Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
An Evaluation of UN Women’s Contribution to the Implementation of Timor-Leste National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (2016-2020) Programme EvaluationTimor Leste2021 Fair
Programme Evaluation for Institutional Strengthening for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Timor-Leste Programme EvaluationTimor Leste2017 Good
Final evaluation of supporting gender equality and women's rights in Timor-Leste Programme EvaluationTimor Leste2012 Not Rated
Final evaluation of the programme “Gender Equality in Political Leadership and Participation in Turkey”. Programme EvaluationTurkey 2021 Very Good
End of Project Evaluation: Promoting Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection of Women and Girls affected by Conflict, Severe Drought and Forced Displacement in Uganda under the Japan Supplementary Budget (LEAP JSB III) Programme EvaluationUganda2024 Not Rated
Women and Girls Access to Justice (A2J) Through Effective, Accountable and Gender Responsive Institutions (A2J Project) Programme EvaluationUganda2023 Very Good
Prevention of COVID-19 Infections Among Women and Girls Displaced into IDP and Refugee Camps under LEAP II in Uganda Programme EvaluationUganda2023 Good
Women lead and benefit from sustainable and inclusive peace and security in Uganda 2018- 2021 Programme EvaluationUganda2022 Very Good
Evaluation of Advancing Women’s Leadership Empowerment and Resilience in Uganda’s Refugee Response (LEAP) Programme EvaluationUganda2021 Good
Peace Building and Enhancing Protection systems (Gender Promotion Initiative) Final Evaluation Programme EvaluationUganda2016 Good
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