Management Response

: Kazakhstan
: 2014 - 2015 , Kazakhstan (CO)
: Portfolio Evaluation of Kazakhstan Multi-Country Office for Central Asia Strategic Note
: Kazakhstan

The MCO very much appreciates the evaluation and its recommendations which it considers relevant, appropriate and applicable for the MCO. The draft evaluation recommendations were received in time to inform the development of the new 5 year SN for the period 2016-2020 and thus action on the recommendations was fully factored into the new SN. The recommendations from the evaluation will be also applied for development of the new thematic programming (WEE, EVAW specifically) at the country and regional levels.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN Women can build on the example of the extended GTG. Focus efforts on becoming an advocate and thought leader for UN joint programmes, recognising and advocating for the comparative advantage of other agencies, and aim to strengthen working relationships with UNDP.
Management Response: Accepted. UN Women in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan will learn from the good example of the extended GTG in Tajikistan. In Kazakhstan, UN Women has re-formed the GTG in early 2015 and developed an AWP. The challenge in Kazakhstan is motivating and engaging the agencies in the UNCT who are located in both Almaty and Astana. For Turkmenistan, the HRGTG established in Spring 2015 is led by UNFPA with active engagement of UN Women. In all 3 countries UN Women is enhancing its relationship with UNDP; however, the relationship is strained by competition for financial resources and UNDP’s bigger claim in the market. UN Women rather prefers to establish to strengthen relationships with other like minded agencies such as UNICEF and UNFPA, while not excluding enhancing the relationship with UNDP. Limited capacity of UNDP COs on HR/GE responsive programming will be addressed by sharing the knowledge and best practices on GEWE programming at the country and sub-regional level.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
KAZ: Engage the new RC to lead on gender in the UNCT MCO Representative 2016/12 Completed UN RC is fully engaged into GEWE related joint advocacy and actions. Joint statements by UN RC and UN Women MCO head are issued for GTG bulletin, in occasion of EVAW campaign, etc. UN RC and UNCT are briefed on gender related news/issues at each UNCT meeting.
KAZ: Strive for more engaged UN agencies in GTG plans, meetings, actions, and advocacy MCO Kazakhstan Representative, MCO and KAZ Programme Specialists 2016/06 Completed UN Women chair GTG in KAZ, TJK and UZB and actively contributes to UN HRGTG in TKM. AWPs, minutes and joint actions are regularly discussed and updated. In Kazakhstan, GTG work is coordinated through regular meetings of UN Agencies chaired by UN Women. UN Women involved the GTG in coordinated support to development of the new Gender and Family Concept 2017-2030 and of the General Prosecutor’s office (GPO) project “Kazakhstan without domestic violence”. UN Women also organized training of GTG on mainstreaming gender in UN programming in the context of the SDGs and international human rights obligations. In Uzbekistan, UN Women in Uzbekistan continued to ensure leadership and coordination of the work of UN GTG. During 2016 the UN GTG conducted 4 meetings of the group were organized and 1 joint meeting with UN Communication group on conducting the 16 days Campaign. In 2016, the number of UNGTG member has increased, the representative from IOM (as member of UNCT) joined UN GTG. In Turkmenistan, UN Human rights, Youth and Gender Thematic Group organized and completed the Gender Scorecard exercise, supported development of the national Roadmap on implementation of NAP on GE and preparation of confidential report on CEDAW, advocacy and awareness raising campaigns carried out, including 16 Days of Activism and HeForShe campaign In Tajikistan the 2016 Annual Work plan of the extended GTG was developed by UN Women in consultation with UNCT. UN Agencies (UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, etc.) were actively involved in the joint advocacy and awareness campaigns, including 16 Days of Activism campaign
KAZ: Lead the GTG/UNCT in development of the new Gender Strategy and facilitate coordinated relations with the National Commission with specific focus on relationship with UNDP MCO Kazakhstan Representative, MCO and KAZ Programme Specialists 2016/12 Completed UN Women facilitated regular GTG meetings to coordinate of common work on preparation of the new Concept on Gender and Family Policy for 2017-2030. In 2016, UN Women with partnership of UNDP organized discussion on this new document and actively involved in its support to the key government partner, the National Commission for Women, Family-Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
