hoc, oriented to seizing unanticipated opportunities in the midst of a conflict resolution process or a moment of political transition to influence decision-makers and advance women?s rights. Future evaluations of this area will need to find a way of capturing this strategic aspect of UN Women?s work. UN Women also notes that while the timing of the recommendations is opportune, the evaluation was constrained by certain factors relating to when it took place. Most significantly, since the evaluation period ends in 2012 it was not able to reflect the impact on UN Women?s work of significant new organizational capacities, in particular the regional architecture including the establishment of new Regional Offices, new country-level leadership, delegated authority for country offices, as well as strengthened HQ technical capacity in areas such as peacebuilding, post-conflict elections, mediation and transitional justice. In addition, UN Women agrees with the evaluators that at the time the evaluation took place it was not possible adequately to assess UN Women?s work in the area of humanitarian response. None of UN Women?s predecessor entities had a mandate to work in this area. It is an area which is markedly strengthened in the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan compared to the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan. UN Women is committed, in line with the priority in the new Strategic Plan and the clearly stated interest and concern of its Executive Board, to ensure gender issues are addressed in humanitarian response. It has prepared a humanitarian strategy and established a small humanitarian unit to that end. However, it was not possible for the evaluation to capture these developments. This therefore limits the evaluation?s value with regard to UN Women?s humanitarian response-related activities.

: Approved
Recommendation: 1. Continue to scale up proactive intergovernmental engagement and interagency coordination through a twin-track approach: (i) pursue women, peace and security implementation proactively and (ii) to encourage buy-in from key (and sometimes reluctant) stakeholders, including selected Member States and key United Nations entities. At the global level, UN Women should: ? Ensure the presence of senior staff in interagency forums and coordination activities including, but not limited to, those chaired by UN Women at global, regional and national levels. ? Develop new strategic relationships at the global level, including partnerships and alliances with key international stakeholders and groups that are leading peace and security and related debates beyond the United Nations system. Specifically, UN Women needs to build stronger linkages with the World Bank (especially the Nairobi-based Fragility Hub), and groups such as the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, and intergovernmental humanitarian entities, among others. ? Support the creation of thematic groups/communities of practice in key policy areas related to women, peace and security that are comprised of key staff from country and project offices and headquarters to improve mutual learning and cross fertilisation between global policy engagement and country experience. At the regional and country level, UN Women should: ? Increase staff capacity of regional offices so that they can play a more proactive and strategic intergovernmental and coordination role with regional actors and regional policy/political processes relevant for peacebuilding and state building agendas. These include the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UMOEA), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American system of human rights. ? Increase opportunities for staff at headquarters and in country offices to engage with each other, to support policy engagement at country level and to learn lessons from programme work, including through reciprocal secondments.
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation. Beyond its current strategy focusing on the Security Council and the Peacebuilding Commission, from 2014 onwards it will step-up engagement with regional peace and security institutions, with a view to generating a significant improvement in the visibility and impact of women?s engagement in all aspects of conflict prevention, resolution, and recovery and in humanitarian response. At the interagency level, it will generate stronger country-headquarters coordinated action to support effective engagement in all conflict-related interagency forums from those involved in early warning to post-conflict planning processes. UN Women is looking into joining the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) to support strategic engagement in humanitarian work. Strategic intergovernmental engagement: Global: UN Women will continue its engagement with the CEDAW Committee and the Security Council to support application of these instruments. The UN Women Policy Division regularly offers briefings to new Security Council members on the WPS agenda and will expand its practice of hosting ? with other UN entities -- ad hoc roundtables for the benefit of Security Council experts on gender issues in specific country situations. UN Women has twice supported the Peacebuilding Commission to address gender issues in 2013 and will continue to do so in 2014. Regional: UN Women considers enhancing its engagement with regional institutions a strategic priority. UN Women Representatives are now able to focus more sharply upon their advocacy, partnership, strategic management and policy role and national and regional levels as a consequence of the roll out of the regional architecture and delegation of authority. UN Women already has strong cooperation agreements in place with the EU, OAS and CARICOM, but will in 2014 and beyond focus on building cooperation with the AU, ASEAN, ECOWAS, Pacific Islands Forum and the OSCE. Strategic interagency processes: Global: UN Women?s strategic engagement with crucial interagency processes linked to crisis response and transitions is enabled by the participation of its Executive Director in the Secretary-General?s Policy Committee and of its Senior Management in the Senior Peacebuilding Group, the UN Development Group and the Executive Committee on Peace and Security. UN Women?s engagement with new and existing Integrated Mission Task Forces enables it to strengthen its input to coordinated action in UN mission contexts. UN Women chairs the IANGWE Inter-Agency Standing Committee on WPS (SC-WPS). Evidence of increasing maturity and sophistication of this body can be seen in the improved quality of the annual SG report to the Council on women and peace and security. Its members collaborate to strengthen monitoring data and baselines to enable effective