Management Response

: Afghanistan
: 2015 - 2015 , Afghanistan (CO)
: External Evaluation of the Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW) Special Fund 2008-2014
: Afghanistan

: Approved
Recommendation: This external evaluation revealed that changes made to the EVAW Special Fund since 2012 have moved the Special Fund in the right direction; therefore, it is recommended that the EVAW Special Fund carefully consider what it would take to operate at an optimal level. This includes consideration of the nature and composition of the UN Women EVAW Pillar team and the EVAW Special Fund Advisory Board and Technical Review Committee, including: skill profiles of team members and orientation of the EVAW Special Fund team, with a recommendation to enhance focus on support grant recipients in the field; need for short-term technical assistance to fill gaps among team members and to meet specific needs; and resource requirements. If the EVAW Special Fund were able to establish an optimal level of operation with necessary and stable financing, it would be able to operate in as cost effective a manner as possible. This means that ‘right-sizing’ and ‘right-focusing’ of the EVAW Special Fund will offer a high return on investment, which will contribute to sustainability. Now is the right time to consider optimal operations because over the past two years (2012-2014) the EVAW Special Fund has put into place systems for efficient and effective functioning, including improved Call of Proposals and proposal vetting processes that ensures the Special Fund focuses on agencies with the capacities to grow and improve their operations, and improved results-based monitoring and evaluation systems. With some adjustments and further development, the systems that are now in place can be the basis for effective implementation of the EVAW Special Fund. To support the EVAW Special Fund’s operation at the optimal level, short-term technical assistance is required for baseline and impact assessments that rely upon mixed method approaches which are able to generate meaningful qualitative and quantitative data. In addition, more focus needs to be paid to capacity building of CSOs and enhanced communication and knowledge management, including the production of quality knowledge products. While the actual size of EVAW Special Fund operations can only be established when resources are allocated and staffing needs have been met, it is likely that the return will be positive and significant.
Management Response: Agreed, ACO will establish an optimal size for the EVAW SF. Some steps have already been taken in this regard, i.e. the EVAW SF currently covers 17 out of 34 provinces with the implementation of a package of protection and prevention activities, including a WPC or FGC, advocacy and prevention initiative and the EVAW Commission in the covered provinces. In addition, the EVAW SF protection and prevention components are under review and it is expected that the review will further inform the optimal size of the fund.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Review the EVAW SF protection and prevention components. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed EVAW SF protection and prevention components have been reviewed. In light of this review a new programme, EVAW Survivor's Empowerment Journey - SEJ, has been developed and it's implementation started in May 2016. The EVAW SEJ focuses on 4 interlinked areas including Community Mobilization, Early Intervention and Protection, Economic Empowerment and Policy and Legislation.
 Also a partner will be contracted to develop capacity of the IPs in order to improve service delivery. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed ZEER Consultancy was contracted and provided training to Responsible Partners staff in Project Cycle Management
Recommendation: 3.2.2. Recommendation 2 – Content of the SOP should be revised and updated to take into account the current operation of the EVAW Special Fund At inception, it was envisioned that in the long-term there could be national ownership and control over EVAW strategies and programmes in Afghanistan; however, this long-term objective should be reconsidered as this evaluation revealed national ownership and control over EVAW strategies and programmes is not viable in the foreseeable future. Given this finding, content of the SOP should be revised and updated to take into account that there is no possibility in the near future of a handover of the EVAW Special Fund to another agency, including the GoIRA. There are several other issues related to membership and decision-making in the SOP that the Advisory Board should review, revise, and update. Demand for financial resources and capacity building services to EVAW as provided by the EVAW Special Fund are very high and expected to grow in the future; clearly, the demand will continue to exceed supply in the future and should be properly managed. The EVAW Special Fund offers important funding and services which administered through UN Women, and under the watchful eye of the EVAW Special Fund Advisory Board, offers important competitive edges, including: UN Women’s mandate to EVAW; independence and neutrality from local political pressures; an ability to adapt to national circumstances; engagement with stakeholders; and effective knowledge management capacities. At this time, there is no real possibility to transition the EVAW Special Fund to another agency which would be able to offer similar competitive advantages. However, it is recommended that the content of the SOP is revisited, revised, and updated to ensure it is aligned with the current practices and operations of the EVAW Special Fund.