KAZ: Expand partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, in addition to other agencies (WHO, UNISDR) MCO Kazakhstan Representative, MCO and KAZ Programme Specialists 2016/04 Completed Over the course of 2015 and in the first half of 2016 UN Women continued to strengthen its partnership with UN agencies in Kazakhstan. UN Women has also employed regular GTG meetings to facilitate coordination of gender related work and promote gender mainstreaming in UN programming. Partnership with UNFPA and WHO is in place and has resulted in a joint support for the statistical agency to conduct a first survey of VAW prevalence in Kazakhstan. UN Women have also initiated coordination mechanism with UNFPA and UNICEF to support GPO project “Kazakhstan without domestic violence”. MCO continued its cooperation with UNISDR, UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA, UNESCO to provide a coordinated assistance to the Center for emergencies and disaster risk reduction (the Center covers Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan by now). The Center’s strategy was jointly reviewed to ensure its compliance with commitments of Sendai platform for Actions and SDGs. On 23 November 2016, MCO together with UNDP delivered a pilot training on Gender and DRR. The findings of the training and feedback from participants (the Center’s personnel, representatives of DRR related institutions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) are now being used to finalize the training manual Also, during 2015, UN Women enhanced its cooperation with OHCHR on the implementation of UPR and CEDAW recommendations and submission of UNCT information for periodic reports of UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and will continue this work in the future.
TKM: Contribute substantially to development of UNJP on NAP GE implementation MCO and TKM Programme Specialists 2016/12 Completed The draft of UNJP on NAP GE implementation was developed in March and series of follow up discussions were held to articulate issues of joint administration, communication, funding as well as modality of implementation. Due to lack of funds and low feasibility of getting funds from the government, the joint programme was pending.
TKM: Chair of the HRGTG if requested by UNCT TKM Programme Specialist 2016/12 No Longer Applicable UNCT of TKM appointed UNFPA to chair HRGTG.
TAJ: Share experience of expanded GTG with KAZ and TKM, possibly by co-facilitating meeting or peer exchange TAJ Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed Is being done through ECA Gender Coordination Yammer Group. More specific recommendations come from the evaluation of Gender Coordination will be addressed further with a focus on improving knowledge/practice sharing. A regional meeting is planned by ECA RO early 2017 with a purpose to develop a joint strategy on improving UN gender coordination in ECA region.
TAJ: Further enhance partnerships with UN agencies (UNICEF, UNHCR, e.g.) to rally UNDP into joint action with the UNCT on a level playing field. MCO Representative and TAJ Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed UNDP, UNHRC, UNFPA and UNCIEF have actively contributed to the joint advocacy in a frame of 16 days campaign led by UN Women. Also, staring from May 2016, agencies are working together on improving civil registration services to target all groups of population. UN Women provides advises to UNDP to implement its planned actions on engendering its programming. MCO in partnership with UNDP Tajikistan developed a new concept for the 5 years joint programme in this area. It has been submitted for the donor’s consideration on 15 December 2016.
Recommendation: Within a five-year strategic note the MCO can afford to expand the ambition of future outcomes to embrace some of the structural transformations of the economic and cultural spheres called for by CEDAW.
Management Response: Accepted. MCO has worked into its new 5 year SN expanded outcomes that are taken from the structural transformations called for in CEDAW. This includes working more at national policy level through a focus on gender responsive national planning and budget which will allow cross sectoral interventions of UN Women to build synergies across sectors thus achieving a higher level impact. In addition, the MCO has a key focus on working to change stereotypes of gender roles in the MCO countries as a key approach to prevention of violence against women.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
MCO: Prepare SN with recommendations factored in MCO Kazakhstan 2016/01 Completed
KAZ/TKM: Work with government ministries to develop key actions to achieve substantive gender response planning and budgeting KAZ/TKM Programme Specialists 2016/04 Completed During 2015 and 2016, UN Women continued to build and strengthen its cooperation with the governments in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan on GRB issues. In Kazakhstan, in 2016, UN Women supported initiation of the process of nationalization of SDGs, including their gender targets, which is closely linked to gender responsive planning and budgeting. The work under national planning and budgeting in Kazakhstan encompasses a strong component of women’s economic empowerment with a focus on policy level work aimed at promoting employment and other wage earning opportunities and on socially vulnerable categories of women. Also, during 2016 UN Women submitted proposal to Ministry of National Economy related to localization of SDG, implementing gender response budgeting and WEE. It was approved with starting from 2017 with amount $297K allocated within 2017-2018 state budget for this support. In Turkmenistan, UN Women have developed proposals for co-financing of UN Women’s joint projects with national stakeholders, including on gender responsive national planning and budgeting. In 2016, the workshop and first consultation meetings were initiated with government institutions to introduce concepts, principles and tools of gender responsive analysis, planning and budgeting and engendering sectorial policies.
