Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
?Establishment, Rehabilitation and Activation of Eight Women?s Centres in the Gaza Strip and West Bank? Programme EvaluationPalestine2012 Not Rated
Livelihood Protection and Sustainable Empowerment of Vulnerable, Rural and Refugee Communities in the Jordan Valley (oPt) Programme EvaluationPalestine2012 Not Rated
Final Evaluation of Inter-Agency Programme for the Promotion of Gender and Ethnic-Racial Equality (MDG-F) Programme EvaluationBrazil2012 Not Rated
MultiSectoral Programme for the Fight Against GBV Through the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Morocco Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Maghreb (Morocco)2012 Not Rated
Building capacities for Gender Equality in Governance and Protection of Women Rights in Sudan 2008-2011 Programme EvaluationSudan2012 Not Rated
Mid-term Evaluation of Women's Economic Empowerment project in Moldova Programme EvaluationMoldova2012 Not Rated
MTE Joint (UNDP/UN Women) Integrated Local Development Programme in Moldova Programme EvaluationMoldova2012 Not Rated
Final evaluation of UN Women support to the Positive Women's Network on HIV/AIDS projects in India Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2012 Not Rated
GEPG Evaluation Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Pacific (Fiji)2012 Not Rated
Final Evaluation: Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting in Aid Effectiveness Agenda Programme EvaluationPolicy, Programme and Intergovernmental Division2012 Not Rated
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