Management Response: Agree with the recommendation: Since the last revision in 2012 ACO has realized the need for revising the SOP in order to reflect the trends and changes since then. A review and revision will be planned to reflect the recommendations of the evaluation as well as the donors and implementing partners.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Organize consultations with EVAW Advisory Board and IPs. Revise the SOP taken in account the EVAW SF evaluation findings and recommendations EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed EVAW Special Fund Standard Operating Procedure was revised in consultation with the EVAW SF Advisory Board and Implementing Partners.
Recommendation: 3.2.3. Recommendation 3 – Changes made to the EVAW Special Fund since 2012 should continue and focus should be on capacity building for grant recipients to strengthen the M&E system This external evaluation revealed the demand for EVAW support services is very high in Afghanistan, and has grown in recent years with the establishment of WPCs and FGCs. The demand for EVAW support services includes the need for financing and capacity building, as well as broader support to advance the EVAW agenda. The links between the EVAW Special Fund and broader EVAW activities which are of relevance to UN Women programming offers important opportunities for the EVAW Special Fund, allowing it to both achieve its own objectives and advance national EVAW responses across the country; this work and support should continue. Overall, the EVAW Special Fund has funded a number of projects that have improved operations and are starting to show results; yet, the Special Fund needs to consider how to effectively respond to the growing demand for EVAW support services and need for financing and capacity building throughout Afghanistan to support EVAW. M&E functions are now recognised as a vital element of EVAW Special Fund operations; however, mere recording of facts and figures will not suffice. In 2012, UN Women’s EVAW Pillar established a special post for that purpose; however, there is still significant need for capacity building of grant recipients to carry out results-based monitoring. The various changes made to the EVAW Special Fund since 2012 should continue, and more attention should be paid to capacity building for grant recipients, and strengthening of monitoring and evaluation systems, especially results-based monitoring. This external evaluation revealed the use of third-party monitoring has contributed to improved results-based monitoring; however, the monitoring capacities and report writing skills of third-party monitors should be further supported and enhanced. Capacity building should also be provided to grant recipients to be able to regular result-based monitoring and reporting of their activities and data collection of indicators and sub-indicators related to their project outputs, outcomes, and goals. Grant recipients and third-party monitor’s need capacity building to improve recording keeping and documentation that would serve to strengthen baseline assessments, results-based monitoring, and M&E frameworks and systems. A short-term technical consultant should be recruited to tailor capacity building trainings to the specific needs of grant recipients and third-party monitors’ and to offer follow-up technical support for field implementation.
Management Response: Agree, ACO will put greater emphasize on capacity development of the partners, this is also covered under DRF 2014-17. ACO is planning to build the IPs capacity not only in monitoring but also in finance, operation, programme etc. The use of the third party monitoring is a new initiative and some of the UN Agencies started using it and proved to be useful. So far ACO has used the services of third party monitoring only for WPCs and FGCs, but will expand to other areas i.e. EVAW Commissions and advocacy and prevention as well.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Assess the capacity development needs of the grant recipients. Hire a company to conduct training and workshops to the IPs in project cycle management, gender and leadership. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed ZEER Consultancy was contracted and they provided training to Responsible Partners staff in Project Cycle Management
 Carry out training by ACO on the operational and programme requirement for the IPs. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed Two workshops have been conducted to the partners on operational and programme requirements
 In addition to revising the SOPs, review of M&E tools and reporting templates will also take place in line with the evaluation recommendations EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed An International consultant was hired and the M&E tools and reporting templates were revised in consultation with implementing partners and other stakeholders.
 Engage a third party to undertake monitoring of the EVAW Commissions and prevention projects. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 No Longer Applicable UN Women engaged with Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development to implement the Community Mobilization (prevention) component of EVAW Survivor's Empowerment Journey, where they have strong field presence in the communities, therefore they will also be conducting monitoring of the activities. UN Women is also supporting the EVAW High Commission to undertake regular visits from provincial commissions. Given this, UN Women will not engage third party monitoring to undertake monitoring of EVAW Commissions and prevention projects.
