Management Response

: Timor Leste
: 2012 - 2013 , Timor Leste (CO)
: Final evaluation of supporting gender equality and women's rights in Timor-Leste
: Timor Leste


: Approved
Recommendation: Ensure lessons learned and best practices highlighted in this report are taken into consideration in the upcoming process of drafting the new UNDAF and country programmes. This report, together with the best practices report and the case study evaluation will be valuable resources for this; however, the evaluation recommends a one-day session of the UN, government counterparts and civil society to ensure key elements are included in the planning of activities.
Management Response: The participating UN Agencies are in agreement with the recommendation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1.1 To share the recommendation with the RC office UN Women as lead agency 2013/02 Completed
1.2 Integrate recommendations into development of UNDAF 2015-2018. UN Women as lead agency 2013/12 Completed
1.3. To organize one-day session of the UN, government counterparts and civil society to ensure key elements are included in the next UNDAF. RC 2013/12 Completed
Recommendation: The UN must continue to lobby for the implementation and adequate allocation of human resources and budget to ensure that JP achievements are not lost. The evaluation has shown that the inherent potentials of continue to work on lobbying with government to ensure that sufficient time and resources as well as appropriate strategies are built into the programme to allow sustainability of the achievements of MDG programe continue.
Management Response: The participating UN Agencies are in agreement with the recommendation. The strategy to enhance gender perspective in all government programmes and policies is important. UN Women in its Strategic document 2012-13 planned to continue working with Government partners, NGOs and member of Parliament to build on the results made by MDG supporting programme. UNICEF also further continues its related activities as part of its Child Protection Programme and extends its cooperation with NGOs, such as JSMP, VSS and Casa Vida.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
2.1. UN Women TL collaborates with the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Gender equality (SEPI) and Civil society organizations on provision of training and technical assistant to the Gender Working Group to promote gender mainstreaming in line Ministries. UN Women 2013/12 Completed Training on gender mainstreaming and gender responsive planning was conducted to the Gender working groups in Ainaro, Same, Oecusse, Viqueque, Bobonaro and Lospalos and support was given to development Gender Annual Plans for GWG.
2.2 Provide training to NGOs and community leaders to track the implementation of the Law against Domestic Violence and National Action Plan on Gender Based Violence by using community scorecard UN Women 2013/12 Completed
2.3 Provide technical assistance and advisory support to the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the development of a Child Protection Law & a Strategic Plan, Costing and Human Resources Plan for the Implementation of the Child and Family Welfare System Policy UNICEF 2013/12 Completed Draft 0 of the Child Protection Law developed by MSS; internal review on-going; Costing, Human Resources Plan and Roll-out Plan to be developed only in Q1 2014
2.4 Develop and implement in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity a 3-year social work capacity development plan for 13 Child Protection Officers and an additional cohort of 13 officers UNICEF 2013/12 Completed MSS employed an additional 13 Child Protection Officers in August; training on case management and referral mechanism on-going (Dec-Jan), social work training to commence only in Q2 2014.
2.5 Provide technical assistance and advisory support to government and local NGOs in providing legal assistance to child victims of domestic and gender-based violence UNICEF 2013/12 Completed Since April 2013, support provided to ALFeLa for the provision of legal assistance to child victims of domestic and gender-based violence (data only available by Aug 21)
2.6 Provide technical assistance and advisory support to MSS staff and local NGOs in providing counselling and shelter services to child victims of domestic and gender-based violence UNICEF 2013/12 Completed Since July 2013, support provided to Casa Vida for reintegration services and training of staffs
2.7 Provide training to the Vulnerable Persons Unit to enhance their skills to deal with cases of child victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence UNICEF 2013/12 Completed Provided 3 one-week training courses in April to a total of 80 PNTL Officers, of which 67 VPU officers
2.8 Support the MSS in conducting social mobilization activities on child protection in the communities targeting local authorities, parents and children UNICEF 2015/12 Completed Conducted in all sub-districts of Bobonaro, Covalima and Oecusse
2.9 Support the MSS in the establishment of Child Protection referral Networks down to the sub-district level UNICEF 2015/12 Completed CPNs established in all sub-districts of Bobonaro, Covalima and Oecusse
2.10 Continue Supporting SEPI in the implementation of Law against Domestic Violence and NAP on GBV UNICEF 2014/12 Completed SEPI and UNFPA conducted training to 66 teachers and 59 students in Baucau and Ermera. SEPI and UNFPA delivered training to 191 staff of SES (PNTL, Civil Security and Fire Brigades Officers) in Viqueque, Manatuto, Baucau, and Bobonaro.