results tracking in the UN system-wide Strategic Results Framework on WPS. UN Women co-leads the implementation of the Secretary-General?s Seven Point Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding with the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), and has made several of its key targets ? notably the minimum 15 per cent spending target for gender equality in peacebuilding contexts ? a driving imperative across the UN system. UN Women will strengthen its relationship with the World Bank and other international institutions addressing governance and economic security in fragile states (for instance in relation to the New Deal) in the coming year. With regard to humanitarian response, UN Women has identified the need to join the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) as a crucial condition for more effective action in this arena as well as investing in building the requisite organizational capacity. Initial discussions with the IASC Secretariat have begun and UN Women anticipates joining in 2014. Country: UN Women has always prioritized supporting host country governments to implement WPS commitments via national planning efforts and support for the engagement of women?s civil society organizations in conflict resolution. The most recent high-visibility consequence of this was the October 2013 convening in Bogota of 400 women peace leaders to input to the on-going peace process and petition for a stronger direct engagement of women in this process, and similar processes were undertaken in 2013 for Mali and Syria. At country level, UN Women has engaged fully in the formulation of UNDAFs and Peacebuilding Priority Plans. UN Women has been a key player in the recent Peacebuilding Priority Plans developed in Liberia and Kyrgyzstan, and has been successful in securing funding for proposals for actions linking women?s economic empowerment and community leadership to peacebuilding. There is increasing UN Women engagement in humanitarian coordination, such as UN Women?s participation in the UN response to the Syria crisis and the rapid deployment of a GENCAP adviser to the Philippines one week after the disaster. Staff capacity for proactive and strategic WPS engagement: UN Women will address the evaluation?s recommendation on staff capacity in the area of women, peace and security as both a professional development issue (see also response to recommendation 4) as well as a matter of building internal strategic guidance. In terms of the professional profile, UN Women is currently recruiting Regional Peace and Security Advisers who, along with the Policy Division, will support improved analysis and strategic planning. To support their work, UN Women has already developed and piloted training on gender-responsive peacebuilding for UN Women and UN partner entities. The inaugural session was held in June in partnership with the PBSO, International Alert, and the UN Women Training Center (TC) and will be run again in 2014. UN Women agrees with the evaluation?s recommendation to improve the frequency of engagement between country and HQ staff. This is a priority to apply lessons from practice (see response to Recommendation 2) as well as to build sharper analytical and strategic capacities. Beyond regular systems such as reciprocal secondments and annual reporting, UN Women also uses the production of the SG report on WPS to stimulate country-level analysis and HQ response. For instance in 2013, inputs from country offices were made to the SG report on WPS detailing links between natural resource management (NRM), gender and peacebuilding.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Support from UN Women HQ to country offices to engage fully in Peacebuilding Priority Plans where relevant Country offices with Policy Division and the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women CO's have consistently increased their engagement in PPPs, evidenced by a steady increase in Peacebuilding Funds received by UNW.
Strengthen participation in IMTFs to improve coordination at HQ and from field Programme Division and Policy Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated
Finalize delegation of authority and recruitment of Deputy Representatives and Operations Managers for relevant country offices Programme Division, Division of Management and Administration, and Regional offices 2014/06 Completed
Finalize recruitment and deployment of Regional Advisors Programme Division and Regional offices 2014/06 Completed
Replicate Gender and Peacebuilding training at regional level Policy Division, UN Women Training Centre, and UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) 2014/09 Overdue-Initiated Training workshop will be held in West Africa in 2016
Strategic engagement with the AU, EU, OSCE, ASEAN, PIF and ECOWAS Strategic Partnerships Division, Programme Division, Policy Division, AU Liaison office, and Regional offices. 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated
Join Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Programme Division and Coordination Division 2015/12 Overdue-Initiated This recommendation emerged as a top priority from the 15th anniversary of 1325 in October 2015. UN Women and partners are lobbying UN senior management to take it forward
Recommendation: 2. UN Women should strengthen programming capabilities to remain flexible and adaptive, while improving strategic planning, strategic prioritisation of interventions and catalytic engagement in women, peace and security programming At the global level, UN Women should: ? Develop new knowledge products to document innovation and achievements on ways of working and political engagement in the different thematic areas of women, peace and security programming. Such investment should result in the provision of practical guidance for programming design, including on theories of change. ? Develop practical guidance for all levels of its inter-agency engagement as the Inter-Agency coordination strategy is finalised, to clarify the entity?s catalytic role and operational presence including for UN agencies, other partners and stakeholders. At the country level, UN Women should: ? Improve long-term strategic planning and prioritisation capacity at country level based on enhanced context and conflict analysis and political economy analysis that informs the selection of interventions and where efforts are best targeted ? Increase joint programming and collaboration with other United Nations entities on peace and security and humanitarian response. In some cases, this may require the development of memorandums of understanding on ways to work together, to facilitate country-level inter-agency relations. This seems particularly appropriate to facilitating in-country relations between UN Women and DPKO.