Recommendation: 3.2.4. Recommendation 4 – The EVAW Special Fund should plan for and secure technical assistance and additional financing for conducting high-quality baseline assessments for a subset of 2015 grant recipients. This external evaluation revealed that progress is slowly being made in results-based monitoring and evaluation; however, making significant improvement to M&E will go a long way towards properly measuring the results of the EVAW Special Fund’s activities and progress towards its objectives. A significant gap exists in information required to properly assess the Special Fund’s impact and effectiveness. Therefore, high quality baseline and follow-up results assessments are needed. It is recommended that the EVAW Special Fund plan for and secure technical assistance and additional financing to conduct high-quality baseline assessments for a subset of 2015 grant recipients. These baselines should ideally be conducted in the second half of 2015, with follow-up results monitoring and end-line assessment conducted during the funding period with the same grant recipients. High quality baselines that utilize mix method approaches that allow for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, and continued results monitoring and end-line assessment can provide important information and evidence of impact at a level of detail and insights that are needed to understand VAW and what works and what does not in EVAW. In addition, such data and findings would provide a more in-depth analysis and understanding of the results of the EVAW Special Fund’s activities, impact of the Special Fund, and progress toward its objectives. Data and findings from such mixed methods baselines and assessments can also be used to further evaluate the EVAW Special Fund and a number of UN Women interventions, as well as help test the efficacy of grant mechanisms in the EVAW response overall. This recommendation will require external technical expertise and working with the grant recipient agencies. Both qualitative and quantitative baselines and assessments provide important opportunities for developing the capacities of EVAW Special Fund grant recipients and their personnel.
Management Response: Agree, The EVAW SF will engage a technical assistance through brining an expert to conduct qualitative and quantitative assessment of the fund to establish the baseline for 2015 or 2016. The technical assistance will also build capacity within the EVAW SF and its IPs in the area of Result Bases Monitoring/Management to enable the fund to track changes overtime.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Not applicable, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Recruit an expert to work with the EVAW SF team to establish a baseline for 2015 and 2016 IPs EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/04 No Longer Applicable An International M&E Consultant was hired, however the baseline had not conducted, because UN Women ACO developed a new programme, EVAW SEJ, for which baselines will be conducted in late 2016 and early 2017.
 Build capacity of the EVAW SF team and IPs on RBM and reporting EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 Completed An International M&E Consultant was hired and she trained Implementing Partners staff in Result Based Monitoring and Reporting.
Recommendation: 3.2.5. Recommendation 5 – Additional Calls for Proposals should be issued in 2015, but changes to the Calls for Proposals process should be considered. It is recommended that one change be made to the Call for Proposals process for 2015. This is to issue a call for pre-qualification proposals, where interested CSOs can provide a concise concept note together with evidence of organizational competence and capacities, demonstrating whether the organization meets the basic administrative and financial requirements for grant implementation, and has a ‘good idea’ in responding to VAW and EVAW. Those CSOs that meet these criteria would then be invited to submit full proposals for vetting by processes already in place.
Management Response: Agree and noted, however issuing Calls for Proposals depend on the donor contribution to the EVAW SF. Further as proposals for the operations of WPCs/ FGCs is based on a standard package of services as defined by WPC Regulations, there is not much room for innovative concepts unlike the proposals for preventive measures. Hence pre-qualification call for concepts would apply for preventive measures grants. On the assessment for the organizational competence a very comprehensive process is required as per existing UN Women corporate guidelines (after approval) hence at the pre-qualification level it should be a light exercise.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
EVAW Special fund SOP will be revised to reflect this recommendation. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed EVAW Special Fund SOP revised
Recommendation: 3.2.6. Recommendation 6 – The EVAW Special Fund should consider how it can help grant recipients implement their projects in a manner that strengthens the right of participation among target groups. This external evaluation revealed that since inception, the EVAW Special Fund has committed to strengthening gender responsive and human rights-based approaches at the stakeholder and grant recipient levels; however, has paid little attention to strengthening strategies that consider the rights of participation of target groups, rather target groups are often treated as relatively passive ‘audiences’ to reach and ‘beneficiaries’ that receive services. This is especially problematic in awareness-raising and/or protection projects, where project approaches are typically fully pre-defined and extended to target groups, rather than engaging target groups in defining the content and direction of the projects. For instance, awareness-raising programmes for youth should be developed with input from the youth the project is designed to target to ensure the message is relevant and meaningful to the target audience. In addition, protective services for women at-risk of and survivors or VAW are often established and offered with little input from the women that access these protective services, including their input into the quality of psycho-social support services and type of economic empowerment needed. This alignment with gender responsive and human rights-based approaches needs further attention. Based upon these findings, it is recommended that the EVAW Special Fund consider how it can help grant recipients implement their projects in a manner that strengthens the right of participation of target groups as agents of change, informed participants, and valuable rights-holders. This recommendation is also based on the hypothesis that ownership is key to sustainability, and the right of participation of target groups is widely agreed upon and accepted as a “best practice.” While it sounds straightforward to ensure that rights to participation be respected, it requires skills that are not common. Grant recipients themselves will need training to improve their capabilities to engage with target groups in project design, so as to strengthen the relevance of project approaches to the needs of affected persons and communities and to ensure proper ethical protocols are followed, especially when involving survivors of VAW. In addition, approaches to ensure the right to participation of target groups in project design and implementation will need to be tested to learn what works.