TAJ: Implement AWP with specific focus on women’s economic empowerment and cultural aspects of EVAW TAJ Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed UN Women has activities supporting EVAW related awareness and information within its 2016-2020 strategic note for Tajikistan. Within 2016 AWP MCO continued its work on prevention of VAW and keep the abandoned migrant’s wives as beneficiaries for its awareness raising campaign. Video materials produced within the Project for prevention of VAW and suicides in migrant’s families have been broadcasted again during 2016 EVAW campaign.
TAJ: Apply findings of WEE project evaluation in Tajikistan planned for the beginning 2016 for development of a transformative programming on WEE in the country TAJ Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed The recommended actions have been incorporated into the new cross-border UNDP/UN Women JP developed, based on UNDP and UN Women experience gained and lessons learnt for the economic empowerment-related projects.
ALL MCO: Develop advocacy campaign and strategic approach to communication on gender stereotypes Comms/Advocacy Specialist with Programme Specialists 2016/07 Completed UN Women MCO Kazakhstan developed and implements its Communications and Advocacy Strategy as a part of its Strategic Note (SN) for the Central Asia for 2016-2020 and an integral part of organization’s positioning, increasing UN Women’s visibility, and helping advocate for women’s rights, empowerment and gender equality. Each campaign is designed to address current trends and issues in the region. To communicate on gender stereotypes professionally and ethically, UN Women MCO Kazakhstan organized a workshop for gender activists on terms, concepts and how to organze communications and advocacy campaigns to challenge gender stereotypes
ALL MCO: Look for priorities and perspectives of programming at the regional level to address the existing common gaps/needs in regard of WHRs (labour migration; engendering DRR/humanitarian response; etc.) Programme Specialists 2016/12 Completed In October 2016 development of new regional flagship programmes (on DRR and PVE) was initiated by ECA RO – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are being considered for the participation. Tajikistan is being targeted for development of ECA regional Gender and DRR programme . One of the components for the programme interventions in Tajikistan will address a need for knowledge sharing and capacity development for gender responsive DRR at Central Asia. MCO supported UNDP in conducting a pilot regional training for practitioners on Gender and DRR in Almaty on 23 November. The experience and examples from Tajikistan’s gender related interventions at DRR were applied for the pilot training. MCO is also exploring opportunities to develop sub-regional initiatives in the area of EVAW, and exchange of experience on promoting WEE for socially vulnerable women.
Recommendation: Identify the key entry point (strategy) for intervening successfully at different geo-political levels and then use this initial accomplishment to leverage wider changes.
Management Response: Accepted: MCO will conduct more in-depth situation analysis to better determine key intervention points at macro, meso, and micro level in order to work toward top down and bottom up changes. Such analysis will be conducted with involvement and consultation of government partners, UNCT, beneficiaries, civil society, donors, and academia.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Survey of key actors on targets of interventions at macro, meso, and micro level will be conducted MCO Programme Specialists (all) 2016/05 Completed To be followed up yearly. UN Women continues to conduct in-depth situation analysis to better determine key intervention points at macro, meso, and micro level in order to work toward top down and bottom up changes. Such analysis was conducted with involvement and consultation of government partners, UNCT, beneficiaries, civil society, donors, and academia during the preparation of the new Strategic Note 2016-2020. UN Women is also incorporating and reflecting on this analysis in all of its programme documents, including the narrative parts of the Strategic Note and AWP Cover Note. In Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen its capacity for interventions with government partners, MCO has established project office in Astana, which has considerably contributed to UN Women's capacity to maintain regular dialogue with authorities. MCO also initiated establishment of national CSAG in Kazakhstan and held consultations with key national civil society partners on that in the end of 2016; to be followed by initiation of new CSAG in early 2017, which will strengthen UN Women's interaction with civil society partners. UN Women also maintains contacts and dialogue with a range of other key actors, both public and private. Overall, survey of key actors is integrated into the MCO programme development and implementation. In Turkmenistan, consultations with government partners, UNCT, beneficiaries, and donors held thought the year and analysis of key intervention points are integrated in the programme funding proposal which was submitted to MFA in October.
