Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Addressing Sexual Bribery Experienced by Female Heads of Households, including Military Widows and War Widows in Sri Lanka to Enable Resilience and Sustained Peace Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2020 Very Good
End line evaluation of RNE supported project “Promoting Women's Political Participation in Sri Lanka” Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2017 Unsatisfactory
Final Evaluation of the project on "Empowerment of Widows and their Coalitions programme" Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2015 Good
Final Evaluation of the Ford funded Programme on "Partnership with civil society and the Comptroller and Auditor General Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2015 Satisfactory
Final Evaluation of UN Women projects on "Empowering Rural, Informal and Home Based women workers through Capacity Development" Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2014 Very Good
Final Evaluation of the "Anti Human Trafficking Programme" Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2014 Very Good
Mid Term Evaluation of the Anti Human Traffiking programme Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2013 Unsatisfactory
Impact Evaluation of the RBI-CAB training under the Gender Responsive Budgeting programme in India Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2013 Not Rated
Final evaluation of UN Women support to the Positive Women's Network on HIV/AIDS projects in India Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2012 Not Rated
Social Mobilization Programme to end Gender-Based Violence in the Caribbean (2014-2017 and 2018) Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Caribbean (Barbados)2019 Good
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