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation on building partnerships and knowledge for innovative programming. UN Women?s strategy is to identify partnerships or engagements in which the catalytic role of UN Women supports complementarities with other entities, and will focus on this in particular at country level. It will also make regionally-targeted efforts to address points raised in the evaluation regarding inconsistencies across regions in levels of WPS policy and operational work. Guidance and knowledge in interagency engagement: UN Women will continue to work with other UN partners to identify complementarities to develop through joint strategic work, using the entities? Strategic Plans as a starting point. UN Women has sought to amplify its strategic impact through, for instance, seconding a staff member to the new Global Focal Point on the Rule of Law, thus ensuring gender issues are addressed in this important effort to build coherence in the UN?s support for post-conflict security and justice. As co-lead with the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) in supporting implementation of the SG?s Seven Point Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding, UN Women has been able to stimulate meaningful standard-setting across the UN?s peacebuilding institutions. UN Women contributed to the UNDG?s efforts to harmonize the gender marker system, and has, in collaboration with UNDP, provided detailed analysis of its utilization to track allocations to gender equality in post-conflict situations. To further support coherence in the UN?s work on WPS, UN Women will produce a detailed guidance note for country-level implementation of Security Council WPS resolutions and CEDAW GR 30. UN Women will also develop a web-based knowledge hub for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Women, Peace and Security and which will act as the platform for knowledge sharing and consultation in preparation for the Secretary-General?s Study mandated by resolution 2122 (2013). The Peace and Security team within the Policy Division is noted in the evaluation for the high quality of its analytical work and publications. However, in response to the evaluation, stronger efforts will be made to clarify theories of change and fully engage country offices in generating knowledge on good practices (see Recommendation 3). UN Women agrees with the evaluation?s recommendations to increase joint programming with other UN entities at country level. Enhanced leadership by UN Women is already evident in many contexts in gender theme groups (GTGs) and within the UNCT. In UN Mission contexts UN Women collaborates closely with Senior Gender Advisors and, as noted earlier, it will focus in the coming year on more effective engagement at country and HQ level in Integrated Mission Task Forces. UN Women has participated in the handover of UN mission tasks to the UNCT in the context of mission draw-downs in Timor-Leste and will continue to do so in Liberia and Haiti. UN Women?s recent inter-agency initiative to review the adequacy of gender expertise to mission contexts provides recommendations to strengthen the impact and collaboration of gender experts in post-conflict contexts, which are being piloted in Haiti by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The recently-appointed P4-level Planning and Coordination Specialists in Regional Offices offer new capacity to support WPS programming both in terms of the quality of results management and in terms of coordination with other parts of the UN system. In addition, UN Women has been providing Gender Advisers to RCs in contexts in which it does not have an office, and this too has provided valuable leverage in generating action on WPS commitments (Myanmar, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau). Each Country Office is now required to produce Strategic Notes (beginning in 2014) containing a strong situation analysis. These are reviewed as part of the corporate peer review process. UN Women is committed to improving the quality of such analyses. Peer learning across UN Women?s country offices contributes to learning and takes place through exchange visits, such as have occurred between the Rwanda and Malawi offices (focused on gender and service delivery), Nepal and Kyrgyzstan (focused on gender and peacebuilding). South-south exchanges have also occurred with visits from Uganda and South Sudan to Liberia on peacebuilding and security sector reform.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Humanitarian action, Not applicable, Culture of results/RBM, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Development and roll out of Programme and Operations Manual Programme Division and Division of Management and Administration 2013/12 Completed
Formation of the Planning and Programme Guidance Unit (PPGU) Programme Division 2013/11 Completed
Increase numbers of joint programmes, including through development of proposals to the UN Action MPTF and other relevant funds Country and Regional offices, Programme Division and Policy Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated
Deployment of P 4 Planning and Coordination Specialists Regional Offices 2014/06 Completed
Guidance note on CEDAW GR 30 and the WPS resolutions Policy Division and Intergovernmental Support Division 2014/06 Completed
Implementation of recommendations of report: ?UN Gender Architecture in Post-Conflict Countries? Policy Division, working in collaboration with DPKO 2014/12 Overdue-Initiated These recommendations were taken up by the SG and High Level Panel on Peace Operations. They are currently being rolled out to field missions
Country Office exchange visits Programme Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women has increased detail assignment opportunities to facilitate exchanges.