Recommendation: Develop UN Women’s convening and bridging role at the national and sub-regional levels through support to national platforms and intra-regional normative dialogue.
Management Response: Accepted: UN Women as part of the UNCT and with the host governments will work for substantive gender focus across SDGs. UN Women will be actively involved in the UNPFD/UNDAF results groups and will leverage other agencies to ensure gender focus in all results groups across all countries. This approach will enhance the MCO’s active engagement and leadership in CEDAW compliance/implementation of Concluding Observations.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Propose side event for CA at CSW; in preparation foster greater involvement and dialogue around CSW on SDG gender targets and B+20 implementation MCO Kazakhstan programme staff 2016/04 Completed In 2016, UN Women MCO has made a proposal to HQ on organizing a side event at CSW, which was relevant for the entire ECA region on adequate funding for government response and prevention of VAW. The proposal, however, was not prioritized and hence the side event did not take place. The MCO also supported the initiative of the Mission of Kazakhstan to have a side event with UN Women, however, the HQ was not in a position to support. Nevertheless, the MCO support the Mission of Kazakhstan with a photo exhibit on gender equality in Kazakhstan.
Ensure gender mainstreaming throughout UNDAF/UNPFD results groups, including through leveraging GTG Continue dialogue/focus on sub-regional approach to CEDAW implementation MCO Programme Specialists (all) 2016/12 Completed In Kazakhstan UN Women contributed to the work of the 4 UN PFD Results Groups, engendering the and ensured inclusion of gender component in their work. In 2016, UN Women MCO started discussions and negotiations with civil society partners and key UN counterparts on supporting preparation for the CEDAW and UPR reporting in 2018 and for 2017 UN Women has planned actions to support this process focusing on engagement of broad spectrum of counterparts and partners. In Turkmenistan, UN Women contributed to gender mainstreaming through the work of UNPFD results groups 1 and 4 (quality data and economic diversification and employment). Coordination efforts were taken on development of UNCT confidential report on CEDAW implementation. In Uzbekistan, UN Women coordinated the UN GTG members in their active participation in all UNDAF six thematic areas (UNDAF 2016-2020), and in the process of SDGs localization jointly with national partners , including WCU. Also, with UN Women in UZB initiative the process of developing the draft NAP on CEDAW concluding observations has begun by the group of experts from Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan with financial support of UNFPA CO. As result, in early December, WCU shared with the 1st draft of NAP on CEDAW. In Tajikistan, UN Women chairs UNDAF Result Group on Outcome 5 ensured the development and implementation of the Joint Bi-Annual Work Plan for this results Group and also contributed to other results Groups to ensure gender perspectives’ integration; UN Women as a member of UNDAF Coordination and Monitoring and Evaluation Group contributes to addressing CEDAW concluding observations implementation through UN and national development programming
Facilitate sub-regional focus on SDG roll out/implementation MCO Representative and MCO Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed MCO in cooperation with UNDP and UNEP organized and conducted the international conference on regional specific SDGs related to Environment, Poverty and GEWE on 2-4 November 2016 in Almaty. The conference resulted to development of the region specific priority issues for further advocacy within SDG nationalization processes at the country level in Central Asia. MCO will continue it cooperation with UNDP/UNEP under this initiative at the country and regional levels.
Recommendation: In accordance with the concluding observations of the CEDAW, UN Women must continue to consider how to best articulate the case for gender equality to power brokers at all levels of governance, including monitoring and evaluation of outcomes.
