Management Response

: Kazakhstan
: 2016 - 2020 , Kazakhstan (CO)
: Kazakhstan Country Office Country Portfolio Evaluation 2016-2020
: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Country Office Country Portfolio Evaluation 2016-2020 Management Response Plan

: Approved
Recommendation: Strategically define the CO’s theory of change, focusing solely on Kazakhstan and carefully balancing it with the CO’s organizational capabilities and ambitions and enhance the CO’s analytical basis towards the realization of its triple mandate through its portfolio of interventions.
Management Response: UN Women Country Office's Theory of Change was inherited from UN Women Multi-Country Office. A mid-term review conducted by the Country Office in July 2018 highlighted the necessity of its revision. Using the opportunity of the new Strategic Note development for the period 2022-2025 the Country Office actualized and revised the Theory of Change by fully aligning it with national priorities in accordance with UNSDCF 2021-2025 for Kazakhstan, and also the new UN Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Normative Support, Operational activities, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Human Rights, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop the UN Women Country Office new Strategic Note 2021-20215 and the Theory of Change using CPE recommendations, UN Women Guidance on development of SN, Draft of UN Women global Strategic Plan 2022-2025, UNSDCF for Kazakhstan 2021-2025, CCA (2020) Country and Regional Offices 2021/12 Completed The new CO SN 2022-2025 was approved by HQ. The HQ Interoffice Memo confirming approval dated January 12, 2022, was channelled to the CO through the RO.
Conduct a series of public discussions and verifications of the ToC with national stakeholders (Government, NWM, Civil Society, private sector, UN system in Kazakhstan, GTG and UNCT) Country Office 2021/11 Completed Chronology of external and internal SN and ToC consultations: 03.06.2021 (4 pm) UN Women Management, RO and the international consultant Discussion of the draft SN Theory of Change DONE O4.06.2021 (4 pm) Private sector companies located in Almaty UN Women SN discussion with private sector companies during an event co-organized by the Embassy of Sweden in Almaty DONE 08.06.2021 (4 pm) Representatives of vulnerable groups, CSOs, CSAG, Academia, extended CSAG meeting for engaging representatives of vulnerable groups, Civil Society Organizations and other partners in work of Generation Equality Forum in Paris. A session for presenting the information and verification of the new SN. 09.06.2021 (9 am) Gender Theme Group meeting SN Theory of Change presentation to GTG members, brief on the process UN Women Country Office. Internal discussion of the SN Theory of Change 10.06.2021 (12:30 pm) UN Women country office internal discussion 16.06.2021 (2 pm) The representatives of the National Commission, Government (17 ministries and governmental agencies), National Bureau of statistics SN Theory of Change discussion with national partners. 24.06.2021 UNCT Kazakhstan Presentation of ToC and SN to UNCT members.
Review CO’s organizational capacities and start the adjustment process to balance it with the ambitions and enhance the CO’s analytical basis towards the realization of its triple mandate through its portfolio of interventions Country and Regional Offices 2021/12 Completed In the framework of the new CO SN 2022-2025, the office will maintain the status of a medium office and implement the strategy to invest and grow.
Recommendation: Mobilize evidence-based arguments and strategies to advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women priorities and promote a gender equality path in the Concept of Family and Gender Issues pursued by the national government.
Management Response: Country Office works closely and supports state bodies and the key partner the National Commission in implementation of the Concept on Family and Gender Policy until 2030 through actual participation and financing of national prevalence studies on EVAW in Kazakhstan which is a valuable evidence-based resource for developing national policies and programmes in EVAW. In addition, the Country Office submitted official recommendations to the ongoing process of updating the Concept on Family and Gender Policy in order to align it with international standards. Also, using the ongoing reforms and President’s initiatives in the field of Human Rights UN Women leveraged its mandate and suggested to the national government its active engagement in the recently developed Plan on priority measures in the area of Human Rights. Based on strong cooperation with the Ombudsperson for Human Rights in Kazakhstan the Country Office is able to monitor timely the latest changes on the policy level and Government’s efforts on the programmatic level to advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women priorities and promote gender equality path in the Concept of Family and Gender Policy pursued by the national government.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Alignment with strategy, National ownership, Advocacy, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Provide technical and expert support to the Government in the pilot of the EVAW Prevalence Study in Almaty region in 2021 and 2022. Country Office 2022/03 Overdue-Initiated Due to the tragic January 2022 events in Kazakhstan, the pilot EVAW study in Almaty region was postponed and the data collection started in February 2022. The nationwide EVAW prevalence study is planned to be started in July 2022. UN Women provides support to the National Bureau on Statistics and national partners in order to jointly generate the EVAW data and suggest evidence-based arguments for strengthening national legislation, policies, programmes and protocols in the EVAW area.