2.11 Provide technical and financial support to MSS to strengthening the referral system UNICEF 2014/12 Completed MSS has employed 13 GBV caseworkers. These caseworkers began their duties in August and underwent training in September. They are now placed in each district
2.12 Provide training to police (VPU and Community Police) UNICEF 2014/12 Completed SEPI-UNFPA delivered two sessions on Nature of GBV and LADV to 45 police (18 male and 27 female) during UNICEF training in April. SEPI-UNFPA delivered three trainings in Baucau, Viqueque and Manatuto districts to 111 (63 male and 48 female) police, civil security and fire brigades officers organised by office of Secretary of State for Security. SEPI, UNFPA and MSS delivered a five days training to 35 police from different units (VPU, investigation unit, task force, border police and admin unit) in Maliana from 18-22 October 2013.
2.13 Provide anger management training to youth groups including martial arts groups UNICEF 2013/12 Completed UNFPA provided technical assistance for the training in which 19 members of youth groups in Covalima . The training was financially supported using State budget of SEPI.
2.14 Continue supporting five NGOs (PRADET, VSS/ALFeLa, FOKUPERS, CASA VIDA and Uma Mahon SALELE) in providing services to victims of domestic and gender based violence UNICEF 2013/12 Completed ALFeLA has provided legal service to 239 clients as of end of September. FOKUPERS has provided service to 64 clients as end of June. Casa Vida has provided service to 59 clients as of end of June.
2.15 Support PRADET to train health care workers on the use of the Medical Forensic Protocol to victims of domestic and gender based violence. UNICEF 2013/12 Completed Due to pending endorsement from MoH this activity could not be conducted.
Recommendation: Both the inclusion of civil society in the governance structures and the possibility to reach out to other organizations for information sharing seem like innovative practices which the evaluation recommends should be further looked into for future use.
Management Response: The participating UN Agencies are in agreement with the recommendation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
To support MSS to ensure that vulnerable and eligible households are referred to the Bolsa da Mãe programme through a civil society referral mechanism. UNDP 2013/03 Completed Sensitization of the Bolsa da Mãe criterion has been done through referral working groups including at district levels.
3.2 To organize regular meeting with CSOs for information sharing RC 2015/12 Completed
Recommendation: The centralization of all IEC materials developed in the context of the programme. The communication group for the UNCT could help to align strategies linked to Gender based violence, and ensure that each agency?s lessons learned, best practices, existing materials, district contacts, etc, are utilized and made available to other partners in order to strengthen the whole, possibly through the development of gender website which would allow access to all parties. The country team can look to the example of the website for gender based violence developed in Brazil as a result of the MDG-F programme, which holds materials and up to date information provided by the UN, government and civil society, and which sends out monthly bulletins on recent and upcoming events. The management of the site is run by a UNV funded by all participating agencies on a six month rotation
Management Response: The UNCT partially agreed with the recommendation. Further discussion on how to consolidate communication strategy is needed.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
4.1 Facilitate training on development of communication strategy to promote elimination of gender based violence UN Women and RC 2013/12 Completed
To include agreements into UNDAF process RC 2015/12 Completed
Recommendation: Given the country needs in regards to capacity building, and the extensive training initiatives reported to be ongoing, the Joint Programme recommends the following: - Agreement of priorities and responsibilities with key national and international stakeholders. - Identification of key decision makers to be targeted, for example, training of head of police units at district level to ensure understanding and support of law on Domestic Violence, and importance of maintaining trained officers in the VPU, and ensuring access to necessary tools such as a car for transportation of victims (ideally separate from the presumed aggressor,) phones, petty cash for food, as well as privacy for interviews. - Need to ensure increased coordination within the UN but also with outside key players to decrease costs, avoid duplication and training fatigue. (The proposed common website could help in the process of coordination). - Focus on long term strategies like institutionalization of training and support to academia - System should include a realistic and effective M&E system that is able to measure impact. This will require early agreement on objectives to develop indicators, as well as identification of responsibilities, and sustainability strategies. Care should be put that indicators do not measure process (number of beneficiaries) but impact. Some best practices observed elsewhere include longer term training with fewer but strategic beneficiaries, where recurrent trainings strengthen internalization of knowledge, and promote sharing of examples of how skills and knowledge acquired was applied. - The evaluation also recommends that methods of training and their impact are analyzed to evaluate impact and sustainability of new knowledge, and look into more practical on the job trainings such as collocation to support in-house development of both government and civil society structures.
Management Response: The participating UN Agencies are in agreement with the recommendation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
5.1 Participating agencies should ensure that they incorporate these recommendations in the identification , implementation and monitoring practices UNCT 2013/12 Completed
5.2 Development and induction of a curriculum on justice for children and women for the Legal Training Centre UNICEF UN Women 2014/03 Completed UNICEF: Child Justice manual has been finalized, translated into both Tetum and Portuguese and induction training to 38 lawyers was conducted in Q3-4. Jan-Mar 2014 the second training for judges will commence.
5.3 Development and induction of a curriculum on policing & child protection for the Police Academy UNICEF 2013/03 Completed Training to 67 VPU Officers and 13 Investigation Unit Officers conducted in April; further training at the Police Academy to be conducted in 2014
5.4 Support MoJ through anger management training to prisoners and correction officers UNFPA 2013/12 Completed