Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final evaluation of the project « d’appui à la promotion des droits des femmes et des filles (PAPDFF) » [Support to the promotion of women’s and girl’s rights] with the Ministry of Justice Programme EvaluationSenegal2016 Satisfactory
Final evaluation of Gender and Climate Change project Programme EvaluationBangladesh2016 Satisfactory
Gender and Agriculture Program Mid Term Evaluation Programme EvaluationMalawi2015 Satisfactory
Final evaluation of UN Joint Programme "To Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia" Programme EvaluationGeorgia2015 Satisfactory
Final Evaluation of the Ford funded Programme on "Partnership with civil society and the Comptroller and Auditor General Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2015 Satisfactory
Final Evaluation of the Project on the Project on Regional Mechanisms to Protect the Human Rights of Women and Girls in South East Asia Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2014 Satisfactory
Mid-term Review of Regional Programme on Improving Women?s Human Rights in South East Asia ? CEDAW SEAP Programme EvaluationRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand)2014 Satisfactory
Mid-term Review of Project "Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia" Programme EvaluationGeorgia2014 Satisfactory
Pro Poor, GE and WE programme Final Evaluation, Programme EvaluationMulti Country Office for Southern Africa (South Africa)2014 Satisfactory
Final Evaluation of ISANGE One Stop Centre Programme EvaluationRwanda2013 Satisfactory
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