Advocate for the integration of CEDAW recommendations to national legislation, plans and policies Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated National partners started preparing for Kazakhstan's 6th CEDAW periodic report in 2023. UN Women will provide expert support for meaningful preparation. UN Women in cooperation with UNDP supports the development of the action plan on addressing CEDAW recommendations through a joint project with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (2019-2021). UN Women jointly works and coordinates with RC, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNESCO, ILO, UNAIDS and other UN entities on advocating for the implementation of international standards through GTG groups and joint programming in Kazakhstan.
Proactively contribute to the actualization of the Concept on Family and Gender Policy until 2030 and the Action Plan 2020-2022 on implementation of the Concept on Gender and Family Policy Country Office 2022/06 Completed From December 2021 to March 2022 UN Women provided expert support for the actualization of the Concept on Family and Gender Policy until 2030 and the Action Plan 2020-2022 on implementation of the Concept on Gender and Family Policy. On April 1, 2022, the President of Kazakhstan signed the decree approving the actualized Concept of Family and Gender Policy until 2030.
Provide technical and expert support to the Government in the implementation of the Plan on priority measures in the field of human rights in Kazakhstan (President’s Decree dated Jun 9, 2021) Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated The recommendations for the Plan on priority measures in the field of human rights in Kazakhstan (President’s Decree dated Jun 9, 2021) have been developed and discussed with the Presidential Administration. One of the action points of the plan materialised in the NAP UNSCR 1325 supported by UN Women and adopted in December 2021. The overall process will be ongoing, including active Country Office's participation in the plan's implementation monitoring.
Recommendation: Define the portfolio accountability mechanism with a clear monitoring and evaluation framework and adequate reporting according to the defined indicators both at the output and outcome levels.
Management Response: The process of the new Strategic Note development for the period of 2022-2025 which is currently ongoing includes the identification of clear indicators which will allow monitor and evaluate the progress towards delivering on the output and outcome levels. The corporate mechanisms such as quarterly monitoring and mid-term reviews of the SN implementation are useful tools for accountability and adequate reporting with a possibility for correction of actions.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Alignment with strategy, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Identify clear indicators in the new Strategic Note 2021-2025 on the Output and Outcome levels Country and Regional Offices 2022/01 Completed Clear indicators in the new Strategic Note 2021-2025 on the Output and Outcome levels were identified in accordance with UN Women global SP 2022-2025, UNSDCF for Kazakhstan 2021-2025 and national priorities.
Conduct the new SN 2022-2025 mid-term review Country and Regional Offices 2023/12 Overdue-Not Initiated The New SN 2022-2025 mid-term review will be conducted in 2023. The exercise will allow to review and adjust the SN's indicators to the actual context and status of implementation.
Conduct Self-Assessment Exercise Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Not Initiated Based on the previous experience of the Country Office Self-Assessment exercise in 2018 to conduct it in 2022 to ensure the adherence to corporate rules and regulations.
Recommendation: Improve the balance of efforts across the implementation of UN Women’s integrated triple mandate by strengthening the CO’s focus on partnerships to create a strong alliance and enhance UN Women’s role as a coordinator of gender equality and the empowerment of women issues and improve its convening capacity.
Management Response: Due to the fact that the Government of Kazakhstan is the key Donor of the Country office and a crucial actor in the integration of gender aspects in national policies and programmes significant efforts were directed to the building of a strong partnership with state bodies, Governmental mechanisms, line ministries etc. Furthermore, the Country Office worked with the Civil Society through a Civil Society Advisory Group and promoted Women Empowerment Principles on the corporate level. As the Country Portfolio Evaluation highlighted for a balanced approach the Country Office will work on more active engagement with CSOs and the Private sector. In addition, the Country Office already works on strengthening partnership within the UN system in Kazakhstan through the core and extended Gender Theme Group, the Spotlight Initiative Regional Programme and other joint initiatives.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Gender equality, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Strengthen partnership with Civil Society Organizations focusing on rural areas through joint advocacy, building CSOs capacity and helping CSOs to be engaged in GEWE initiatives on regional and global levels Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated One of CPE recommendations is to strengthen the partnership with Civil Society. UN Women Country office engaged CSOs and representatives of vulnerable groups in the development of strategic documents (UNSDCF and SN). CSOs are actively involved by UN Women in the implementation of the Spotlight Initiative Regional Programme, as well as advocacy initiatives such as "16 days of activism against GBV", IWD etc.
Strengthen partnership with the Private sector through the promotion of WEPs and STEM initiatives Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated Kazakhstan is the country with the greatest number of WEPs signatories in Central Asia (37, 2021). UN Women works closely and continue active engagement with the Private sector. For instance, the STEM for girls project is being implemented under the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but will involve private sector companies and universities in Kazakhstan to ensure the sustainability of interventions and cooperation. In addition, Country Office will continue engagement with the Private Sector'scompanies to engage them in WEPs.
