Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final evaluation of the "Localizing women, peace and security agenda in central Terai districts of Nepal" (GPI-CT) Country-level EvaluationNepal2016 Satisfactory
Final evaluation of SN 2018-2022 Country-level EvaluationMoldova2022 Very Good
Femmes, Arbres de Paix : Pionnières de la gouvernance locale inclusive en République Centrafricaines (RCA) Country-level EvaluationCentral African Republic 2021 Good
Evaluation of the UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean Country-level EvaluationMulti-Country Office for the Caribbean (Barbados)2023 Very Good
Evaluation of the SN 2018-2020 Country-level EvaluationCameroon2021 Good
Evaluation of CO Programme Country-level EvaluationMozambique2015 Good
EVALUATION DE LA NOTE STRATEGIQUE D’ONU FEMME MALI 2014-2019 Country-level EvaluationMali2019 Good
Evaluación Final de la Nota Estratégica de ONU Mujeres Colombia, 2017-2019. Country-level EvaluationColombia2019 Good
Evaluación de Portafolio de País Country-level EvaluationBolivia2022 Very Good
DRC SN 2014-2017 FINAL EVALUATION Country-level EvaluationDemocratic Republic of Congo2017 Not Rated
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