Management Response: Accepted. The MCO will continue to utilize the COs of the CEDAW as a basis for interventions and dialog in each country and at all levels. In addition, the MCO will greatly leverage the SDGs and the commitments made by host governments at the SDG summit to advocate for gender equality. The MCO will take a balanced and nuanced approach to gender equality in its countries, by focusing increasing on the role of men and boys in gender equality (for example through heightened advocacy under HeForShe) and approaching gender equality through a business case which is meeting the needs of the host governments, e.g. gender equality as a basis for peace and stability in society, in the family (gender equality as a core family value), that gender equality makes business sense (i.e. good for economic growth).
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Use/link the SDGs and specified nationalized gender targets across all programming work MCO Programme Specialists and Project Managers 2016/12 Completed All new project proposals/concepts developed by MCO for further programming realted work have specific references to particular SDGs as MCO’s contributions for the state’s efforts to enforce them. In 2016 MCO developed, printed and disseminated a number of knowledge and information materials ( cartoons, infographics, photo materials, brochures, etc.) devoted to GEWE related SDGs for different audiences (youth, experts, general public) and also use its e-channels to rasie a public awareness on SDGs and further prohramming to support their enforcement at the country and sub-regional levels In Turkmenistan, all twelve gender relevant SDGs were nationalized by the government of TKM. In Kazakhstan and Tajikistan the process of localization of SDGs is only starting. Nevertheless, in Tajikistan, UN Women provided technical assistance to the Inter-ministerial Working Groups for development of the national policies (National Development Strategy till 2030, Mid-term-Development Strategy till 2020 and National Disaster Management Strategy till 2020) through providing technical assisatcne and expertise for integration of gender priorities into the sectoral policies and engendering monitoring and evaluation frameworks in line with SDGs’ gender indicators And in Kazakhstan, UN Women as part of UNCT supported a number of consultations with national authorities and civil society on localization process and shared recommendations on gender components of SDGs
Step up HeForShe campaign Comms/Advocacy Specialist with Project Managers 2016/12 Completed With the hiring of designated Communications Specialist, UN Women has invigorated its efforts on HeForShe campaign. In Kazakhstan, during 2016, a number of public events were organized or supported, including celebration of IWD at the Suleiman Demirel University, at the Astana Economic Forum, and together with AB restaurants HeForShe campaign was launched to break gender stereotypes at the workplaces. Campaign attracted prominent Kazakh bloggers, opinion leaders and journalists who speak up for gender equality. A public service announcement that raised the issues of gender wage gap for screening in Kazakhstan cinemas and online was produced. In addition, media partner Buro 24/7 launched a month of gender and empowerment articles, interviews and opinion pieces. Brochures on gender-related data and information were distributed at more than 20 AB Restaurants, serving 40,000 guests monthly.
Develop broad campaign for dealing with gender stereotypes in society Comms/Advocacy Specialist with Project Managers 2016/12 Completed In general, the MCO work on EVAW includes commitments for the programming related work and stronger communication to overcome stereotypes. The MCO’s Communications and Advocacy Strategy outlines main approaches to communicate on gender equality and women’s human rights and provides a foundation for developing effective advocacy campaigns. Each year, MCO Kazakhstan develops and carries out advocacy campaigns for International Women’s Day, HeForShe actions and for raising a public awareness on prevention and response to violence against women. A specific focus is made on working with women and men, boys and girls to overcome existing discriminatory social norms and stereotypes concerning women’s status, role and rights in family and society. UN Women MCO Kazakhstan launches campaign and organizes awareness-raising and advocacy activities both on its own, and in cooperation with its partners, in particular with Gender Theme Group. In Kazakhstan, in 2016, information campaign to deal with gender stereotypes, especially with the focus on stereotypes concerning violence was supported by UN Women targeting and engaging decision makers, policy makers, media, civil society and general public. One of the major components included working with men and boys, as well as media to overcome stereotypes and societal attitude towards survivors of sexual violence. The Don’t Be Silent campaign initiated by grassroots activists revealed the magnitude of non-reported cases of sexual violence in Kazakhstan and the need to address social stereotypes, lack of state medical care for survivors and inadequate response by law-enforcement. UN Women supported the initiative, including supporting sexual violence awareness raising events such Orange Day the 25th of each month and meetings with MPs to advocate for legislative changes. Unlabel Women photo exhibition displaying 16 stories of women, who were either exposed to violence, or who help survivors of violence was held in Tengri Umay Gallery in Almaty. It opened with a press conference where issues of violence against women were brought up, with special focus on the need of adequate funding of EVAW.