Strengthen coordination of gender mainstreaming within UNCT Kazakhstan through work of the core and extended Gender Theme Group Kazakhstan, regular UNCT gender brief, UNCT SWAP Gender Score Card, Chairing the UNSDCF Result Group #2 Human Rights and Gender Equality Country Office 2025/12 Initiated UN Women regularly engages with UNCT during the work of the core and extended GTG, UNSDCF Result Group #2 Human Rights and Gender Equality and UNCT meetings and annual UNCT exercise SWAP Gender Score Card to strengthen UNCT's gender mainstreaming in implementation of UN entities' mandates.
Strengthening partnership with Academia on embedding gender studies in Universities’ curriculum jointly with UNESCO Country Office 2024/12 Initiated Under the new tied grant with the Government of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024 in cooperation with UNESCO Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Information and Social Development, the gender studies for Kazakhstani Universities’ curriculum will be developed jointly with UNESCO and submitted for integration to the national partners and Universities.
Recommendation: Advocate for stronger gender mainstreaming across United Nations programming through supporting the Gender Thematic Group by mobilizing strategic guidance of the UNCT and through strengthening the functioning of the Gender Thematic Group
Management Response: Country Office will continue to advocate for stronger gender mainstreaming across United Nations programming through supporting the Gender Thematic Group by mobilizing strategic guidance of the UNCT and through strengthening the functioning of the Gender Thematic Group. It is expected to conduct this work continuously throughout the implementation of SN 2022-2025
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Advocacy, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Enhance UN Women's coordination role through engaging more proactively the Resident Coordinator and the Heads of UN entities in active participation in GTG work and implementation of joint initiatives Country Office 2025/12 Initiated RC for Kazakhstan participated in the first GTG 2021 meeting and expressed readiness to support UN entities in GTG work. UN Women strengthen its partnership with key GTG members. Moreover, the Country Office convenes the extended GTG in November 2021, comprised of representatives of the Government and Diplomatic Missions with the aim at strengthening coordination and collaboration of the national and international communities in GEWE work.
Strengthening capacity of UN staff and personnel in Kazakhstan in GEWE area through 1) needs assessment survey and 2) thematic briefings on GEWE Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated Based on the GTG member suggestions a needs assessment survey for UN staff and personnel was developed and rolled out in September 2021. Based on these findings a plan for UNCTS's strengthening capacity in GEWE will be developed and implemented. Thematic briefings will be organized to build UN colleagues’ capacity in GEWE.
Conduct a nation-wide Gender perception survey Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women developed the TOR for the Gender Perception Survey and conducted negotiations with international partners (USAID, the Embassy of Canada) as well as UN counterparts (RCO, UNICEF). It’s envisioned to develop survey documentation in 2021 and roll out the Gender perception survey in 2022
Conduct public awareness campaigns and other joint advocacy actions on GEWE, with national and UN partners, including on the occasion of international dates Country Office 2025/12 Initiated GTG members and communications specialists work on the development and implementation of a joint comms plan for joint advocacy in the GEWE sphere. It is expected to conduct this work continuously throughout the implementation of SN 2022-2025.
Recommendation: Strategically define the role of the presence of UN Women in Kazakhstan when leading multi-country/ regional initiatives or implementing joint regional initiatives.
Management Response: The Country Office operates in a highly competitive environment for Donor Funds. In addition, the lack of Donors due to Kazakhstan’s upper-middle-income country creates a demand on looking for regional opportunities. Also, one of the prerequisites is the very active role of Kazakhstan in the Central Asian region especially in the field of regional security and economic empowerment of women. The priorities of Kazakhstan on the regional level fit the Country Office’s programming. Moreover, the Government of Kazakhstan considers UN Women as a reliable partner to implement joint regional initiatives. Furthermore, the biggest actor in the region, the European Union implements in Central Region important initiatives such as the Spotlight Regional Programme for Central Asia and Afghanistan and PVE Programme in Central Asia where UN Kazakhstan is a coordinator and UN Women is entrusted one of the important roles. The Country Office will strategically define the presence of UN Women in regional programming through self-capacity assessment and in close consultations with the Regional Office.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, South-South cooperation
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Engage with key partners to strategically identify expected UN Women’s support in the regional arena in the long run Country Office 2025/12 Initiated The Government of Kazakhstan supports UN Women’s engagement in the work of regional initiatives such as the Spotlight Initiative and Regional Virtual Community of Practice. The role of the Country Office in regional interventions will be instrumental in advancing GEWE in the subregion, considering Kazakhstan's leading role in development and security issues.
Include regional aspect in the new Strategic note 2022-2025 Country Office 2021/12 Completed The regional engagement is reflected in the New SN for 2022-2025.