Launch of a web-based knowledge hub for the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on WPS Division of Management and Administration, Policy Division, Strategic Partnerships Division and Standing Committee on WPS 2014/03 Overdue-Initiated
Recommendation: 3.UN Women should better document implicit theories of change that often feature in practice in much of UN Women?s work at headquarters and country office level. At the global level UN Women should: ? Encourage the development of explicit hypotheses of how UN Women?s support will lead to desired outcomes for all peace and security programmes ? Develop and implement an organisation-wide M&E strategy and systems to better capture and feed lessons into strategy and programme cycles, taking account of the challenges in capturing process results related to policy influence, especially in sensitive political contexts. ? Invest human and financial resources to encourage strategic monitoring, knowledge production and management to enable feedback and documentation on lessons learned.
Management Response: UN Women agrees that effective monitoring must be grounded in clear theories of change, particularly in relation to the expected impact of promoting women?s leadership and participation in peace and humanitarian work. It will make these theories explicit and will continue to support the UN system to establish firm baselines, indicators to track progress, and better reporting. The annual preparation of the SG report on women and peace and security for the Security Council enables UN Women to monitor global and UN system progress. Over the past three years UN Women has made this process considerably more rigorous through the production of the UN system-wide Strategic Results Framework on WPS. Members of the IANGWE Standing Committee on WPS contribute data to establish baselines as well as to populate progress indicators. UN Women?s Peace and Security section has strengthened this process through commissioned studies of the allocation of funds using the Gender Marker, and on new areas of the WPS agenda, such as the link between natural resource management, conflict, and gender relations. A recently launched extra-net for Standing Committee members will be used to gather inputs for the SG?s report and share information between the members. The Global Study of implementation requested in resolution 2122 (2013) offers a special opportunity for UN Women to clarify theories and assumptions about change, enrich the quality and exchange of knowledge on good practices, and to link WPS issues to the post-2015 development framework and Beijing Plus 20 review. This study will also be a powerful means of supporting country office capacities in gender and conflict analysis. Monitoring of UN Women?s WPS work occurs through the monitoring of the Strategic Plan and country and regional Strategic Note/ Annual Work Plan processes. Country offices produce a Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Plan as part of their country plan, which, alongside the targets, indicators and baselines of the office?s results framework, provides a solid basis for M&E activities in all aspects of the country programme, including WPS. UN Women is seen as a leader in knowledge production on WPS but must improve its capacity to share lessons learned efficiently, and to disseminate these more widely. Within UN Women, knowledge management and generation and monitoring at the global level is conducted by the Policy Division in HQ. At country and regional levels, knowledge management is conducted by programme managers and communications specialists. UN Women agrees with the recommendation to increase capacity in this area of work and the Policy Division and Strategic Partnerships Division will work to improve dissemination of knowledge products, and will expand use of information and communications technologies such as use of intra-, extra- and internet to ensure knowledge is shared effectively.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Harmonize all Annual Work plans with core Peace and Security outcomes as expressed in the SP, DRF 4 Country offices and Policy Division 2013/12 Completed
Improve articulation of theories of change in country offices? annual workplans Programme Division and Policy Division 2013/12 Completed Flagship programme initiative includes robust theories of change.
Global Study of implementation of the WPS resolutions Policy Division and Standing Committee on WPS 2015/06 Completed
Web-based Thematic Dialogues on new developments in WPS Programme Division, country offices, and Policy Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated Routine exchanges with regional offices and CO's ongoing.
Recommendation: 4. UN Women should invest in organizational capacities, and financial and human resources specifically on women, peace and security. ? Conduct an assessment of country office staff capacities on peace and security to identify gaps and priorities. On this basis, develop a capacity-building strategy that encompasses training and on-the-job learning. ? Conduct a United Nations-wide consultation and UN Women capacity and needs assessment regarding UN Women?s future work on humanitarian action. ? Use regional offices more strategically as resource-effective capacity development spaces, using thematic experts to run workshops for a number of country office staff members in countries where particular women, peace and security themes are seen to be especially relevant.