Management Response: Not fully agree with the recommendation. ACO will revise the application and reporting template to provide the space for engaging target groups in planning and reporting. However, within the context of Afghanistan it is difficult to achieve extensive and full participation due to multiple factors including high cost, limited access to the communities, conservative society, illiteracy etc.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The Call for Proposals application and reporting template will be revised to give space for the IPs on their consultation with the target groups during the proposal writing stage, EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed Call for Proposals application and reporting template for IPs have been revised
Recommendation: 3.2.7. Recommendations 7 – There should be improved communications within the EVAW Special Fund and with its partners, as well as between EVAW Special Fund projects and other projects and agencies involved in the EVAW response. This external evaluation revealed there is significant room for improvement in EVAW Special Fund communications. As with any project, there is room for improvement in communications at all levels within the Special Fund and with its partners, as well as between the EVAW Special Fund and other projects and agencies involved in the EVAW response. There has been a justifiable tendency in the EVAW Special Fund to focus on formal communications. These efforts to improve communications should focus on going after good stories and ‘translate’ these into useful knowledge products that can be shared with donors and to solicit new donors, as well as with the government and other projects and agencies involved in the EVAW response. UN Women should work closely with grant recipients and their target groups to capture numerous success stories of EVAW that are not necessarily being captured or linked to the EVAW Special Fund. Ultimately, a communication strategy should be developed which should align EVAW Special Fund communication activities with those of the UN Women ACO, and the communications strategy of UN Women.
Management Response: Agree, ACO acknowledges that previously the communications was not as strong as it should have been possibly due to many vacant positions, but now that the EVAW SF team is completed, the communication will be improved. In addition, the EVAW SF will include a section in the SOP on the communication with partners and IPs. EVAW SF will also share good practices, stories with the different partners through organizing workshops and information sharing events.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Revise the SOP to reflect the improved communication needs between the EVAW SF and its partners. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/03 Completed EVAW Special Fund SOP has been revised.
 Organize regular information sharing workshops/events in which all the partners will be invited to participate and share their good practices and information. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 Completed Quarterly meeting with Implementing Partners have been conducted, in order to share information and good practices with each other. EVAW Pillar also initiated larger consultations where UN Women IPs, relevant governmental institutions representatives and other stakeholders working in EVAW are gathering to discuss VAW related matters and brainstorm solutions. This practice is now institutionalized. The last meeting took place in September 2016 and others are planned in 2017 as well.
Recommendation: 3.2.8. Recommendation 8 - Effective knowledge management should be significantly strengthened and expanded related to the EVAW Special Fund. Findings from this external evaluation revealed systems of effective knowledge management have been strengthened since 2008; but, considerably more can be done to strengthen and expand knowledge management related to the EVAW Special Fund. The EVAW Special Fund is in a unique position to access information and insights from a wide range of actors and activities across numerous, diverse provinces in Afghanistan. Every visit to grant recipients and their target communities is an opportunity to hear and capture stories in a coherent fashion to create insightful knowledge products. The importance of sharing these stories cannot be understated; in particular, donor agencies require evidence of impact and individual’s stories are quite powerful. As with communications, the EVAW Special Fund should focus attention on building strong knowledge management systems, including review processes that ensure quality knowledge products are produced and shared with donors and potential new donors, as well as with the government and other projects and agencies involved in the EVAW response.
Management Response: Agreed. ACO considers developing knowledge products as effective tools for resource mobilization and engagement of partners. This is covered under DRF 2014-17 that different knowledge products will be produced.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
 Develop a plan to identify the needs for knowledge products and Implement the plan and produce the knowledge products. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 Completed Knowledge products are part of the EVAW SEJ implementation plan and are also included in the annual detail work plan.