Involve UN Women Regional Office in strategic planning for regional initiatives Country Office 2025/12 Initiated The regional aspects will be discussed with RO and HQ during the peer review of the CO SN 2022-2025 and the development of new regional and sub-regional initiatives.
Recommendation: Invest in resource mobilization and in the diversification of the Country Office’s donor base with a primary focus on gender equality and equity for United Nations-wide socioeconomic recovery efforts from COVID-19, thereby finding a niche for UN Women in Kazakhstan to partner with other United Nations agencies and key strategic partners.
Management Response: Country Office will work with the Private, Quasi-state sectors and Embassies of Kazakhstan in order to identify areas of collaboration and joint programming in the GEWE sphere. The priority areas will be STEM, WEPs, advocacy initiatives. Furthermore, Country Office will continue investing time and efforts in the join UN Kazakhstan programming through the development of joint proposals to ensure a strong gender dimension in all suggested interventions to achieve gender-focused results. Country Office already participates in global joint MPTF calls aimed at UN-wide socio-economic recovery efforts from COVID-19. Also, the Country Office invested in Socio-Economic COVID-19 Impact Assessment in Kazakhstan to identify the areas thereby finding the niche for UN Women in Kazakhstan to partner with other UN agencies and key strategic partners.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Efficiency, Relevance, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Conduct a series of negotiations with Embassies accredited in Kazakhstan for potential resource mobilization Country Office 2025/12 Initiated The Representative conducted over 20 meetings with Embassies and negotiated joint initiatives. UN Women's proposals are currently under review by the Embassy of Japan (STEM project with a budget of $641,000). The Embassy of Korea is interested in the implementation of joint projects. Country Office provided the Korean Embassy with project concepts. Further work will be conducted to mobilize resources for GEWE programming.
Participate in the development of UNCT Joint proposals Country Office 2025/12 Initiated UN Women will be engaged in the development of the majority announced calls since GE is the key component of development programmes.
Engage Private Sector in GEWE financing through WEPs and STEM interventions Country Office 2025/12 Initiated UN Women is actively engaged with the Private sector in the promotion of WEPs and continue this work for advancing private sector’s investments in GEWE
Build on the Commitments made by the Government of Kazakhstan on the Generation Equality Forum Action Coalitions and advocate for at least 5-year funding for GEWE initiatives through tied-grants Country Office 2025/12 Initiated UN Women received an official confirmation from the Ministry of Information and Social Development that the new tied grant with UN Women has been approved by the Republican Budget Committee for 2022-2024. In addition, UN Women will work closely with national partners to mobilize resources leveraging the Government’s commitments towards the Generation Equality Forums' Action Coalitions on GBV and Economic Justice and Rights and ongoing reforms in the area of Human rights.
Recommendation: Raise the reputation of the CO among its UN and external partners in the country and strengthen its portfolio of activities by strategically aligning with existing and emerging partners from the national authorities, UN, CSOs and other national and international stakeholders.
Management Response: UN Women Country Office has its reputation as a gender expert which is reflected in the Country Office’s Chair role in UNSDCF Result Group work under the Pillar Human Rights and Gender Equality entrusted by UNCT. Moreover, Kazakhstan’s UNSDCF is considered one of the strongest in the region in terms of gender mainstreaming and inclusion. In terms of external partners, Country Office will work on aligning its programming with existing and emerging partners from the national authorities, CSOs and other national and international stakeholders. The ongoing development of the Strategic Note 2021-20215 will allow identifying strategically focused areas to strengthen its portfolio of activities.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Knowledge management, Capacity development, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support, UN Coordination, Climate change, Youth engagement
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Human Rights, Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Design the CO partnership and communication strategy to raise the reputation of the CO among its UN and external partners in the country and strengthen its portfolio of activities by strategically aligning with existing and emerging partners from the national authorities, UN, CSOs and other national and international stakeholders Country Office 2025/12 Initiated In process.
Conduct regular outreach activities countrywide to explain UN Women’s mandate, work and inspire partners and audiences to engage Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women plans to conduct a Gender perception survey and build the strategy for further outreach activities
Conduct public awareness campaigns and other joint advocacy actions on GEWE. Country Office 2025/12 Initiated UN Women works with the National Commission for Women and Family Affairs and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan on the development of public awareness campaigns to support the new draft law which includes measures to address and prevent Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan, as well as other initiatives in WEE and WPP thematic areas.
Take measures to prevent external and internal reputational risks and swiftly mitigate related consequences in line with rules and regulations. Country Office 2025/12 Initiated Regular discussions during staff meetings, daily open doors policy with the Representative, leadership dialogues. Standard Operations Procedures were updated in 2021. Regular consultations with the key partners and CSOs to be conducted to identify risks and mitigation measures.