Present co-financing proposals to KAZ and TKM based on already existing government strategies and action plans, by weaving in a gender angle which makes business and political sense to host governments KAZ and TKM Programme Specialists 2016/04 Completed UN Women has submitted proposals for co-financing of its projects in Kazakhstan on WEE, EVAW, NPB, gender legislation review and SDG nationalization to the government of Kazakhstan (five grant proposals were submitted in February 2016). All five proposals are based on national strategies of Kazakhstan and propose to support Kazakhstan in implementing its gender commitments. However, due to the financial downturn in Kazakhstan the Government has not yet positively responded to the funding proposals. In addition, in Kazakhstan, UN Women submitted an additional proposal for funding to the Ministry of Health and Social Development for the period 2017-2020 as part of a larger $137 million World Bank loan to the Ministry for a Skills and Jobs Project. MCO is awaiting the release of procurement plan to submit its proposals on gender component of the project implementation In Turkmenistan two AWPs have been in preparation since late 2015 and are still pending approval by the Government of Turkmenistan, albeit currently in reduced level of the expected in kind contribution. These proposals are fully in line with Government priorities and its NAP on GEWE. An expanded country programme for the period 2017-2020 is concurrently being developed with the expectation of significant financing from the Government of Turkmenistan.
Recommendation: Taking a long-term view, the evaluation considers that the balance of competencies in the MCO supports a transition to greater country-level autonomy and capacity. Many of the ambitions for Central Asia work can be achieved through collaboration between country-level offices, whilst the MCO is understandably challenged to realise the same level of political leverage that a country office has.
Management Response: Accepted. The MCO is indeed challenged to function at the same level as a CO for the four countries that it covers and it appreciates that the evaluation has recognized this. The MCO will continue to support sub regional dialogue and discussions, peer exchange, and south south collaboration and communication in order to build synergies and work for more impact. This extends beyond the MCO and involves also CO Kyrgyzstan and extends, although to a lesser extent also to other Cos and PPs in the ECA region. The MCO expects that the regional architecture evaluation will bring more detail and depth, which go beyond the scope of this evaluation, to the possible way(s) forward for the MCO.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Increase exchanges and joint events with KYR CO. MCO Representative and MCO Programme Specialist 2016/12 Completed MCO continued its joint work with Kyrgyzstan CO and partners. SDG related conference by MCO in partnership with UNDP/UNEP on 2-4 November was attended by partners from all CA countries, including Kyrgyzstan (based on recommendations from Kyrgyzstan CO). Also, MCO keeps partners and colleagues from Kyrgyzstan involved into its programming supporting women living with HIV in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan CO’s National Programme Officer is involved by MCO into the sharing experience and lessons on SDGs nationalization. In October 2016 development of new regional flagship programmes (on DRR and PVE) was initiated by ECA RO – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are being considered for the participation. This also provides a strong ground for the further joint work by MCO and Kyrgyzstan CO.
Include KYR CO in annual planning retreat MCO Representative and MCO Programme Specialist 2016/01 Completed The Country Representative for KYR CO and Programme Specialist for Kyrgyzstan were invited to participate at UN Women MCO retreat in January 2016. Initially invitations were accepted and participation confirmed, however, later due to competing priorities the KYR CO could not attend the event
Utilize lessons learned and best practices in ECA region for MCO work. MCO Programme Specialists (all) 2016/12 Completed The following best practices are being considered and applied by MCO for its programming – GRB regional programme in ECA; Financing for Gender equality (Kyrgyzstan), Gender related indicators for SDGs national framework (Kyrgyzstan).
Actively participate in the regional architecture evaluation, making concrete proposals to evaluation team. MCO Kazakhstan, IEO 2016/07 Completed