Recommendation: 3.2.9. Recommendation 9 – The EVAW Special Fund should plan for and secure technical assistance and additional financing to support capacity building of grant recipients to EVAW Although there is a high degree of commitment from CSOs to work for women’s human rights and equality, the limited capacity of some CSOs is a major issue. UN Women and the EVAW Special Fund have been working with selected and short-listed NGOs to develop their capacity to understand VAW in Afghanistan and to effectively manage and implement projects. In fact, there is a high expectation for the EVAW Special Fund to provide capacity building opportunities for CSOs; however mechanisms to do so on a regular basis are not yet in place. Thus, it is important that UN Women focus on securing donor funds to support capacity building of grant recipients to understand VAW and EVAW by means of: lobbying, advocacy and awareness-raising; primary prevention; and access to justice and protective services. The intention should be to build the capacities of EVAW grantees with regard to their engagement in lobbying and advocacy, and helping to move beyond direct service provision to strategic actions aimed at a broader EVAW response. The capacity building training programme should be tailored to the specific needs of the EVAW Special Fund, and participants should have examples of how the training was applied in the work of the grant recipients (e.g., using the training to focused on responding to violence and offering high quality survivor services).
Management Response: Agreed. As part of the DRF 2014-15 and the AWP 2015/16 UN Women intends to engage services of experts to support MoWA WPC Directorate to develop its five years strategic plan. In addition the expert will help EVAW team on how to strengthen coordination between the WPC Coordination Committees and EVAW Commissions at national and provincial level in order to lobby and advocate for EVAW. It will also support the EVAW SF grantees on how to measure the results of their advocacy.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Relevance, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Hire experts to support the MoWA WPC directorate to develop its five years strategic plan and also will support the EVAW Team to support the EVAW SF grantees on their lobbying and advocacy work. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 Completed A National Consultant was hired to support MoWA WPC Directorate develop a 5 years strategic plan. She conducted the desk review and interviews. An interim report has been produced. The WPC Directorate is now using these findings to prepare its strategic plan for which UN Women continues to provide technical support through its EVAW programme staff.
Recommendation: Recommendation 10: UN Women and the EVAW Special Fund should explore new partnerships to strengthen EVAW efforts. This includes exploring partnerships with community elders/leaders and religious leaders, as well as outreach programmes also engaging community-based organizations that are not currently addressing VAW or involved in EVAW. There would be significant benefit from establishing new partnerships to develop their capacities to understand VAW and lobby and advocate for EVAW, as well as to refer women at-risk and survivors of VAW and their families to local victim support services, such as WPCs and FGCs.
Management Response: Agree, as part of the DRF 2014-17 ACO has already established partnerships with different community groups including youth, boys, men, community leaders and religious leaders on EVAW through CSOs, but there is need to deepen the partnerships at community level through the community-based organizations. EVAW SF will consider this in 2016 planning
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Hire an expert to develop the EVAW prevention strategy in consultation with key partners. The strategy will inform the EVAW SF partnership building approaches. EVAW Pillar Manager and Deputy Manager 2016/06 Completed EVAW prevention strategy is developed and is part of the EVAW SEJ programme.
Recommendation: Recommendation 11: UN Women should work with all EVAW Special Fund donors to accept a single reported to donors report prepared against the DRF. A single report to donors will have the benefit of contributing to improved knowledge management and production, and monitoring and reporting on financial contributions and projects, including demonstrating links between financial contributions and project activities, and project activities and outputs and outcomes. A single report to donors would enable UN Women, the EVAW Special Fund, and donors to clearly see and understand areas in which progress is being made on all projects and EVAW, in general, challenges faced, and gaps that exist. A single report to donors will also have the added benefit of contributing to improved evaluation of the EVAW Special Fund from year-to-year, and can be used to inform funding decisions.
Management Response: Agree, three donors (Belgium, Sida and Norway) have been agreed on a single report covering all of the DER 2014-2017. For other existing agreements that will end by 2016 (e.g. Netherlands, Korea, Denmark, Iceland) or have a different reporting cycle (Australia and Italy) it will not be possible. However as new agreements are signed this model will be further advocated with new donors.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Continue dialogue with other donors to accept a single report from the EVAW SF Country Representative and EVAW Pillar Management 2016/06 Completed The dialogue with the donors to accept a single report has quite successful. So far five donors (Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Finland and Iceland) agreed to a single report because they are all contributing toward the SN/AWP of ACO in with an unearmarked modality. However, other donors (Australia, Italy, Netherlands and Korea) wish to get a shorter report focusing on the areas they have earmarked their contribution.