Evaluation Search Results

EvaluationEvaluation TypeUnit/CountryCompletion YearQuality Rating
Final EVAL "Protéger les droits des migrantes dans la région de Tahoua" Programme EvaluationNiger2022 Unsatisfactory
Evaluation du projet « Appui à l’autonomisation des femmes de la filière karité» Programme EvaluationCote d'Ivoire2019 Unsatisfactory
“ : Les femmes et les jeunes filles, actrices de la prévention des conflits à travers l’alerte précoce et les réseaux d’informations” Programme EvaluationCote d'Ivoire2018 Unsatisfactory
End line evaluation of RNE supported project “Promoting Women's Political Participation in Sri Lanka” Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2017 Unsatisfactory
Mid Term Evaluation of the Anti Human Traffiking programme Programme EvaluationMulti-Country Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka2013 Unsatisfactory
Phase III of the Specific Agreement UN Women- CDI: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of CDI to Build Public Policies for Indigenous Peoples with a Gender Perspective 2011- 2012 Programme EvaluationMexico2013 Unsatisfactory
Mehwar Center for the Protection and Empowerment of women and their families: 2008-2012 Programme EvaluationPalestine  Satisfactory
Final evaluation of the Safe Cities Programme Central American component ( El Salvador and Guatemala) (ZONTA funded component) Programme EvaluationGuatemala  Satisfactory
Final Evaluation of the Wanawake Wanaweza Project Phase I Programme EvaluationTanzania2017 Satisfactory
Fortalecimiento de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil que promueven la Igualdad de Género en Chile Programme EvaluationChile2017 Satisfactory
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