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation. UN Women?s strategy is to build on the role of new regional Peace and Security advisors to institutionalize regional capacity-building of staff, backed up with targeted technical support in the form of guidance or short-term expert deployments. UN Women?s Regional Architecture process included a functional analysis element, which identified necessary staffing capacity for field and headquarters business units. With specific reference to Peace and Security programming needs, in 2012 the Policy Division conducted a review of UN Women country offices? existing or planned support to governments on national implementation of women peace and security commitments. This provides a baseline against which to plan current and future support. In addition, UN Women supports capacity reviews for the entire UN system ? for example the 2013 mapping study of the UN?s work to improve women?s access to justice during and after conflict, conducted at the request of the UN?s Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group (in partnership with UNDP). With support from UN Women?s Strategic Partnership Division, increased innovative collaboration with Member States, emerging partners and the private sector will be sought to, inter alia, strengthen the financial support and outreach in UN Women?s WPS work. UN Women will consult on its Humanitarian Strategy with key humanitarian actors in the UN system and with the Executive Board through a presentation of its central themes at the January 2014 session. Consultation will pay particular attention to capacity development as a central component of the Humanitarian Strategy. Regular capacity-building seminars or other training opportunities for regional staff will be institutionalized through the new regional peace and security advisors. Regional and country offices have major initiatives underway relevant to building the capacities of staff and of the women peace leaders and civil society organizations with which they interact. These include efforts to ensure women?s participation in peace processes and donor conferences. Country experiences in convening and building capacities of women peace leaders to input to peace processes in Colombia, Georgia, Mali and Syria in 2013 will be analyzed to contribute to both the regional mediation training UN Women offers to women leaders and the high-level training in gender and mediation offered by DPA to senior mediators, both part of the UN Women-DPA joint gender and mediation strategy. UN Women anticipates that in advance of 2015, the fifteenth anniversary of 1325, there will be a surge of national efforts to strengthen planning on women peace and security and the findings of its recently concluded global conference on National and Regional Action Plans on WPS will be converted into updated guidance for Member States and country offices in 2014. UN Women will continue to provide targeted and timely technical support in the form of short-term expert deployments to ensure gender issues are addressed at strategic moments in peace and security processes ? recent examples include the deployment of a senior gender advisor to support the work of SESG Mary Robinson in the Great Lakes region, a series of requests for experts in gender and transitional justice to support national-level processes, and the deployment of a peace processes expert to support the country office in Colombia to advance women?s engaged in the peace process. In addition, the new practice of thematic dialogues via webinars with country office staff is already allowing for low-cost, timely seminars and exchanges on emerging WPS issues. The aforementioned web-based knowledge hub that UN Women will develop under the auspices of the Standing Committee on WPS will make system-wide tools and products available in one location.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable, Humanitarian action, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop partnership strategy, with a special focus on emerging partners and the private sector Strategic Partnerships Division and Policy Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated
Updated guidance note on national and regional implementation of WPS commitments Participating country offices and Policy Division 2014/06 Overdue-Initiated
Regional Peace and Security seminars run by the new regional advisors Programme Division and Policy Division 2014/06 Overdue-Initiated
Finalize Humanitarian Strategic Plan Programme Division 2013/09 Completed
Recommendation: 5. Introduce and support more systematic risk assessments to be embedded in planning and M&E at country level. ? Develop, test and deploy tools to monitor and manage political risks within existing M&E processes ? Implement and monitor closely the ?do no harm? principle across the P&S portfolio to mitigate any unintended consequences for beneficiary groups, noting the increased vulnerability of women and children in conflict-affected and fragile situations
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation and has already made systematic risk assessments a core element of its Regional Architecture as well as of its programming. As members of the UNCT, UN Women collaborates with senior UN country leadership and the Department of Safety and Security (DSS) on real-time risk assessment and mitigation. UN Women will review its existing training and guidance, in particular on early warning indicators, scenario-based pre-deployment training for peacekeepers, and gender crimes investigators, to ensure that no inadvertent harm is caused to women human rights activists or any other stakeholders in women, peace and security processes. UN Women will incorporate this principle and suggested mitigating actions to all of its peace and security guidance material.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Ensure the ?do no harm? principle is fully integrated to all guidance for country programming in the WPS field Programme Division 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated
Through the UNCT, ensure UN Women is fully integrated into the UN security risk assessment and contingency planning processes Country offices 2017/12 Overdue-Initiated