Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Mid-term evaluation of Strengthening Implementation of Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Nepal (SIWPSAN) project Country-level EvaluationNepal2015 Good
Final evaluation of the Gender Responsive Recovery for Sustainable Peace (GRRSP) project Country-level EvaluationNepal2015 Good
Final Evaluation of the programme on Sustaining the Gains of Foreign Labour Migration through the Protection of Migrant Workers Rights Country-level EvaluationNepal2013 Good
2020-2024 Strategic Note Evaluation Country-level EvaluationMali2024 Not Rated
UN Women Country Portfolio Evaluations (CPE) Revised Guidelines Country-level EvaluationIndependent Evaluation Service (IES)2022 Not Rated
Developmental Evaluation - Nepal Country Office [Stage-II] Country-level EvaluationNepal2021 Not Rated
Mid-term Evaluation Report of "Raising Awareness of Gender Equality among Young People in Japan" Country-level EvaluationStrategic Partnerships Division2019 Not Rated
DRC SN 2014-2017 FINAL EVALUATION Country-level EvaluationDemocratic Republic of Congo2017 Not Rated
Implementation of 2012-2013 strategic plan Evaluation Country-level EvaluationCameroon2016 Not Rated
Country Portfolio Evaluation Country-level EvaluationEl Salvador2015 Not Rated
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